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    When The Sun Set on the Son of the Morning Star

    Fantastic set up :salute::
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    Explorers WIP

    Hi, thanks for the comments. I'll pop some pictures up as soon as I'm a little further along with them. These will be released as a Matte set by our new venture (more details coming soon... ) We have 30 figures from different genres currently being produced for our initial release. Cheers Adam
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    Explorers WIP

    Hi all, Been a while since I last posted but I thought I'd share my latest project with you. These are works in progress 1/30 scale Henry Morton Stanley, his faithful aide Kalulu, a member of his baggage train and a local Askari for protection from the various dangers of the Congo. There are 8...
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    Clear, acrylic bases

    How would you feel if figures came with clear, flat, plastic bases? You'd lose some weight but it'd make dios based inside buildings etc easier. For me it wouldn't affect dios based outside as I'd cover any base with some loose flock etc. Has this been tried before by manufacturers in the...
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    KC Lee Enfield SMLE

    Thanks again. :smile2: I got that that weapons may be a thicker for casting etc but wasnt sure on how that'd affect length Thanks for helping to clarify. Appreciate your help
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    KC Lee Enfield SMLE

    cool, appreciate your advice. :)
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    KC Lee Enfield SMLE

    Just done the maths (which could well be wrong...) but the SMLE should be 36mm long in 1/30 scale. Am I getting my sums wrong? Or is 1/30 more of a "what looks right scale"? I'm not trying to be difficult just trying to understand the sizing. When I made a couple of figs in in 1/32 scale I was...
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    KC Lee Enfield SMLE

    Thanks, appreciate your help :smile2: Am learning the hard way that 1/30 actually means naff all :mad:
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    KC Lee Enfield SMLE

    Could someone possible measure the length of a K+C Lee Enfield on one of their figures please? If anyone gets the chance mm measurement would be dandy. Thanks Adam
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    Thanks Ken, I have a bunch of fillers (Bronze powder and some unidentified grey stuff {eek3} ) so will have a play around. Cheers Adam
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    A British Square

    PWOOOARH!! Thats a bit nice {eek3} Great stuff, am very jealous
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    “Reporting as ordered, Sir!” Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 1863

    Very nice :salute:: I like the depth of this image. Great stuff
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    Major yorke

    Nice scene :smile2: Backdrop is effective
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    Any clues on where I can get my mits on some for some home casting? I have a pressure pot for casting as I'm guessing it will need to be set under pressure? I've looked on line for a UK supplier but drawing blanks. Cheers Adam
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    US shows for 2014

    Hi Brad, I'm lucky that I vacation a few times a year so am pretty easy on dates. I'm thinking Chicago as it will link up with some work bits next year ( I work with several US companies so can tie in work and pleasure) Can't do this year but as it will be an out of Europe trip advance...
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    3D Printing - Does That Means I Can Make Mutiple Pieces of of my TS in Future

    Looking a First Legion, I'd guess they 3D print for their masters I've a fair it of experience in this tech. It's very exciting from a sculptors point of view. However I think it works best, currently, when you have a tradititional sculptor either making the original .stl file or on hand to...
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    WW2 Kriegsmarine Shore Guard

    Can anyone shed some light on the uniform / equippment worn by German Sailors whilst guarding vessels and ports? Did this duty fall to specific units of was it performed by the ships company? Thanks for any pointers Adam
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    Sudan Square

    Looks amazing. The photography and set up is stonking. I've come to this hobby from wargaming and this is the kind of thing I'm aiming towards. Lots of figures :salute:: Thanks for sharing Adam
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    US shows for 2014

    Thanks Konrad, appreciate your help ^&cool
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    US shows for 2014

    Hi all, I'm looking to incorporate a US Show next year into our holiday. We're still planning our US expedition so are pretty open to suggestions. We aren't tied into school holidays, in fact we'd try to avoid them. So dates aren't a major factor, what I'm after is a really good show that I...