2016? (2 Viewers)

Looking Forward to the Figarti Release of a King Tiger....Likely scheduled for release fall 2016.:salute::
Looking Forward to the Figarti Release of a King Tiger....Likely scheduled for release fall 2016.:salute::


Here is your new 1/30 scale King Tiger. The Fallschirmjager is W. Britains 60mm high for reference. The plinth the Tiger is on is 3 mm thick to equal the figures 3mm base. The photo is WW II to show actual human size relationship with the Kingtiger.
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Here is your new 1/30 scale King Tiger. The Fallschirmjager is W. Britains 60mm high for reference. The plinth the Tiger is on is 3 mm thick to equal the figures 3mm base. The photo is WW II to show actual human size relationship with the Kingtiger.

NOPE.....NO THANKS{sm4}....PASS{sm4}....I purchased one of these CS Tanks and returned it pronto:wink2:....Very poor paint and detail.....I'll wait for Figarti or FL to release a King Tiger this Fall 2016{sm4}
NOPE.....NO THANKS{sm4}....PASS{sm4}....I purchased one of these CS Tanks and returned it pronto:wink2:....Very poor paint and detail.....I'll wait for Figarti or FL to release a King Tiger this Fall 2016{sm4}

That is not a Collectors Showcase King Tiger. Please note the size of the measured 60 mm figure next to the measured 1/30 scale Tiger II. The King Tiger is compatable with both W. Britains and First Legion armor and figures.

Ebay prices are not always inflated many sellers offer Figarti Armor at fair retail prices i.e. KV-1 $199, M26 $219 etc. FYI Hobby Bunker is an Ebay seller!
That is not a Collectors Showcase King Tiger. Please note the size of the measured 60 mm figure next to the measured 1/30 scale Tiger II. The King Tiger is compatable with both W. Britains and First Legion armor and figures.

Ebay prices are not always inflated many sellers offer Figarti Armor at fair retail prices i.e. KV-1 $199, M26 $219 etc. FYI Hobby Bunker is an Ebay seller!

I could be wrong but is the King tiger made by 21'st century?
21st century were not makers of 30th scale armour. I was under the impression they were around the 32nd scale.
Your correct but people will tell you different:wink2:^&grin:rolleyes2:{sm4}
Could you post a picture of the 21st Century King Tiger next to your Figarti Panther G? Comparison pictures of them side to side taken from the front, side, and overhead would be very helpful.

Also, what are the King Tigers measurements in millimeters?
Could you post a picture of the 21st Century King Tiger next to your Figarti Panther G? Comparison pictures of them side to side taken from the front, side, and overhead would be very helpful.

Also, what are the King Tigers measurements in millimeters?


Hunter Rose; here are the photos you requested. FYI the Figarti Panther G measures at 1/29 scale. The 21st Century King Tiger measures 1/30 scale.

I have identified three 21st Century Cold Steel Panzers that measure at 1/30 scale. The Cold Steel is the upmarket die cast version and they run larger than 1/32; the King Tiger, Panzer IV & Stug IV, all of which I have posted photos of with a 60 mm figure for reference.

The dimensions of the 21st Century Cold Steel King Tiger and the Osprey New Vanguard #1 full size dimensions for reference. Also my calculated scale values and the average scale. A Panther is about 500mm longer than a King Tiger and the King Tiger is 381 mm wider;
both are about the same height.

Dimensions Full Size----------------21st Century Cold Steel King Tiger-------------------Scale

Length Hull 6400mm-----------------------------216mm---------------------------------29

Width Hull 3755mm------------------------------119mm---------------------------------31

Height Top Cupola 3070mm----------------------102mm---------------------------------30

Average Scale Length+Width+Height/3-------------------------------------------------- 30
Whose KT is pictured with the Britain's Paratrooper?

It definitely looks like a CS King Tiger to me....Could be K/C but I doubt it.....Either way I'll pass on it{sm4}....The pictured King Tiger is very poorly painted......The Figarti Panther is excellent IMO
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Hunter Rose; here are the photos you requested. FYI the Figarti Panther G measures at 1/29 scale. The 21st Century King Tiger measures 1/30 scale.

Katana, I could not disagree more with your above assertion the 21st Century Konigstiger is 1/30. I think you mean well, but I think this (and most of your other assertions regarding scale/figures recently) are just plain wrong. The 21st Century King Tiger is pretty obviously 1/32.

You state the Figarti Panther G is 1/29 scale. It is not. It is 1/30. I've measured it. Others have measured it. Digital calipers have been used. It's 1/30. I've posted plenty of pictures on this forum and others of the Figarti Panther with other confirmed 1/30 vehicles and lots of FL figures. Next you'll be telling me the Figarti Steel-Wheeled Command Panther is 1/29 or 1/28 scale.

