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  1. Canadian Samurai

    ONTC - OSTN 2008 Pictures

    Some really nice WW1 figs there. Wasn't there also a German flamethrower team in one of the OTSN overview pics?
  2. Canadian Samurai

    Open Email to Oberstoskar

    Eight pages to argue over and whine about one person's comment in another section of the forum entirely? Hasn't this discussion gone on long enough? Yours respectfully, Bob Andrews
  3. Canadian Samurai

    Open Email to Oberstoskar

    That's actually pretty common on ebay, I have no idea why. Does the mafia intercept every 3rd package?
  4. Canadian Samurai

    Open Email to Oberstoskar

    Ah, good to see absolutely nothing has changed on this lovely forum since my last visit. Collectors critique manufacturers (legitimately or not) so in response manufacturers amateurishly pick fights with their own customers, the whole circle goes round and round as a monthly routine to vent off...
  5. Canadian Samurai

    Financial Meltdown

    Whoopee. So government once again saves the behinds of the banks and speculators who caused this mess - but who's going to bail out the common man when this shakes through the rest of the system?
  6. Canadian Samurai

    red or blue roman legionnaires

    When given the choice between blue and red with K&C's romans, I definitely prefer the blue. Red is by far the most common depiction seen in books and movies but blue is often associated with the Praetorian guard and it just looks better on those figures. But I never really liked the sculpting of...
  7. Canadian Samurai

    Miracle at St. Anna

  8. Canadian Samurai

    Miracle at St. Anna

    What I would like to know before seeing this, is how does it depict the German soldiers? As bumbling Sgt. Schultz caricatures or as monstrous evildoers who commit unjustified war crimes at every possible opportunity? To date, there does not seem to be any middle ground (or room for the nuances...
  9. Canadian Samurai

    Charles Biggs Premier Series

    Great photos of quite a comprehensive collection! My dad and I also own several of Bigg's sets and I too would be interested in a complete list of every set made after he left W. Britains.
  10. Canadian Samurai

    Bang For The Bucks

    I've got this set. The tank is superb, one of the best K&C has done. On the other hand, the Italians that came with it were quite crude and roughly painted. I've noticed that the figures that come with some K&C vehicles are not painted to quite the same high quality as those in figure sets. In...
  11. Canadian Samurai

    Figarti 'DAS BOOT' ( E-Boat)

    Not sure if it's the same one they had at the last Chicago show, but the paint job on this one looks nicer, less rusted out.
  12. Canadian Samurai

    The New Fallschrimjagers: initial impressions

    Good catch. Only Sicily and Italy then for the figures that don't have helmet covers concealing the German tri-colour.
  13. Canadian Samurai

    Financial Meltdown

    Louis, I think you've hit the nail on the head.
  14. Canadian Samurai

    Financial Meltdown

    This is an excellent point. The stock market operates as a force unto itself and there is not a 1:1 relationship with the rest of the economy. Contrary to what the media seems to think nowdays, the Dow Jones or TSX is not the primary indicator of economic performance in a country. Instead...
  15. Canadian Samurai

    Financial Meltdown

    That's a very cool analogy, seriously. I like it so much in fact, that pardon while I borrow it to describe the relationship, as I see it, between nature and the economy: Think of the earth's environment as a "host", and human beings are a symbiote.The combination of the 2 should make things...
  16. Canadian Samurai

    Financial Meltdown

    Ray, there's actually at least 3 larger sources of prosperity in the modern world: 1) The European Union 2) Mother Nature (which provides the foundation for all of our prosperity through history, but which would be...
  17. Canadian Samurai

    Italian front 43-45- Dreams shattered again!

    More miracles that aren't going to happen. But honestly by mixing selected Afrika and Normandy sets together you can represent what the Germans looked like in Italy (a mix match of uniforms and vehicle colours) with some accuracy. Speaking of miracles and the Italian front, has anyone seen that...
  18. Canadian Samurai

    K&C News from Chicago Show

    Honestly Hawkeye, I love the eastern front, I think it's badly under represented in this hobby, I just think we may be wishing for miracles that aren't going to appear.