Search results

  1. H

    Trophy WW1

    Also all my lancer flags are solid red, and my horse eyes are alot different they dont have big white circles with black dots in the middle. Some amatuer did this. These paint jobs did not make it through lens quality control. I got mine from mike at trophy of texas who ordered them from the...
  2. H

    Trophy WW1

    hold on louis i might not be inaccurate. I saw these and was suspicious. Something does not look right. I was really excited when i saw them and then i inspected them more closely. I came home and compared them to mine. First off the eyes are wrong. I have 4000 trophy figures and i only had one...
  3. H

    Custom aircraft models

    Michael at warringwarbirds makes wonderful planes, i own a few and love them
  4. H

    French Foreign Legion.....War, March, Drill......

    What manufacturer are these legionairres
  5. H

    Anyone know who made these Gloss figures.

    I bought some too and they look like somebody painted tommy atkins kits
  6. H

    Guess Who Is Back ?

    I remebered when you joined, welcome back
  7. H

    ‘Vive Les Americains!’

    how about some polish troops for monte casino
  8. H


    well i hear you there, but i was sure anticipating those german panzer soldiers. i could use the us ground crew too but i bet there are many who would buy the panzers supply troops
  9. H

    Andy and Covid.

    Ya know brad its not personal, i just don't like people knocking the show. I would be glad to see you next year
  10. H

    Any Photographs?

    It was a great show and i had an excellent time catching up with you all over a little jamison in treefrogs room. Thanks for all the laughs
  11. H

    Andy and Covid.

    actually brad andy was fine and could not have looked better at the show, he probably caught it on the plane. but nice try at knocking the show again
  12. H

    hi Guys what did you discover at the Show?

    Thanks and sorry to have missed you
  13. H

    hi Guys what did you discover at the Show?

    I found out that the hobby is live and well. There was a wide variety of items for sale as well as a wide variety of personalities as i met alot lked to of new friends. Everybody i talked to thought it was a great show and better than they thought it would be. The hotel team did an excellent...
  14. H

    Trophy WW1

    was not me either
  15. H

    Trophy WW1

    for $750? Haha , not on your life. Maybe for $300 i would but i think he is trying to make back the discount on what you paid on this piece
  16. H

    Trophy WW1

    hey what happened to the machine gun set. i need that one
  17. H

    Trophy WW1

    Hey Louis there is a giant offering of ww1 Turks up on eBay for $3799. It looks like it includes all the ones as well as the ones I need. I would jump on them but upon closer inspection they look alittle rough. Chips and scrapes and kinda looks like rougher touch up or maybe paint defects ...
  18. H

    Trophy WW1

    the lrgd is cool. hey louis are we going to see you in chicago?
  19. H

    Trophy WW1

    By the way thanks Louis and Brian for the heads up on the Russian flag bearers. That was a long sought after piece. I left the other one for someone else and I am glad you got it tom. Now I just need the trooper with mule
  20. H

    Chicagoland (September 24, 2023) Dealer list - Updated 8/9

    great job, i am looking at a list of dealers that had rooms in 2017 and there were 98, so 93 is a great number. we have had a couple dealers that have decided to sell on line as well as some who have passed away. at the old venue there were two floors with 4 quadrants with 154 rooms available so...