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  1. Hartschier

    Kings x san antonio texas k&c

    :):):) Martin...Wow..Just got back from SA!! I got to the store after lunch. Parking was a challenge that I over came. I walked in the store and asked for you but you were out...nolo problemo!! The displays were unbelievable!! There was a contractor apparently installing new glazing...
  2. Hartschier

    New and Old Diorama's!!!

    Martin, Just got back from SA. What a store. I am going to start a new thread about it!!:)
  3. Hartschier

    How About A World War I Thread???

    Martin, just got back in from SA. Saw the store..will answer back on other and new threads!!:)
  4. Hartschier

    New and Old Diorama's!!!

    Thanks for your reply Martin, I have a design meeting with a client in San Antonio today. I am going to try and make it by Kings X before or after. Looking forward to it. Take care!!
  5. Hartschier

    New and Old Diorama's!!!

    Work has literally been all encompassing, but I have taken some time to work on some diorama these last two nights...late nights. I received the new mosque!! Hat's off to Gordon as usual. This I have centered...with two desert wall sections left and right...two of the watch tower pieces left...
  6. Hartschier

    K&C Dealer Toy Soldier Gallery

    I completely agree..
  7. Hartschier

    Franco-Prussian War series

    Well, I think I actually brought this up myself....look back a few threads., Perhaps soon we will have our Franco Prussian War...but do not hold your breath!!!!!!!! Andy does not mind selling the SS bad boys...But he obviously has a problem with other Prussian/German forces sine he Napoleonic...
  8. Hartschier

    The Crimean War – the latest releases!

    Look out for R & M...they have no tolerance for those of us who may state historical inaccuracies.... However I am buying the Russians with Pickelhaubes!!
  9. Hartschier

    How About A World War I Thread???

    Well here you go...My family served in the German Army...The 10th Ingolstadt Regiment 12th company etc. Does that count as they died in the trenches...or just allies...?
  10. Hartschier anybody really gonna stop?

    Interesting thread Mike. Perhaps it be more easily answered by Andy or his favorites. I have enjoyed your honest posts...please do not start kissing...bu
  11. Hartschier

    How About A World War I Thread???

    Mitch..glad to see you are still involved in my thread!! You have added so much to my collectivity. Take care dude...LAY.
  12. Hartschier

    How About A World War I Thread???

    Well, obviously you need to do a little more study. Just because they made Pancho Villa does not mean that the US Soldier is of the same time frame. The K&C invoice states that the figure is American WWI 1914. Put on your listening ears..or email K&C Hong Kong....become enlightened.:)
  13. Hartschier

    K&C Dealer Toy Soldier Gallery an aviator i visited places all over the world. I believe Kings X/ crossing was another way to mention an area in Sidney. An area where major parting occurred!!
  14. Hartschier

    K&C Retroactive Price Increases

    What ever dude. We buisness men obsorg these prices and overhead just to stay in buisness. In the end stand by your dealers or just lose the rest.
  15. Hartschier

    Cross dressing with K&C!!

    Also; is y'all's interest connection in Europe so slow that I literally have to sleep between posts.....or am I just impatient?
  16. Hartschier

    Cross dressing with K&C!!

    Oh..not laughing out loud!
  17. Hartschier

    Cross dressing with K&C!!

    Hey, Mitch how goes it Dude?
  18. Hartschier

    How About A World War I Thread???

    Martin you are the man!!!! At least someone from K&C keeps us interested since Patrick baled. How many of the WWI American can I buy and at what price!!!!
  19. Hartschier

    K&C Dealer Toy Soldier Gallery

    We all now how that would of turned out...but I am sure we will hear from our friends overseas about how we should not comment!
  20. Hartschier

    K&C Crimean War

    Tony let me know when the final relaese will be in. I would be willing to buy some from you on line if the price is right!!