Search results

  1. Canadian Samurai

    Figarti 88 mm on ebay

    So at least 2 of the 60 allocated to the US were snapped up by the mercenary scalpers - leaving 58 for legitimate customers. Kind of sad. I could of gotten the 88 at about 5% above retail but passed, so no way I would ever pay twice as much.
  2. Canadian Samurai

    Problem of multiple versions not being announced simultaneously

    This basically comes down to a problem of coordinating supply and demand. I've said it before, but this industry needs to move toward an advance preorder only system - you would get maybe 3-6 months of warning that something is coming out and a chance to preorder it directly from the...
  3. Canadian Samurai

    Shattered City:The Halifax Explosion (2003)

    Thanks for your thoughts on this. I've thought about seeing this movie one of these days since this event is such an (overlooked) part of Canadian history (our 9/11?). As for it being caused by German spies, I doubt it.
  4. Canadian Samurai

    Lego D-Day 2 Paratroopers In Action

    Their Star Wars stuff is really cool, that's primarily what I collect. I got the first non-walking AT-AT. I'm still saving up for the $500 Death Star set. :eek:
  5. Canadian Samurai

    Lego D-Day 2 Paratroopers In Action

    There's actually a whole cottage industry that has grown up supplying unofficial military accessories that are compatible with Lego, but that Lego would never make because of its stated stance against depicting "modern" wars. Here you can get Lego compatible garands, enfields, mp-40s, mauser...
  6. Canadian Samurai

    Do you ever...

    I agree they would be pretty amazed about the level of scrutiny that modern historians/enthusiasts pay to the German army in WW2 in particular (compared to other nationalities and other historical eras). They would also be surprised and dejected to find out that the majority of the modern world...
  7. Canadian Samurai

    PRE-SHOW RELEASE - Tropical 88 & Prime Mover

    Well that's one way of looking at it. It is considered a rich man's hobby after all. But then we wonder why the newer generations coming up have no interest in collecting toy soldiers. They just don't perceive the value for the money like we do.
  8. Canadian Samurai

    OFFICIAL Firefly Photos

    I just finished reading through this whole thread in one sitting and I have to say it was one of the best threads I’ve seen on this forum in a long, long time. First, there was an educated discussion about who/what killed Michael Wittmann that remained relatively civil and grounded, and people...
  9. Canadian Samurai

    PRE-SHOW RELEASE - Tropical 88 & Prime Mover

    Honestly, the prime move and 88 set by themselves are not on par with the average collector's budget (in Canadian dollars they total over $500!!). So I'm not sure another $100 for a rider set would be much of an obstacle to those (certainly not me) who can afford these sets already. For some...
  10. Canadian Samurai

    RAF series

    Phew, that's a relief.
  11. Canadian Samurai

    RAF series

    Hurry, panic!! zzzzzzzzz
  12. Canadian Samurai

    Hurricane Reserve!

    Is the K&C one confirmed to be full actual 1:30 scale?
  13. Canadian Samurai

    Figarti Tanks

    I think the Hiroshima bomb was necessary. I'm not convinced the Nagasaki one was. Neither was Eisenhower. That's all I'll say on the matter.
  14. Canadian Samurai

    Very Narrow East Front Poll

    Right, that was second Kharkov. Would you not say third Kharkov in early 1943 (subject of this poll) was the last big victory?
  15. Canadian Samurai

    Very Narrow East Front Poll

    I agree Germany's offensive capability (i.e. ability to achieve total victory) on the eastern front disappeared long before Kursk, yet I have also read many speculations that had it not attacked at Kursk, and Hitler had not pulled LAH back to Sicily, then Germany stood a good chance of waging a...
  16. Canadian Samurai

    Very Narrow East Front Poll

    Well it matters to historians in terms of whether they continue to view Kursk as the turning point of the war and blame the decision to attack the salient as the fundamental mistake that cost the Germans the chance to force a stalmate on the eastern front. When I get a chance I will have to...
  17. Canadian Samurai

    Very Narrow East Front Poll

    Of course, how do we know the German sources are 100% accurate either? The Germans are known as being meticulous about record keeping (much more than the Russians anyway!), but as they started to lose the war one has to wonder if a little fudging started to go on on their end as well.
  18. Canadian Samurai

    Very Narrow East Front Poll

    I'm not even sure ramming was that common at Kursk. Most of the battle consisted of the Germans slowly advancing across a series of static defensive lines much like WW1, with relatively little close quarters tank vs. tank fighting. Many Soviet tanks were dug in and couldn't move. I'm sure the...
  19. Canadian Samurai

    Next line of Crusaders?

    Yes, more than a little bit. ;)
  20. Canadian Samurai

    Very Narrow East Front Poll

    Really great discussion guys, fascinating alternate history stuff. It's true about the central role oil played in WW2. America's abundance of the stuff allowed it to become the new industrial heartland, while Japan's shortage of the stuff led in part to Peal Harbor. Most wars are started over...