Search results

  1. Louis A. Cortez

    K&C and CONTE Alamo

    I too have seen the Diorama at the King X store in San Antonio. The figures do look well together but as previously mentioned the painting is different. K&C look a little sharper in the details, but the CONTE do look good. I have pictures but still have not mastered the transfering to this site...
  2. Louis A. Cortez

    Morgan Minatures

    I just came across Morgan Minatures on the web. They have different era's but their main thrust is in the Conquest of Mexico figures. They look pretty neat on the web but I have never seen these before in shows or in any shop that I have visted. Does anyone own some of these or know about them...
  3. Louis A. Cortez

    Market has Stumbled and Fallen!

    Interesting topic. Good reasoning and thoughts. I really do not have an opinion but I liked hearing all of yours. :D
  4. Louis A. Cortez

    Why no K&C naval stuff?

    SteelIsreal, I too am a Sailor and I wish for more Navy stuff. But, I do enjoy the stuff that K&C makes. It is all high quality. I am presently buying the USN stuff and hope that more are made. It will all depend on how well these initial ones sell. let me know if you find any other navy...
  5. Louis A. Cortez

    San Pablo on a budget...

    Once I figure how to post pictures, I will. So far, I have two parts of the superstructure build. I will try to post pictures this weekend. Perhaps once posted, you guys could give me some pointers on how to speed up the process. Thanks for the encouragement.
  6. Louis A. Cortez

    K&C USN Collector Cards

    PolarBear, Great stuff. This is really a great idea and one that I will start doing this summer. Like you said, it is a good way to catalog your collection. Thanks for the idea and for the diorama examples. I have not completed my USN collection yet but I am working on it. Two more orders...
  7. Louis A. Cortez

    San Pablo on a budget...

    Michael, TOday, I started to build a scratch built USS SAN Pueblo from the pictures of the K&C model. I only have the Main Deck and the 01 level cut out so far but I am strating on the superscructure. I made it 24 inches long and 11 inches wide, so it is big. THe superstructure is 17inches...
  8. Louis A. Cortez

    K&C USN Collector Cards

    Great pics. Keep them coming.
  9. Louis A. Cortez

    Whats your first buy for 2009?

    More sailors. Mine came in and they are very cool! But I am hoping that the USS San Pueblo becomes a reality so I need to save my nickels for that one! DO you think K&C will make a second set of sailors? I hope so, but I need to finish my collection of these guys first.
  10. Louis A. Cortez

    K&C USN Collector Cards

    Hey, I love your pictures. Where did you get the map? I could use one of those in one of my dioramas. THanks. Lou
  11. Louis A. Cortez

    Imex mexican lancers

    I have an order in for some of the Lancers and also for the Weston bandits. Looking forward to comparing them upon receipt. Either way, I will use them in my dioramas.
  12. Louis A. Cortez

    New Figure Range

    Yes, I saw it too. It does mention that religious figures will be coming. Perhaps a Roman tie-in? My preference would be for Conte to continue the wild west figures that he has been teasing us with!
  13. Louis A. Cortez

    Happy Holidays and Thank You!

    Merry Christmas to you too and thanks for a great year.
  14. Louis A. Cortez

    What's your favourite figure?

    Good question. I have several favorites. But, if I had to pick one..... it would be the Mexican Lancer on a horse holding his banner. I just think it looks so cool that I bought several of them and lined them up in a diorama, along with some drummers and marching guys behind. Too cool....
  15. Louis A. Cortez

    I Am A Victim !

    I have the complete Alamo line and am now working on the new Navy line. I too am now intrested in the SOHK sets as they will make great backdrops for my navy sailors. I also like the Royal Navy Sailor getting his shoes shined. Boy, can I keep myself from going overboard with this new range. Help!!
  16. Louis A. Cortez

    2009 rumor mill

    Speaking of Ancients, what about the Spanish Conquistadors and their journeys through the new World? Cabeza de Vaca, Cortez, Montezuema, Coronado, Ponce de Leon, etc... I see where there might be interest in those.:confused:
  17. Louis A. Cortez

    K&C Christmas

    For me, it would be the prototype Ship from the Sand Pepples collection. Not sure when the actual ships will come out so I wish for the prototype. That would be my request to Santa. Thanks.:D
  18. Louis A. Cortez

    Opinions on new Naval Series

    I agree with TEX. The U.S. Navy figures that are coming out are great. I for one will collect them and the new figures have made me consider collecting some SOHK. (I think that may be a way of getting us (USA) to consider the SOHK figures). Either way, I will buy and have already made my first...
  19. Louis A. Cortez

    K&C New Production Lines

    Tex, You will not be collecting the Navy figures alone. I too look forward to getting my hands on them, including the "possible" Navy vessel. :D:D
  20. Louis A. Cortez

    Downtown Background

    Not realyy caring just as long as it is mordern looking. I have a western background but it does not fit. I am attempting to have a diorama of a military parade marching downtown somewhere. Any ideas will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.