2016? (3 Viewers)

How many of anything have they released in nearly 2 years ^&confuse^&confuse

I think that it is more of a lack of faith that Figarti may be doing anything at all..:redface2:Michael

In all honesty I would buy a Figarti King Tiger as some have speculated about but, when the lights are off and no one is manning the production line, it is time to give it a rest.
Focus on the companies still out there....King & Country, Collector's Showcase, Britains, Thomas Gunn, First Legion, to name a few.

In all honesty I would buy a Figarti King Tiger as some have speculated about but, when the lights are off and no one is manning the production line, it is time to give it a rest.
Focus on the companies still out there....King & Country, Collector's Showcase, Britains, Thomas Gunn, First Legion, to name a few.


You do like the dramatic. how are the lights out? how is nobody manning the production line? You either want your agenda regarding Figarti put forth or, you refuse to read facts. They are in the hands of a former worker. he is short of cash and is doing what he can to generate it. They are selling on China e-bay and have access to the entire inventory for repaints and reissues. This is something that collectors have asked for repeatedly for years, More numbers than the smaller run's Figarti did and, different paint and tactical numbering.

They showed samples of some repaints and new items at Chicago. Whether they have been placed into production means nothing as of yet for the issues mentioned above. They went to the trouble of making a Berg Tiger. They are trying but, may have more cash problems to deal with and, they are doing it by hard work and seemingly not borrowing. Sounds a good way to build and, my hat is off to them for trying. What other company that you mentioned apart from First Legion showcased anything new at Chicago? Non.

why do you still continue to speculate against the facts that they are finished when all the facts have been placed in front of you? I hope for the US that you don't ignore salient facts like this when allegedly offered terror suspects. You could focus on the companies that you mention and allow collectors who are truly interested in Figarti to discuss how they hope they can start building. It has been a very short time since they took over. what a shame some can't accept that but, seem intent to be almost happy to continually reiterate the demise of a company.
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Wow!!! Condescending much... :rolleyes:

I'm not gonna argue with you because it is pointless. It's like banging my head against the wall. I could tell you the sky is blue and you would argue it was green. I've posted measurements, scale conversions, and reference pictures of the Figarti Panther and tons of other tanks on this site and at other forums.

Quite frankly, IMO half the time you make statements you're just plain wrong and do not know what you are talking about. All the Figarti tanks like the Panzer IV that you NOW complain about as being too big are because I'm the one who told you!!! Remember that? Previously, you used to profoundly state that all Figarti armor was perfectly scaled at 1/30.

Do you even pay attention to what you post? Hell, just a couple days ago you were complaining how the Figarti Panther's deck was too short and it was unrealistic because a 60mm figures head came above the deck. Now the Figarti Panther is supposed to be too big and 1/29 scale? Come on, at least have some logical consistency in your statements.

So in the end we'll just choose to disagree. You've given your opinion on what scale the Figarti Panther and 21st Century King Tiger is and I've given my opinion. Collectors can evaluate them and then decide for themselves.


My comment was intended to be sarcasm; not condescention. I have come to the conclusion that some do not relate to numbrs as I do. I now have come to understand that photo comparison of models is a more effective argument. The photo of the 60 mm figure next to the 1/30 King Tiger was all that was necessry to prove my point about size compatibility. Likewise the photo of the HB and Figarti Panthers side by side was sufficient to show the 3mm difference in width; thus the 1/29 Figarti and 1/30 Honor Bound scales were obvious without resorting to the tedium of
measurements and ratios. Our debate over scale has been illuminating an , as a result I will in future simplify my arguments with photographic evidence.

I admit to making errors. The most important thing I have found is to admit a mistake and correct it ASAP. I made an incomplete observation about the deck height difference between the Honor Bound and Figarti Panthers. The Figarti Panther deck height is 59 mm. The Honor Bouind deck height is 67 mm. The Figarti Panther is too low by 4 mm. The Honor Bound deck height is too high by 4 mm. The correct deck height at 1/30 scale is 63 mm. I erred in not stating the inaccuracy of the Honor Bound deck height; which I have realized and I am correcting.

