2009 New York Toy Soldier Symposium (1 Viewer)

Excellent report Ron/nysoldiers,sorry but Number 7 just doesn't fly somehow(considering we are getting new stuff to replace the retiring sets)but you keep at it,SOMEONE will believe you;):D

Sounds great! It would be better if the stuff about John Jenkins could be posted in its own part of the forum so everyone will see it.. Also with Britians and so on... :)
A couple of additional points and clarifications.

India - Andy didn't say specifically Flashman or Northwest Frontier. I think the latter but he wasn't specific although he was asked questions about both ideas.

Civil War - There will be confederate personalities but he wouldn't identify whom. I asked him about Lincoln and he said yes. However, when, I don't know.

Sandpebbles - Still looking for a manufacturer. However, there will be US marines and a lifeboat at some point.

Buildings - There haven't been any because Andy wasn't able to find a sculptor to replace John Jenkins until recently.

FoB - Andy felt that he had exhausted the Dunkirk theme and would turn attention to other areas, which the captured flyer was a tipoff.
AK - He mentioned, in a conversation with me and a couple of others, that more would be forthcoming, including a vehicle or two, but wasn't more forthcoming than that.

Pacific - As previously indicated, no more interest in that area. Nothing new there.

Collectors Club Figures - More soon but he couldn't remember (honestly) what they were.

If I remember anything else, I'll try to post it.

The two most significant takeaways, at least for me, was the change in direction of FoB and some sort of an India range.

I would be remiss if I didn't say what a pleasure it was to talk to and see Erica and Ken Osen. They gave away some mini dios to each of the sponsors (similar to what Ken has already posted in the Hudson & Allen section, which blew everybody away. They are extremely talented individuals and obviously make a great team.

Again, thanks to all, particularly Louis and Meredith Badolato, Lawrence Lo and Hans Hedrich. Plus a particular thanks to Andy, John and Clive (who represented Figarti and talked about the Cambrai) for making it. It was all too short.
Two more things:

Airplanes. Andy was asked if he will be making more resounding airplanes. He answered with a resounding "yes," but would give no more details. That, coupled with his comment that he wants to make unusual or different kind of wooden warbirds, leads me to speculate that he might be thinking about a Me 109. Of course, that's just me and he may continue extending the German planes he's made.

Warbirds - The next one to come down the pike, in about a month's time, will be a P 40 Kittyhawk for Desert. Five of those have already been pre-ordered by various Warbid fanatics.

As noted, he wants to make more of the unusual kinds of wooden planes. He mentioned the Heinkel He 111, as one that will be made. He also mentioned a B 17 but I don't believe he mentioned any others.
Pictures, Pictures!

Alex Louis should have flown Carlos in from the West Coast and Kevin from across the pond and we would be seeing loads of photos.:rolleyes::rolleyes: Oh well maybe next year. Thanks for the verbal highlights guys.....The Lt.
OK - here is the GOOD STUFF !

Yesterday at Louis' House we had a chance to hear andy give some great remarks on past, present and future for King & Country.

Everyone found the general remarks quite interesting as well as those given by Ken Olsen on Britians. But, all thes things pale in comparison to the intel that has been given and ...... here it is: :D

1) New Release of a K&C Range on India / Far East - probally around "Flashman" ! - sometime in the next few months ! :eek:

2) Confederate Calvary releases this year ! Union personalities coming soon.

3) Crusaders ! Yes, it is going to happen - Crusader Diorama Castle in some shape and form is heading our way !! :D

4) DIORAMA K&C BUILDINGS IN THE WORKS - to be able to go with several ranges (like the french farmhouse) :cool:

5) FRENCH LINE ARTILLERY - coming and great surprizes with it ! OMG :eek:

6) Fields of Battle ! We are done with Dunkirk and now turning our attention to the Battle of Britian !! :) - Very exciting RAF sets coming our way.

7) Market Garden - will be discontinued due to poor sales.

Well thats about it ;)

Louis, Hans, Larry and Mark were wonderful - on this trip all have appreciated the time and effort to put this little event together. Last night's dinner at Larry restaurant was simply outstanding.

I will have more from John Jenkins (who is a really great guy) later - but, I must leave because Andy is hosting a Brunch for us - WOW :cool: - got to love this event !

Market Garden - will be discontinued due to poor sales?????:(:(

You must be Kidding!!!!!!!

Market Garden - will be discontinued due to poor sales?????:(:(

You must be Kidding!!!!!!!


Sad to say, while we were all sitting around, Ron asked where it ranked in sales and it is much on par with the Pacific. A real shame....:(

That's just Ron having a little fun.

