2016 Chicago show. (2 Viewers)

Sorry to hear Jason, was hoping to meet you there, but sounds like you luck is worse then mine!!! I've only missed the last 4!!^&grin here's what you do, come 2017 tell wife/kids/job you WILL be taking the last weekend or so of September off for yourself and just stick to it, besides with interest your drink payments will be triple by next year^&grin^&grin...Sammy

Triple? Sounds like I am getting off easy!
I found out late last night that I will not be able to attend the show.

That makes 6 years in a row that I have had hotel reservations and a plane ticket in the hopes of going only to have my plans change. Also, this is the second time in those two years that I had already checked-in for my flight when bad news arrived.

I hope everyone who goes has a great time and maybe, just maybe I will make it next year.

My brother, will miss you again! Hopefully the West in March!

Sorry to hear it Jason. Maybe you could join us in New York for the little get together I will be hosting this spring.
I leave for the airport at 4:30 a.m. to catch the red eye! By the time you guys get up tomorrow morning I will be in Chaumberg!:smile2:
Sorry to hear Jason, was hoping to meet you there, but sounds like you luck is worse then mine!!! I've only missed the last 4!!^&grin here's what you do, come 2017 tell wife/kids/job you WILL be taking the last weekend or so of September off for yourself and just stick to it, besides with interest your drink payments will be triple by next year^&grin^&grin...Sammy

That's too bad Jason; maybe like Sammy, someday you'll be able to attend the show, he missed it for a number of years but is 100% coming this year, so good for him................
Well fellas another year another missed show for me :(:(:( I started having lower stomach pains on Tuesday evening and didn't think much of it, it got worse through out the day on Wednesday, took some home meds to try and ease the issue but no luck, got up yesterday with terrible pains in my lower left stomach, went to see my personal Doc who sent me strait to the ER, can you see where this is going?? after almost 8 hours in the ER last nite and cat scan I have a lower left colon inflammation which can lead to Diverticulitous (which I had 4 years ago) needless to say there isn't a a show for me once again, I thought maybe if the meds I got at the ER kicked in there would be someway I could get on the plane but the ER doc said absolutely no long distance travel with the heavy meds in my system esp. flying, so picking up that phone to cancel my reservations was a tough one, but as I told Brad the only way I would miss the show would be if I were dying, and with a chance if I went the colon could become full blown infection I made the right call, looks like jellos/broth/water/warm Tea for the next 3-5 days, wow..what a vacation, anyway fellas hope all you have a great time that made it, maybe one day I will as well, but at this point after 5 years now I'm about ready to give up...Sammy

Well fellas another year another missed show for me :(:(:( I started having lower stomach pains on Tuesday evening and didn't think much of it, it got worse through out the day on Wednesday, took some home meds to try and ease the issue but no luck, got up yesterday with terrible pains in my lower left stomach, went to see my personal Doc who sent me strait to the ER, can you see where this is going?? after almost 8 hours in the ER last nite and cat scan I have a lower left colon inflammation which can lead to Diverticulitous (which I had 4 years ago) needless to say there isn't a a show for me once again, I thought maybe if the meds I got at the ER kicked in there would be someway I could get on the plane but the ER doc said absolutely no long distance travel with the heavy meds in my system esp. flying, so picking up that phone to cancel my reservations was a tough one, but as I told Brad the only way I would miss the show would be if I were dying, and with a chance if I went the colon could become full blown infection I made the right call, looks like jellos/broth/water/warm Tea for the next 3-5 days, wow..what a vacation, anyway fellas hope all you have a great time that made it, maybe one day I will as well, but at this point after 5 years now I'm about ready to give up...Sammy

Take easy Sammy and get well soon
Sorry to hear that Sammy. Hopefully, you, Jason and I will make 2017.

Get better soon Brother.

Sammy, I was really excited for you. Your first Chicago show, meeting and drinking with our Forum friends. The Super Bowl of toy soldiers. Now this. Aw man. I was really rooting for you. Take care. Get better.
Thanks for the photos. If you have a chance, can you post photos of what Figarti have. Thanks.