I still maintain that the Figarti Panther G is an excellent model; but flawed in some respects. The Figarti Panther has exceeded the Honor Bound Panther A; which was the standard of excellence prior to its advent. The increases in prices have resulted in higher demand for quality and accuracy in polystone models; hopefully the next polystone or mixed media 1/30 scale Panther introduced will excell the Figarti Panther G.
My comment was intended to be sarcasm; not condescention. I have come to the conclusion that some do not relate to numbrs as I do. I now have come to understand that photo comparison of models is a more effective argument. The photo of the 60 mm figure next to the 1/30 King Tiger was all that was necessry to prove my point about size compatibility. Likewise the photo of the HB and Figarti Panthers side by side was sufficient to show the 3mm difference in width; thus the 1/29 Figarti and 1/30 Honor Bound scales were obvious without resorting to the tedium of
measurements and ratios. Our debate over scale has been illuminating an , as a result I will in future simplify my arguments with photographic evidence.

I admit to making errors. The most important thing I have found is to admit a mistake and correct it ASAP. I made an incomplete observation about the deck height difference between the Honor Bound and Figarti Panthers. The Figarti Panther deck height is 59 mm. The Honor Bouind deck height is 67 mm. The Figarti Panther is too low by 4 mm. The Honor Bound deck height is too high by 4 mm. The correct deck height at 1/30 scale is 63 mm. I erred in not stating the inaccuracy of the Honor Bound deck height; which I have realized and I am correcting.

I still maintain that the Figarti Panther G is an excellent model; but flawed in some respects. The Figarti Panther has exceeded the Honor Bound Panther A; which was the standard of excellence prior to its advent. The increases in prices have resulted in higher demand for quality and accuracy in polystone models; hopefully the next polystone or mixed media 1/30 scale Panther introduced will excell the Figarti Panther G.

In terms of panther releases I would expect First legion and Britain's to be the next two big boys to have a go and do one. I think with Britain's covering late war we could see any version available for that period. My own preference would be a IR version for battle of Berlin.

FL well, they are now the only western front maker so, the odds may well be on a Normandy variant. Mind, they just mentioned Kursk so, making one for that battle would allow a initial release to be done which also makes a lot of sense
I don't understand peoples reluctance to absorb the fact that Figarti is "kaput". I see that the moderators finally removed Conte from the main page, Figarti is next.
Marx has a better chance of coming back than Figarti.
You do like the dramatic. how are the lights out? how is nobody manning the production line? You either want your agenda regarding Figarti put forth or, you refuse to read facts. They are in the hands of a former worker. he is short of cash and is doing what he can to generate it. They are selling on China e-bay and have access to the entire inventory for repaints and reissues. This is something that collectors have asked for repeatedly for years, More numbers than the smaller run's Figarti did and, different paint and tactical numbering.

They showed samples of some repaints and new items at Chicago. Whether they have been placed into production means nothing as of yet for the issues mentioned above. They went to the trouble of making a Berg Tiger. They are trying but, may have more cash problems to deal with and, they are doing it by hard work and seemingly not borrowing. Sounds a good way to build and, my hat is off to them for trying. What other company that you mentioned apart from First Legion showcased anything new at Chicago? Non.

why do you still continue to speculate against the facts that they are finished when all the facts have been placed in front of you? I hope for the US that you don't ignore salient facts like this when allegedly offered terror suspects. You could focus on the companies that you mention and allow collectors who are truly interested in Figarti to discuss how they hope they can start building. It has been a very short time since they took over. what a shame some can't accept that but, seem intent to be almost happy to continually reiterate the demise of a company.

Are you telling me that we should be optimistic about Figarti's future, when their remaining Inventory is in the hands of a "former employee" who is flocking the last items on E-Bay China ?
You enjoy your future purchases from Figarti my friend. You will be saving a lot of money buying......NOTHING. I will enjoy mine from companies that are "Still in existance"
Nothing more to add here as this whole topic is ridiculous to say the very least !

I don't understand peoples reluctance to absorb the fact that Figarti is "kaput". I see that the moderators finally removed Conte from the main page, Figarti is next.
Marx has a better chance of coming back than Figarti.