I forgot to mention but Tom Dubel asked about doing Sherlock Holmes, as a continuation of the Dickens series. Andy said he would like to but doesn't think he can fit into the production schedules. He also said that they once thought about a Shakespeare series, but nothing came of that.
Alex Louis should have flown Carlos in from the West Coast and Kevin from across the pond and we would be seeing loads of photos.:rolleyes::rolleyes: Oh well maybe next year. Thanks for the verbal highlights guys.....The Lt.

Some of those with cameras who took photos do not live in NYC and it will be a day or 2 before able to post. They will be coming.

Louis I had a good time yesterday. Thanks for everything, it was really a pleasure talking to Andy.
Market Garden - will be discontinued due to poor sales?????:(:(

You must be Kidding!!!!!!!


Wow, that's amazing. Why? I remember before Andy re-issued Market Garden how so many collectors amost demand he re-issue this theme and now the reality that its simply not profitable enough.

Wow, that's amazing because those are some of the best scupts that KC's done IMO. I guess Andy will need to trust his instinct more than what a few vocal collectors want.

Amazing, eevn I bought the entire series.


That's just Ron having a little fun.

I forgot to mention but Tom Dubel asked about doing Sherlock Holmes, as a continuation of the Dickens series. Andy said he would like to but doesn't think he can fit into the production schedules. He also said that they once thought about a Shakespeare series, but nothing came of that.

thank Brad again now I can sleep well

Well, Clive Gande, my last guest, is on his way to the airport, so the Symposium is over. As always, I had a blast, and it was over too soon.

I want to thank all of the attendees, but especially Andy Neilson, Ken and Erika Osen, John Jenkins and Clive Gande. While I had met and spent some time with Ken and Erika at last years OTSN, this was the first time I ever had the opportunity to spend a lot of time with them, and they were great! A nicer, more talented and more knowledgeable couple would be hard to imagine. They told many wonderful anecdotes about the hobby, gave some excellent suggestions for improvements to the text and content of the upcoming volumes of the book, and designed and built incredible dioramas they presented to Hans, Larry, Mark and myself.

John Jenkins demonstrated his techniques (and skill) in painting, and was, as always, great company. He generously presented me with the diorama he built for the launch of his wonderful Jacobite series.

Andy gave a great talk on the state of the hobby, and answered a battery of questions about his plans for upcoming releases. Andy presented me and the other sponsors with masters of his upcoming Churchill Staff Car (and also presented me with one of the masters of his soon to be released Gordon Highlander officer).

Clive Gande, Figarti's European distributor, gave a talk on the background of his wonderful limited edition "Cambrai" M3 Grant tank from the battle of El Alamein (and gave me number 5 from the release of only 30 magnificent tanks).

I did not take any photos during the festivities, but I will take some shots of the many gifts and new editions to my collection from this weekend, and post some tomorrow.

26 people attended the amazing dinner at Larry Lo's restaurant Tse Yang, and, over all, a total of 29 different people attended one or more of the events. It was amazing to spend a weekend with all of the attendees, and I am already looking forward to next year!
I have arrived to Baltimore.

I wanted to again thank Louis, Hans and Larry for the wonderful weekend. Their generosity makes the event possible and provides one heck of a great time. As Louis has said, it is a fantastic event that I look forward to and it is a little depressing once its over.

Special thanks to Clive for hand carrying a Cambrai, it is a really cool piece!!!! Clive, we will hopefully both have more Trophy to discuss in Chicago!

Good seeing Brad, Harvey, Ron, Chuck and Tim.

I also wanted to thank Andy, John, Ken and Erika, it was a lot of fun, here are a few parting shots:

1. Andy - Pirates and Sherlock Dadgummit!
2. Ken & Erika - Tim, Ron and I are still convinced we won the Civil War, why do you have to remind us we didn't!!
3. John - I hope you make my suggestion!!

Ok, I am a little tired, pictures hopefully up and posted tomorrow of the respective collections, should be some good shock and awe for those that have not seen it!

Tom D.

I almost forgot, for you Arnhem fans, we were just feeding the fire Ron started! Don't fret too much.......
A couple of additional points and clarifications.

India - Andy didn't say specifically Flashman or Northwest Frontier. I think the latter but he wasn't specific although he was asked questions about both ideas.

Civil War - There will be confederate personalities but he wouldn't identify whom. I asked him about Lincoln and he said yes. However, when, I don't know.

Sandpebbles - Still looking for a manufacturer. However, there will be US marines and a lifeboat at some point.

Buildings - There haven't been any because Andy wasn't able to find a sculptor to replace John Jenkins until recently.

FoB - Andy felt that he had exhausted the Dunkirk theme and would turn attention to other areas, which the captured flyer was a tipoff.
AK - He mentioned, in a conversation with me and a couple of others, that more would be forthcoming, including a vehicle or two, but wasn't more forthcoming than that.

