Search results

  1. N

    Rare Retired K&C Scheduled for Auction

    Old Toy Soldiers USA has obtained a number of Medical related K&C items,all retired and some rare. Including Ambulances (two version) figures and the limited edition Medical Jeep,some boxed, these are scheduled for auction on November 21st see or contact Norman...
  2. N

    Is this a Timpo or JoHillCo?

    The figure you have is a mixture The Cowboy is Johillco and the horse is Crescent and was used for both Indain and Cowboy My book the Great Book of Hollow Cast Figures would have provided the answer as it does for many other hundreds of items Norman Joplin
  3. N

    Empty boxes for New Toy soldiers

    I have hundreds of figures by new toy soldier makers( Maybe even more) all out of their boxes along with about 100 or so empty boxes,many different makers from the established companies, but many from some rather more obscure makers,if anyone can help marry figures with boxes let me know,The...
  4. N

    Trophy Help

    Can anyone help identify the contents of Trophy box CWS 7 Thanks All Norman
  5. N

    please email me at I have the itmes and information that you require

    please email me at I have the itmes and information that you require
  6. N

    WANTED Britains Ready For Duty Set

    Collectors Club set of 3 Redcoats and Sentry Box
  7. N

    Retired Britains glossy wanted

    I am looking for a number of Britains Glossy items for my own collection and am trying to find missing pieces that escaped me and are now retired,I am willing to pay premium price,trade or buy items for you that you need as an exchange My wish list is long but here are a few examples Delhi...
  8. N

    Another Round of Toy Soldier IDs

    Re the tin bases that appear to be Staddens,some other companies including Lassett also used tin bases at around the same time. Norman Joplin
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    Please can someone provide me with a telephone number or email for John Gittens
  10. N

    Trophy Refernce site..

    Can anyone enlighten me and let me know if this company is still operating and offering items in Texas
  11. N

    Toy Soldier ID Please Mauro Brazil

    Hi Re the Ids that you requested, Sorry no background on Mauro,you may want to drop a note to Rodney Hopson of he is very knowledgeable on South American and other obscure makers. Re the figures that have MODE on them,these were made in Leicestershire England the...
  12. N

    Norman Joplin's new book

    Thank you very much your kind words are appreciated Regards Norman Joplin
  13. N

    New Britains Book Now Available

    The New Britains Book. Britains New Toy Soldiers 1973 To The Present Is Now Available. I Received My Consignment Two Days Ago And All Those Of You Who Pre Ordered Will Receive Your Copy Within A Week,most Have Been Mailed Out Already,should There Be A Delay Then It May Well Be Because Of The...
  14. N

    New Britains Book By Norman Joplin

  15. N

    New Britains Book By Norman Joplin

    Hopefully the bulk shipment will arrive with me midway though August and I will be able to turn them back around and mail thenm out to those who have pre ordered and paid by then, Re "sneak peek" This I am afraid would be an infringemnent of copyright at this stage. Norman
  16. N

    New Britains Book By Norman Joplin

    I have received this week the authors copy of my new book Brirtains New Toy Soldiers 1973- Present Traditional Gloss Painted Metal Models. The bulk shipment is on the way and should be with me in the US around August 25th Should anyone have any questions regarding ordering the book I can be...
  17. N

    Ken and Ericka I have tried a number of times to contact you either by email telephone or vios...

    Ken and Ericka I have tried a number of times to contact you either by email telephone or vios this site,if you get this message please can you get in touch with me at 262 692 3913 or Regards Norman
  18. N

    Forced to sell my entire Britains Hollows, isn't there anywhere better than ebay???

    Would be happy to talk about assisting in auctioning your collection you can contact me on or
  19. N

    Limited Edition 1 piece sets

    All the info that you need on this will be published in my forthcoming book Britains New Toy Soldiers 1973 to the Present Due out hopefully during the summer months of 2008
  20. N

    Old Toy Soldier Magazine

    Hi Andy,I totally agree with you my friend,both Toy Soldier Collector and Toy Soldier and Model Figure are great publications,at OTS (The N was dropped some years ago by the previous owners after it was decided that "Newsletter" was no longer appropriate) we would welcome contributors who were...