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  1. rws591

    Christmas Lists

    I forgot to list mine, all i want is Troops of Time gift certificates(hint hint) and with that I am going to try get Tunisian Tigers New American Bulge EA Jeep Market Garden(especially the Jeeps) AK Camel or 2 AK Stug All this in order of how far i can stretch it
  2. rws591

    Christmas Lists

    So guys what is on your K&C Christmas lists
  3. rws591

    Falklands War??

    Come on guys yall are making excuses. As nike says "Just Do It":D
  4. rws591

    Falklands War??

    Come Lious go up to the next leval, get the whole ship, you know you want to.
  5. rws591

    Falklands War??

    Me aswell, maybe they could make a carrier too.
  6. rws591

    Falklands War??

    How about a Harrier in the Warbirds department to start the series off.:D
  7. rws591

    Market Garden Release Dates

    you can check all release dates on
  8. rws591

    Crimean Figures

    Is there a reason why the Crimean figures are 45 for a single, is it because there imported?
  9. rws591

    Is it Worth Buying a Warbird?

    Thats cool, i have always been intrested since tim told me about going to your house, what do/did you do for a living?
  10. rws591

    HB vs KC figures

    Tim said the same thing about it being cold so there pale, but there so pale there probably going to die of hypothermia in 2 seconds.
  11. rws591

    Is it Worth Buying a Warbird?

    Louis where do you have room for all of this stuff?
  12. rws591

    Is it Worth Buying a Warbird?

    how much more do commissioned planes cost?
  13. rws591

    "Out House Deluxe"

  14. rws591

    K&C Winter Tiger WS70

    I have a Winter tiger that i am willing to sell/trade for a rommel grief and 250
  15. rws591

    Is it Worth Buying a Warbird?

    So another year for one vehicle, or for another range, personally i would choose the range, but you may want to choose a warbird.
  16. rws591

    Is it Worth Buying a Warbird?

    well put it this way, wave one of Market Garden, your namesake, or a warbird? Personally i would rather spend my K&C salary on tanks and soldiers but if planes are your thing then get one, but dont just get one to get one.
  17. rws591

    The Magic of K&C

    Unpainted masters of anti-market garden germans?:D:D:D
  18. rws591

    God forbid!

    though thats a good idea i have(im surprised you remember that) already found a money making project, Stocks!
  19. rws591


    Does any one have the Winter German sets ws11-ws18(especially ws-18 Pak40) by king country, if you do please contact me with prices and pictures.