2016 Chicago show. (3 Viewers)

What room will you be in?

Myself and my helper/right hand man/go to guy Larry Allen will be in rooms 5340/5342/5344; take a right off the elevator bank on the fifth floor, a right at the soda machines and we're on the right.

The promoter has told me we're the last dealers left in that hallway, everyone else has either moved or stopped doing the show.

I've had the same rooms since 1997, they've been good to me, hope to see you there..............
The bar?? :)

That's from 10:00PM to closing on Thursday and Friday................^&grin

A wise and wonderful woman taught me all work and no play makes for a dull toy soldier dealer.............:wink2:
That's from 10:00PM to closing on Thursday and Friday................^&grin

A wise and wonderful woman taught me all work and no play makes for a dull toy soldier dealer.............:wink2:

Smart woman!!
Last flight arrival changed :) I really didn't want to do the early red-eye so found a better time to fly into O'Hare, so landing Friday morning at 11 A.M. I have airport shuttle service scheduled for pick up, anyone else need a ride around 11 A.M. on the 23rd drop me a message...Sammy
Looks like it will be just you and Hans as I've decided not to attend.

you have to show brad, whats ostn without you. suck it up and show up. I was going to miss it this year due to some bad misfortune and the loss of a loved one in august but I found a place to live for awhile and am getting my bearings back and realized I have to make an appearance in chicago
Greg, heard about what happened to you. You have my condolences.

Going to have to pass unfortunately. Hans is going to have to pass too. Hopefully we'll be back in 2017.

greg, heard about what happened to you. You have my condolences.

Going to have to pass unfortunately. Hans is going to have to pass too. Hopefully we'll be back in 2017.


wow, thats too bad. We will miss ya
Thanks. Taking a cruise in early October so want to be ready for that.
After making my reservations back in February I have been counting the months, weeks down to the show and finally I can say "next week!!!" I didn't die Brad:) and I won't be changing my screen name to Boston Sammy either George :) again I look forward to the Treefrog dinner, meandering about the hotel rooms scouring up a few good deals hopefully, and of course hoping to meet a few mates in person throughout the weekend...Sammy

P.S. Jason, I not much on liquor but since your buying a few rounds I like a little Segrams 7 in my Bacardi!! ^&grin

Sorry I won't get to meet you. Did you see that Figarti is going to have several tanks at Chicago. You may want to contact Matt at HB to reserve one.


Sorry I won't get to meet you. Did you see that Figarti is going to have several tanks at Chicago. You may want to contact Matt at HB to reserve one.


Sure wish you could make it Brad, but hopefully we both can make it next year, and I saw the Panthers Matt posted, look very well done...Sammy
If anyone is on the fence about attending our Customer Appreciation Dinner on Friday night (23rd) you have until this Friday to decide!
I am currently accumulating some fun & rare items for the Silent Auction as well! All proceeds from the Silent Auction will be donated to the Fisher House in Shannon's name :)

Less than a week to pack up and for us to head out!

Only a week until I leave for my first Chicago Show since I hurt my back! I am both excited and apprehensive. I hope a have a couple of "good days" with my back, and I can handle walking around the hotel and seeing everyone.:smile2:
Only a week until I leave for my first Chicago Show since I hurt my back! I am both excited and apprehensive. I hope a have a couple of "good days" with my back, and I can handle walking around the hotel and seeing everyone.:smile2:

Not sure if I can be of to much assistance but if there is anything you may need help with please let me know.
Not sure if I can be of to much assistance but if there is anything you may need help with please let me know.

That's very kind of you Sammy.:smile2: If its a good day, I should be all right. If its a bad day, I'll just move slowly and carefully.
I have just received in a Collection of Marlbourgh,Ducal,Steadfast sets that i will be selling on consignment. Is anyone attending the show that has a interest in these Manufactors? If so Please let me know .I live about 30 minutes away from the hotel,and if there is interest I can pick you up at the hotel or bring the sets there . Please Advise?
I found out late last night that I will not be able to attend the show.

That makes 6 years in a row that I have had hotel reservations and a plane ticket in the hopes of going only to have my plans change. Also, this is the second time in those two years that I had already checked-in for my flight when bad news arrived.

I hope everyone who goes has a great time and maybe, just maybe I will make it next year.
I found out late last night that I will not be able to attend the show.

That makes 6 years in a row that I have had hotel reservations and a plane ticket in the hopes of going only to have my plans change. Also, this is the second time in those two years that I had already checked-in for my flight when bad news arrived.

I hope everyone who goes has a great time and maybe, just maybe I will make it next year.

Sorry to hear Jason, was hoping to meet you there, but sounds like you luck is worse then mine!!! I've only missed the last 4!!^&grin here's what you do, come 2017 tell wife/kids/job you WILL be taking the last weekend or so of September off for yourself and just stick to it, besides with interest your drink payments will be triple by next year^&grin^&grin...Sammy

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