Open Email to Oberstoskar (1 Viewer)

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OK Gang lets all catch Oberstoskar behind the bicycle shed and give him a wedgie. I mean give me a break.
This is really about how things were said. If Oberstoskar simply wished to

express his opinion I don't think anyone would have thought a thing about it.

He could have offered his views and Andy could have read them, and given

them the same thought he gives other points of view.

When I read the comments about discounts, and special deals I knew this

was all about causing trouble for Andy and his business.

Andy has maintained a policy of no discounts for quite awhile. There is no

reason to toss information like that out on the Forum to upset other

Collectors. I believe it shows the actual intent of the messages offered by


I think he should go sit in the corner!:eek:


  • dunce.jpg
    12.7 KB · Views: 212
To be honest I am amazed that Andy found that post....shows you the extent in which he reads the forum I guess. Makes me pause and wonder where our little hobby would be now without this forum to exchanges ideas, voice thoughts, gripes and suggestions. The forum, in my humble opinion, has been a driver of what we see these companies doing in order to win our ever hard earned dollars, pounds, rupees, yens, Euros....etc. etc. As many of you know I work for an investment firm running the client service group….and you can only imagine the number of calls we have received wondering why we weren’t able to move everything to cash to avoid the recent market volatility. Clients that have prospered nicely over the long term can turn on the first sign of any negative returns and forget all the good that they have seen. So my suggestions to Andy would be to let some of the criticism found on here from time to time bounce off and not impact or distract him. Respond to some or any of the hundreds of positive posts found in these pages praising King & Country and the products they produce and the fun they inspire…..and as Ronald Reagan told George H.W. Bush….”Don’t let the turkeys get you down!”
Come on Andy no shadow sniping now.
You friend
Percival Jones
I have always enjoyed reading the K & C magazine, The Collector. I have never found the writing to be "amateurishly". I think The Collector could very easily service as a model for any future printed literature any other soldier company might want to bring out.

Nothing makes my day, like finding the latest issue in my mailbox.

Thank you Andy, please keep them coming.

King's Man
OK Gang lets all catch Oberstoskar behind the bicycle shed and give him a wedgie. I mean give me a break.

:D:D In fairness, not all of us are of the Facebook/Bebo generation, where we feel comfortable, for various innocent reasons , posting our names, faces, personal details and such like for the rest of the world to see for posterity.:D

Check out the old K&C pages on the "wayback machine" (its a free internet archive of web sites on a particular day , going back in K&C case to 1996,Here's a pic from the archived pages :D


  • DynamicPageImageServlet.jpg
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Well mate you and I have had a few colorful exchanges, hopefully with no hard feelings, certainly none intended. However, in this case I completely agree with the above.;):D With all respect to his craft and his accessibility, I think someone of the stature of the owner of a such very successful and highly revered company needs to focus on something more important than the identity of a forum critic. This is not English football (which I do very much enjoy) after all. Honestly, I didn't even notice it as much a criticism, K&C is known for its modeling, not its literature, is it not? Overall, I would have to say I think this is much to do about nothing. I am even a bit surprised the moderators let the challenge stand, can we all expect the same treatment in the future?

Hi Spitfrnd, no worries m8. There are few members on the forum that I haven't had some sort of kerfuffle with at some stage but I can honestly say I hold no long term ill feelings towards anyone, short term I can be mighty pi$$ed off ;) I believe I am an objective person and forthright in my comments, I do acknowledge I lack tact, but no one is perfect :)

Threads like this do Andy and King & Country no favours. And I say that from the point of view of a collector that has mostly King & Country models in his collection and wants to see the company stay around for many years.

There was a time when I imagined investors, speculators, and K & C plants behind almost every post on this forum. However the forum has long outgrown the K & C Cash Cow Crew and now attracts a wide range of collectors.

