As you know, Sandor, this is not my area. Seems a bit high to me. But we are probably in uncharted territiory here - I know you research your purchases pretty carefully - so if you can't find any comparables, then you're on your own. Supply and demand, unique items ... and all that!
Decide if...
Another alternative is to reduce the brightness by using the tools in your photo viewing/management program. Most now have some sort of tool to do this. I use M/S photo Manager and it's available there. You just need to reduce about 1/2 - 1 stop. You can also do this in your digital camera -...
Great looking display, Walt. I love the scale contrasts. You're idea is right along the lines of what Jim Hillestead recommends for an interesting display. Go for it.
Thanks for the flood of memories your post brought back. I still have my American Bricks and my REMCO Bulldog tank (one of the coolest toys ever - despite being out of scale) preserved for the next generation. My neighbor and I would spend Saturday afternoon building fortifications and Saturday...
As you know, Brad I'm an oils painter, and I use a crock pot (low setting with lid adjar) to dry my figures - works very well. Have not used the bulb drying technique but know several that do.
I think it's not a bad idea to dry your acrylic works under a bulb or elsewhere for a while after...
You can custom-mold another arm if you can find one that would look good. Or - a bit trickier - you can copy the arm that is there and reverse the hand.
I have done this many time with broken figures. The top of the copy will have no features - unless you copy two halves - so plan acordingly...
I second the observations made about Tamiya paints - and the Baron's points below. I find the alcohol or Tamiya thinner work best - water not so well.
A way to speed up coats is to hit your figure with a hair dryer after applying each coat. Let the figure get warm, and then cool off. Because...
I enjoy and appreciate good tats done in moderation. The one below would not be in that category. You guys need to start reading "outlaw Biker Tattoo Review." :tongue:
I agree these are great, but I think you have to include the chase in Pairs the Bourne Identity and the cab chase in the Bourne Ultimatum -multiple crashes, wrong-way driving, MC crashes - all the good stuff. All the Bourne movies are great chase movies, IMO.
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