Gary, I could not agree more ! Some people take this personal and are trying to cling on to whatever they can for a glimmer of hope ! KAPUT

Are you telling me that we should be optimistic about Figarti's future, when their remaining Inventory is in the hands of a "former employee" who is flocking the last items on E-Bay China ?
You enjoy your future purchases from Figarti my friend. You will be saving a lot of money buying......NOTHING. I will enjoy mine from companies that are "Still in existance"
Nothing more to add here as this whole topic is ridiculous to say the very least !


Its not remaining inventory though its existing moulds being used to release repainted items. This is what king and country is doing today releasing old items with repaints undertaken. Why does that fill you with dread? Its therefore not the last items but, their way to generate money to address new items. Its seems that you believe in the tooth fairy to bring money while these workers are doing it the only way they know how by hard work.

Its the most sensible thing to use what you have at your disposal to generate funds. If there is nothing more to add and the topic is ludicrous/ridiculous then simply move on and allow collectors to discuss what they wish.
I don't understand peoples reluctance to absorb the fact that Figarti is "kaput". I see that the moderators finally removed Conte from the main page, Figarti is next.
Marx has a better chance of coming back than Figarti.

Its not a reluctance. In reality had the former owners said we are pulling out as they had and the company ended then it would be pointless to discuss as that would be the end. Much has been discussed about the new people taking over whether they have inherited any debts left and what their situation is. It seems though and is clear that they are giving it a go and trying to make Figarti run.

That may or may not work and while some seem overtly happy to run with their Kaput and demise statements the only thing that will prove this is time. It now seems more important to those who relish demise to be right than actually seeing a company in seemingly difficult circumstances make a go.

They may not be releasing new stuff at the moment but, there are a number of repaints being done and nobody knows how well these are selling or not. I last heard that all the stock was being looked at for repainting and revival so, that does not seem like a small step.

Very few on here seem to want to give them a chance rather they seem happy and knowledgeable to say they are down so, lets stick the boot in
Its not a reluctance. In reality had the former owners said we are pulling out as they had and the company ended then it would be pointless to discuss as that would be the end. Much has been discussed about the new people taking over whether they have inherited any debts left and what their situation is. It seems though and is clear that they are giving it a go and trying to make Figarti run.

That may or may not work and while some seem overtly happy to run with their Kaput and demise statements the only thing that will prove this is time. It now seems more important to those who relish demise to be right than actually seeing a company in seemingly difficult circumstances make a go.

They may not be releasing new stuff at the moment but, there are a number of repaints being done and nobody knows how well these are selling or not. I last heard that all the stock was being looked at for repainting and revival so, that does not seem like a small step.

Very few on here seem to want to give them a chance rather they seem happy and knowledgeable to say they are down so, lets stick the boot in

All you long time members please excuse me for bringing this topic up again. I could not be happier that Figarti is falling on bad times. In fact I truely hope it goes out of business. The initial owner Rick Wang was one of, if not the best person, in the toy soldier hobby. I was right with them from day one when they showed up at OTSN (don't remember the year) with there Japanese & Chinese figures. I bought almost every thing they made. Loved their "Shock & Awe" product unveiled at every OTSN, high lite of the show. Finally decided I had to have one. Sold a bunch of items to buy the E-Boat ($1800). From there the relationship went south! Boat arrived damaged, not unusual as 75% of items from Figarti arrived damaged. I never complained on this board because I liked Rick so much. But when my $1800 E-Boat along with numerous other Figarti pieces started the paint peeling that's when I lost it. I never once bought an item for investment or resale but when you spend that kind of money and now what you have is virtually worthless it takes a bigger man than me to just bite the bullet. So yes in fact I'm happy to see this company shoot craps.
Now if the moderators will remove Figarti from the main page so I don't see that name the final chapter for me will be over.
And yes I do feel better after this rant.
Gary, I'm glad that you have had a chance to share a rant:wink2:....We all have them from time to time.:wink2:...That said:My experience with Figarti products have over-all been very very good....and despite your feelings I and many others hope this company can make a strong comeback under new ownership. :salute::.....I don't think they are done yet and many of us would gladly purchase Figarti products.....The newer proto-type Panthers and a new King Tiger from Figarti would sell out in a flash putting them right back in the game.....They don't need shock and awe just simply some well done iconic WWII AFV's.simple....It's up to Figarti to decide.....FIGARTI: JUST DO IT
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I completely disagree with Gary and never wish anyone ill will.