In closing, who cares if someone doesn't like the way a brochure is written, or wants more Italians, or Zulus or whatever. Let them have their say, these are just toy soldiers and nothing to get upset about, believe me there are far more important things in life.
:D:D In fairness, not all of us are of the Facebook/Bebo generation, where we feel comfortable, for various innocent reasons , posting our names, faces, personal details and such like for the rest of the world to see for posterity.:D

Check out the old K&C pages on the "wayback machine" (its a free internet archive of web sites on a particular day , going back in K&C case to 1996,Here's a pic from the archived pages :D

If you're looking for photos and such, you're not getting that as the machine doesn't show that much. Here is a link to the K & C part of it, King & Country Wayback.
hi spitfrnd, no worries m8. There are few members on the forum that i haven't had some sort of kerfuffle with at some stage but i can honestly say i hold no long term ill feelings towards anyone, short term i can be mighty pi$$ed off ;) i believe i am an objective person and forthright in my comments, i do acknowledge i lack tact, but no one is perfect :)

threads like this do andy and king & country no favours. And i say that from the point of view of a collector that has mostly king & country models in his collection and wants to see the company stay around for many years.

There was a time when i imagined investors, speculators, and k & c plants behind almost every post on this forum. However the forum has long outgrown the k & c cash cow crew and now attracts a wide range of collectors.

In closing, who cares if someone doesn't like the way a brochure is written, or wants more italians, or zulus or whatever. let them have their say, these are just toy soldiers and nothing to get upset about, believe me there are far more important things in life.

well said
Ah, good to see absolutely nothing has changed on this lovely forum since my last visit. Collectors critique manufacturers (legitimately or not) so in response manufacturers amateurishly pick fights with their own customers, the whole circle goes round and round as a monthly routine to vent off pent up steam and excess male hormones.

Meow meow hiss hiss scratch scratch Rrrrrwwwwwwooorrggghhh!!


  • x.jpg
    46.7 KB · Views: 186
That's actually pretty common on ebay, I have no idea why. Does the mafia intercept every 3rd package?
All I want to say to Andy, is that I really enjoy those quarterly newsletter magazines that I get from treefrog with my orders. It is nothing more than basic hobby talk by Andy Neilson, that I find to be lots of fun to read as well as enjoying the great photo's in those magazines. If I desire pulitzer level military reading, I can always seek out Stephen Ambrose or David McCullough.
Andy, some constructive queries.

can i know why you decided against K&C having a samurai/ninja line?

is it because of the close Chinese affiliations that you understandably have after being so long working, living and spending those good and not so good times with them?

As the Sand Pebbles range and the normandy schwimmwagen set shows, Andy makes what he wants, but i'll just want to know the real reason.

my ill feelings of WW2 japanese imperial troops (stemming from my family's experiences) are well known in this forum and the other forums, but i would have thought samurai/ninja lines will be a dead killer line.

kindly let me know.


nasir kasmani.
Hi Guys,

I very much appreciate the many supportive posts and emails over the above issue.

If I may let me return to my central point… No one (including me) is saying that ‘Oberstoskar’ does not have the right to criticise, complain or, in this case, deride my or anyone else’s work or efforts. My beef is that he does it anonymously… All of his replies, and that of his few supporters, fail to address this important point.

As I stated before, the internet is a wonderful invention that has benefited us all and allowed us to communicate our views and thoughts to a wide audience all over the world.

But it’s a double-edged sword in that it also gives free rein to those who like to decry… deride… and devalue other people’s efforts while hiding themselves.

Oberstoskar’ despite what he now writes has done this on more than one occasion.

He, and a couple of others, are only too happy to ‘critique’ K&C, Gordon et moi in their own particular fashion. However, ask them who they really are behind the smokescreen and they get all bashful and shy…

Well, I would still love to know a wee bit more about you… And I don’t mean your CV either.

What are you so afraid of? By all means ‘critique’ to your hearts content but have the cojones to put your real name at the end of your post.

Best wishes and happy collecting,
Andy C.
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