Pacific - As previously indicated, no more interest in that area. Nothing new there.

Collectors Club Figures - More soon but he couldn't remember (honestly) what they were.

If I remember anything else, I'll try to post it.

The two most significant takeaways, at least for me, was the change in direction of FoB and some sort of an India range.

I would be remiss if I didn't say what a pleasure it was to talk to and see Erica and Ken Osen. They gave away some mini dios to each of the sponsors (similar to what Ken has already posted in the Hudson & Allen section, which blew everybody away. They are extremely talented individuals and obviously make a great team.

Again, thanks to all, particularly Louis and Meredith Badolato, Lawrence Lo and Hans Hedrich. Plus a particular thanks to Andy, John and Clive (who represented Figarti and talked about the Cambrai) for making it. It was all too short.

Two more things:

Airplanes. Andy was asked if he will be making more resounding airplanes. He answered with a resounding "yes," but would give no more details. That, coupled with his comment that he wants to make unusual or different kind of wooden warbirds, leads me to speculate that he might be thinking about a Me 109. Of course, that's just me and he may continue extending the German planes he's made.

Warbirds - The next one to come down the pike, in about a month's time, will be a P 40 Kittyhawk for Desert. Five of those have already been pre-ordered by various Warbid fanatics.

As noted, he wants to make more of the unusual kinds of wooden planes. He mentioned the Heinkel He 111, as one that will be made. He also mentioned a B 17 but I don't believe he mentioned any others.

OK - here is the GOOD STUFF !

Yesterday at Louis' House we had a chance to hear andy give some great remarks on past, present and future for King & Country.

Everyone found the general remarks quite interesting as well as those given by Ken Olsen on Britians. But, all thes things pale in comparison to the intel that has been given and ...... here it is: :D

1) New Release of a K&C Range on India / Far East - probally around "Flashman" ! - sometime in the next few months ! :eek:

2) Confederate Calvary releases this year ! Union personalities coming soon.

3) Crusaders ! Yes, it is going to happen - Crusader Diorama Castle in some shape and form is heading our way !! :D

4) DIORAMA K&C BUILDINGS IN THE WORKS - to be able to go with several ranges (like the french farmhouse) :cool:

5) FRENCH LINE ARTILLERY - coming and great surprizes with it ! OMG :eek:

6) Fields of Battle ! We are done with Dunkirk and now turning our attention to the Battle of Britian !! :) - Very exciting RAF sets coming our way.

7) Market Garden - will be discontinued due to poor sales.

Well thats about it ;)

Louis, Hans, Larry and Mark were wonderful - on this trip all have appreciated the time and effort to put this little event together. Last night's dinner at Larry restaurant was simply outstanding.

I will have more from John Jenkins (who is a really great guy) later - but, I must leave because Andy is hosting a Brunch for us - WOW :cool: - got to love this event !

Sorry one more thing (they keep popping into my empty head), there will be a new Clark Gable figure, dressed in trenchcoat like the old one. It will be great to have both. I've attached a photo of the old one from my collection.


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Just got home - I love Amtrak ! :D

I see some are not believing the news on Market Garden - it was a shock to us all at Louis' house when the announcement was made. You know sometimes - these WWII things just don't sell - what can I tell you ?

On more notes that i forgot to mention - Battle of Britain is coming - for sure. Andy and I had spoke of some of his ideas with releases and they will be great !

There will be affordable Warbirds released by King & Country ! Woo-Hoo, those $800 guys give me the willies ;)

I had made the suggestion about creating a Wounded & Dead Set (which we all have heard about "they don't sell" - blah, blah, blah) but, make them a limited edition set 250 or 350 production run ? Andy liked that idea and is going to research it a little more. So if you want DEAD GERMANS ! Speak Up ! Let Andy Hear These Will Sell - because that is the way we can get them.

More German GREY ARMOR - Early War stuff heading our way !

Still excited over the Diorama Pieces that will be released :cool:

All in all - a great event ! Thanks Again to Louis, Larry and Hans for making it all happen !

Oh - by the way - all of you will be a part of my new campaign to expand the Real West Range to include SEMINOLE INDIANS ! I told Andy these would be great sellers and the Seminole Indian Wars are a great addition to Toy Soldier Collection. Stay tune for more ! :D
Oh - by the way - all of you will be a part of my new campaign to expand the Real West Range to include SEMINOLE INDIANS ! I told Andy these would be great sellers and the Seminole Indian Wars are a great addition to Toy Soldier Collection. Stay tune for more ! :D

I think it's a campaign of one :eek::D

You just got home:confused: When did you leave?

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