Regarding whether Figarti is still in existence, this has been debated in the last week but i think the response by Carlos (desk11desk12) and statement made by Matt of Hobby Bunker would have sufficed to answer the question that they are on life support.

Selling on Chinese ebay and making repaints is not indicative of a positive financial situation or a healthy company. The product they brought to Chicago was supposed to be available in the first quarter, 2016, which has now come and past.

From all that we've been able to gather the new company or person acquired the name and some inventory (but no factory, as that was sold). Imagine if you will if a person tried to start a company and we had the same set of facts but this company was called something other than Figarti. Would we be debating it? In my opinion, no. People (well, most people) have fond memories of Figarti but that Figarti doesn't exist anymore.

We will all be pleasantly surprised if they can make commercial quantities of a product (100 used to be the normal production for an item but even half or a quarter of that would be a surprise ) but I wouldn't bet the farm on that.

I've sold some of my Figarti but have the special Tiger Rick made with me (no figures) and the Churchill AVRE had especially painted for me, as well as the Honeys. When I look at those, they remind me of the fond memories I had for Figarti, Rick and his Shock and Awe presentations in Chicago.

Unfortunately, nothing is permanent in life and change is around the corner.
I completely disagree with Gary and never wish anyone ill will.

Regarding whether Figarti is still in existence, this has been debated in the last week but i think the response by Carlos (desk11desk12) and statement made by Matt of Hobby Bunker would have sufficed to answer the question that they are on life support.

Selling on Chinese ebay and making repaints is not indicative of a positive financial situation or a healthy company. The product they brought to Chicago was supposed to be available in the first quarter, 2016, which has now come and past.

From all that we've been able to gather the new company or person acquired the name and some inventory (but no factory, as that was sold). Imagine if you will if a person tried to start a company and we had the same set of facts but this company was called something other than Figarti. Would we be debating it? In my opinion, no. People (well, most people) have fond memories of Figarti but that Figarti doesn't exist anymore.

We will all be pleasantly surprised if they can make commercial quantities of a product (100 used to be the normal production for an item but even half or a quarter of that would be a surprise ) but I wouldn't bet the farm on that.

I've sold some of my Figarti but have the special Tiger Rick made with me (no figures) and the Churchill AVRE had especially painted for me, as well as the Honeys. When I look at those, they remind me of the fond memories I had for Figarti, Rick and his Shock and Awe presentations in Chicago.

Unfortunately, nothing is permanent in life and change is around the corner.

Maybe not but, they may be so poor that is all they can do at the moment to raise funds. It may be at this time its enough to earn a wage and they may well be able to expand down the line. I did not realise they had no factory which must also be hard. Its not nostalgia its a couple of blokes trying to give it a go and fair play to them. I hope they succeed. It may not be the Figarti with a bottomless pit of cash but, as you say things always change.
As a point of reference, most companies don't own their own factories but have factories make the product for them. Figarti was an exception.
The first photo is the Figarti advertising photo of the Panther G. The second photo is the Panther G I received; there is no comparison between the two in the quality of the paint. I am glad it has not started to flake off yet. Very disappointing from a company supposedly noted for producing quality products IMO.

The paint quality on the 21st Century King Tiger is superior in color and clarity IMO.

ETG-083 (3).jpgP1010551.JPG
It shouldn't flake off. The problem had been resolved by then. Flaking took place because Figarti didn't properly prime some of its products. I had a couple of figures like that which the repair man spent a lot of time fixing.
The first photo is the Figarti advertising photo of the Panther G. The second photo is the Panther G I received; there is no comparison between the two in the quality of the paint. I am glad it has not started to flake off yet. Very disappointing from a company supposedly noted for producing quality products IMO.

The paint quality on the 21st Century King Tiger is superior in color and clarity IMO.

View attachment 189895View attachment 189896

The colour and lighting does not help on your pictures. My Panther arrived and looked as expected. The tones used for Dark Brown and Green are dark and not much dunkelgelb was on show. This as I mentioned seemed to be the Figarti way when painting.

The colours are lighter and much better on the new repainted versions available from China

Flaking paint is not solely a Figarti issue though it was worse with some of their earlier products. I have had flaking paint on king and country figures and guns and, from TCS on some of their figures

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