Well fellas another year another missed show for me :(:(:( I started having lower stomach pains on Tuesday evening and didn't think much of it, it got worse through out the day on Wednesday, took some home meds to try and ease the issue but no luck, got up yesterday with terrible pains in my lower left stomach, went to see my personal Doc who sent me strait to the ER, can you see where this is going?? after almost 8 hours in the ER last nite and cat scan I have a lower left colon inflammation which can lead to Diverticulitous (which I had 4 years ago) needless to say there isn't a a show for me once again, I thought maybe if the meds I got at the ER kicked in there would be someway I could get on the plane but the ER doc said absolutely no long distance travel with the heavy meds in my system esp. flying, so picking up that phone to cancel my reservations was a tough one, but as I told Brad the only way I would miss the show would be if I were dying, and with a chance if I went the colon could become full blown infection I made the right call, looks like jellos/broth/water/warm Tea for the next 3-5 days, wow..what a vacation, anyway fellas hope all you have a great time that made it, maybe one day I will as well, but at this point after 5 years now I'm about ready to

Man, Sammy, that is such bad news.
I'm so sorry to read this.
But now, lets first of all hope for a quick and complete recovery.
And in 2017 we meet in Chicago ;-)
All the best!

Thanks for the nice comments fellows, feeling a little better today but a little shaky with all the meds, just so disappointed in this whole mess...Sammy
thank you for the pictures ! is there see new sets in the King And Country room?
Have a good show and please let the pictures rolling on the Forum😃😃😃😃😃

Harry 🇳🇱
Well fellas another year another missed show for me :(:(:( I started having lower stomach pains on Tuesday evening and didn't think much of it, it got worse through out the day on Wednesday, took some home meds to try and ease the issue but no luck, got up yesterday with terrible pains in my lower left stomach, went to see my personal Doc who sent me strait to the ER, can you see where this is going?? after almost 8 hours in the ER last nite and cat scan I have a lower left colon inflammation which can lead to Diverticulitous (which I had 4 years ago) needless to say there isn't a a show for me once again, I thought maybe if the meds I got at the ER kicked in there would be someway I could get on the plane but the ER doc said absolutely no long distance travel with the heavy meds in my system esp. flying, so picking up that phone to cancel my reservations was a tough one, but as I told Brad the only way I would miss the show would be if I were dying, and with a chance if I went the colon could become full blown infection I made the right call, looks like jellos/broth/water/warm Tea for the next 3-5 days, wow..what a vacation, anyway fellas hope all you have a great time that made it, maybe one day I will as well, but at this point after 5 years now I'm about ready to give up...Sammy


Please take care of yourself.

And let's both keep trying to make it to the show. I won't give up on someday attending the show so long as you don't give up on attending too.

Best with thoughts of recovery for you,
Well fellas another year another missed show for me :(:(:( I started having lower stomach pains on Tuesday evening and didn't think much of it, it got worse through out the day on Wednesday, took some home meds to try and ease the issue but no luck, got up yesterday with terrible pains in my lower left stomach, went to see my personal Doc who sent me strait to the ER, can you see where this is going?? after almost 8 hours in the ER last nite and cat scan I have a lower left colon inflammation which can lead to Diverticulitous (which I had 4 years ago) needless to say there isn't a a show for me once again, I thought maybe if the meds I got at the ER kicked in there would be someway I could get on the plane but the ER doc said absolutely no long distance travel with the heavy meds in my system esp. flying, so picking up that phone to cancel my reservations was a tough one, but as I told Brad the only way I would miss the show would be if I were dying, and with a chance if I went the colon could become full blown infection I made the right call, looks like jellos/broth/water/warm Tea for the next 3-5 days, wow..what a vacation, anyway fellas hope all you have a great time that made it, maybe one day I will as well, but at this point after 5 years now I'm about ready to give up...Sammy

Sammy, really sorry to hear about your health problem and I hope you have a fast recovery. My mother suffered from the same diverticulitous problems for a long time so I know it is no fun. Perhaps staying away from the O's for a while will help.:wink2: At any rate, feel better my friend and best wishes. -- Al

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