The 21st Century Konigstiger is noticeably smaller than the Figarti Panther. The 21st Century Konigstigeris not a 1/30 vehicle.
Hunter Rose;

Panther G Dimensions-----------------Figarti Panther G Dimensions-------------------Scale

Overall Length 348"-----------------------------------------12.25"------------------------------------1/28.4

Hull Length------273"--------------------------------------------9.5---------------------------------------1/28.7



Average Scale L overall+L hull+W+H/4-----------------------------------------------------------1/29.02

The Figarti Panther G is 1/29 Scale. The 21st Century Cold Steel King tiger is 1/30 Scale. The photos show the Panther is longer and more narrow than the King Tiger and the heights are approximatly the same. The scale is different between the two Panzers; but the error is Figarti's!
The Figarti Panzer IV and M26 are also oversize and measure 1/29 scale. Vezzolf said he returned his Figarti Panzer IV as it was over size.

I provided you with what you asked for in good faith. Now do the math and post the numbers to prove your point as I have! Photos would be nice too.
Gents, I have the Figarti Winter Panther and it seems to me that it is definitely 1:30th scale when I compare it to other known 1:30th scale AFV's......The only issue/complaint that I have with the Figarti Winter Panther is that I dislike the paint job.....POORLY DONE.....IMO.....Otherwise a good model.

Numbers and math are hard; so lets try visual comparisons instead.

The first photo compares the size of the Figarti Panther to the Honor Bound Panther. The HB Panther is acknowledged to be an accurate 1/30 scale. The Figarti Panther appears to be larger because it is 1/29 scale in three different dimensions.

The second photo compares the 21st Century King Tiger with the accurate 1/30 scale HB Panther. Looks to be the right size relationship IMO.
The King Tiger was designed as a heavy version of the Panther; not as a replacement for the Tiger I; thus the similarities between the the two designs.

The third photo compares the Figarti Panther and the 21st Century King Tiger. The comparison photo was requested by Hunter Rose and I stated in that post the Figarti Panther was 1/29 scale; not 1/30 scale and the comparison was not accurate. He contends that the Figarti panther G is an accurate 1/30 scale; which is not the case.

The fourth photo is a reference photo showing the true size relationship of the Panther and King Tiger; when both Panzers are the same scale. The Panzers are 1/35 scale by Minichamps and their dimensions are accurate.

A box that says 1/32 scale is not always correct. I have many boxes supposedly containing 1/30 scale armor, that actually contain 1/28 scale armor! Boxes with figures that say 54mm but the figure is 60mm. Never assume that the box or the catalog is correct; always measure to be certain. I was delighted to find that some 1/32 marked 21st Century and Unimax armor was actually 1/30 scale and thus compatable with 60mm figures.I had assumed in error that others would be equally excited to find economical 1/30 scale armor available; such it seems is not the case with some!
Numbers and math are hard; so lets try visual comparisons instead.

The first photo compares the size of the Figarti Panther to the Honor Bound Panther. The HB Panther is acknowledged to be an accurate 1/30 scale. The Figarti Panther appears to be larger because it is 1/29 scale in three different dimensions.

The second photo compares the 21st Century King Tiger with the accurate 1/30 scale HB Panther. Looks to be the right size relationship IMO.
The King Tiger was designed as a heavy version of the Panther; not as a replacement for the Tiger I; thus the similarities between the the two designs.

Wow!!! Condescending much... :rolleyes:

I'm not gonna argue with you because it is pointless. It's like banging my head against the wall. I could tell you the sky is blue and you would argue it was green. I've posted measurements, scale conversions, and reference pictures of the Figarti Panther and tons of other tanks on this site and at other forums.

Quite frankly, IMO half the time you make statements you're just plain wrong and do not know what you are talking about. All the Figarti tanks like the Panzer IV that you NOW complain about as being too big are because I'm the one who told you!!! Remember that? Previously, you used to profoundly state that all Figarti armor was perfectly scaled at 1/30.

Do you even pay attention to what you post? Hell, just a couple days ago you were complaining how the Figarti Panther's deck was too short and it was unrealistic because a 60mm figures head came above the deck. Now the Figarti Panther is supposed to be too big and 1/29 scale? Come on, at least have some logical consistency in your statements.

So in the end we'll just choose to disagree. You've given your opinion on what scale the Figarti Panther and 21st Century King Tiger is and I've given my opinion. Collectors can evaluate them and then decide for themselves.

Hunter Rose;

I have provided measurements and photographs at your request. You have provided nothing but your unsubstantiated opinion. You claim to have posted many comparisons and charts; but I have not seen them; why not post them here if they are cogent to the conversation.

You interjected yourself into a pleasent conversation with Vezzolf about the possibility of a Figarti King Tiger and I proposed an interum alternative; compatable with 60mm W. Britains and First Legion figures.

Facts are tangible and measureable. Please provide some to support you alligations. A link to your relevant posts would be useful too.
Hunter Rose;

I have provided measurements and photographs at your request. You have provided nothing but your unsubstantiated opinion. You claim to have posted many comparisons and charts; but I have not seen them; why not post them here if they are cogent to the conversation.

You interjected yourself into a pleasent conversation with Vezzolf about the possibility of a Figarti King Tiger and I proposed an interum alternative; compatable with 60mm W. Britains and First Legion figures.

Facts are tangible and measureable. Please provide some to support you alligations. A link to your relevant posts would be useful too.

Roger that boss.

Clearly I am mistaken and I defer to your superior grasp of all things scale. You rock on now. Cheers.

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