Well fellas another year another missed show for me

I started having lower stomach pains on Tuesday evening and didn't think much of it, it got worse through out the day on Wednesday, took some home meds to try and ease the issue but no luck, got up yesterday with terrible pains in my lower left stomach, went to see my personal Doc who sent me strait to the ER, can you see where this is going?? after almost 8 hours in the ER last nite and cat scan I have a lower left colon inflammation which can lead to Diverticulitous (which I had 4 years ago) needless to say there isn't a a show for me once again, I thought maybe if the meds I got at the ER kicked in there would be someway I could get on the plane but the ER doc said absolutely no long distance travel with the heavy meds in my system esp. flying, so picking up that phone to cancel my reservations was a tough one, but as I told Brad the only way I would miss the show would be if I were dying, and with a chance if I went the colon could become full blown infection I made the right call, looks like jellos/broth/water/warm Tea for the next 3-5 days, wow..what a vacation, anyway fellas hope all you have a great time that made it, maybe one day I will as well, but at this point after 5 years now I'm about ready to give up...Sammy