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  1. jbonzo1

    New Release: RAD 8 All Three Flavors!

    Add-on figures would be nice with this 232!^&grin
  2. jbonzo1

    New Release: RAD 8 All Three Flavors!

    And the hits keep coming! Just ordered the AK version. Now we need a grey one!
  3. jbonzo1

    winter panther

    Spot on, Mitch. Tremendous job.
  4. jbonzo1

    Cromwell on the Move

    Great shots Duke. The Cromwell was a must have for me and along with the Firefly, it's a classic tank.
  5. jbonzo1

    STUG 111 x 3

    Great shots, Mike. You have a nice collection there. I'd like to see a new Stug IV. The track/bogie detail on the new version is miles ahead of the old ones.
  6. jbonzo1

    Stalingrad 1942-43

    Nice shot, Frank.
  7. jbonzo1

    Brand new Battle of Britain goodies!

    Cheers, Rob! I know this is just your cup of tea!
  8. jbonzo1

    Monty will be pleased!

    So we can assume these will join your collection?^&grin Very nice pieces.
  9. jbonzo1

    First HB tank ( Panther)

    Congrats! I love mine.
  10. jbonzo1

    what would you like Figarti to make next?

    T-34/85 to go with the JS-2. And more riders.
  11. jbonzo1

    What new range would you like CS to make? What would be on your CS wish list?

    I'd take more armor... M10, M18, M24, M36, Pershing, Comet, Churchill and even Russian tanks.
  12. jbonzo1

    Favorite Sherman

    That combination of tank and figures, in my opinion, is unbeatable. The expressions and body language are superb. And like Mitch said, a set with that many figures included is a thing of the past. "General Inspection" would probably cost over $400 today.
  13. jbonzo1

    Bored today... took some new pics

    Here's hoping you're bored more often! Nice photos.
  14. jbonzo1

    Favorite Sherman

    For K&C, General Inspection and the Firefly, in that order.
  15. jbonzo1

    New FOV for 2012

    After the debacle with the Pershing re-run (black painted turret), I will have to see them in person from now on.
  16. jbonzo1

    Do you you believe? First legion holds a challenge for King and Country?

    Well then, Rob, I think warm beer is the worst! How's that?^&grin As far as I'm concerned, the more quality choices, the better.
  17. jbonzo1

    My New Bastogne Diorama!

    Very nice display. I have the M10 and would love to grab the HB winter Sherman. The K&C Bulge series lured me into 1/30th collecting.
  18. jbonzo1

    GERSTAL035-38 Stalingrad Figures Pre-Order!!

    Frank, can't wait to see your photos. That T-34 looks incredible. FL is getting hard to resist, the US dealer network is a huge plus.
  19. jbonzo1

    DAK013/DAK014 Seated Dak Passenger Figures

    Perfect Panzer Posers! They look great on the tank.