Thus, the Grandy rumors. :wink2: -- AlI heard that they called up De Aza. I nearly fell out of the chair when I heard that. God, he's awful.
Went back and counted; De Aza is the 13th outfielder that the Nats have had on the roster this season. Egads. -- AlBrad, haven't heard that trade rumor, but it fits as the Nats just had to put OF Goodwin on the DL, making something like 4 OFers on the DL. Actually had to call De Aza up from the minors so maybe the Grandy rumor has substance. We've gone through 8 or 9 OFers so far. -- Al
All my angst about the Nats bullpen is a thing of the past. The 3 acquisitions, Madson, Kintzler, and Doolittle (or MKD as the clever announcers call them) have stabilized the pen and given the Nats what they lacked through the All-Star game, a shutdown pen. Madson has a 0 ERA through 9 games, Kintzler is at a 1.00 ERA through 9 games, and Doolittle is at 2.57 with 10 saves in his 14 games. Sure is a different feeling going into the 7, 8, or 9th inning than it was a month ago. Now, if we can only get back some of our injured regulars...
Also, there is an article in the sports section this AM explaining why Mark Lerner (principal owner of the Nats and old school mate of mine) has been absent from so many games this year. Normally, he is at all the games but he was diagnosed with cancer earlier this season and had to have his leg amputated earlier this month. It won't keep him down and I want to wish him all the best. -- Al
Jason, that is all true. He is very involved and prior to this season's physical problems, it seemed he was always at the ballpark. I went to school with him, 7th through 12th grade, not that we were best buddies but we were friendly. Ran in different social circles.:rolleyes2: -- AlAl:
I second those get well wishes for Mark Lerner. I read once that he loves the game so much that he sometimes plays the outfield during batting practice and he is very well liked among the Nats players.
Ball is really flying out of Camden Yards tonight. O's have added 2 Hr's. That makes 6 Hr's in 3 innings. P.S.-- Can't keep up. O's just added another Hr (#3) to close the score to 5-4, Angels. Shootout in B-more, and I'm not talking the crime rate here. -- AlO's in a hole again, 5-0. Hellickson has given up 4 Hr's in 1.1 innings.It would seem Helickson is not the answer to the O's SP problems.:rolleyes2: -- Al
Ball is really flying out of Camden Yards tonight. O's have added 2 Hr's. That makes 6 Hr's in 3 innings. P.S.-- Can't keep up. O's just added another Hr (#3) to close the score to 5-4, Angels. Shootout in B-more, and I'm not talking the crime rate here. -- Al
The Hr derby continues. Machado has hit his 2nd Hr of the night, Trout has gone deep. It's 7-5 Angels in the top of the 5th and there have been 9 Hr's hit, responsible for all the runs. -- AlBall is really flying out of Camden Yards tonight. O's have added 2 Hr's. That makes 6 Hr's in 3 innings. P.S.-- Can't keep up. O's just added another Hr (#3) to close the score to 5-4, Angels. Shootout in B-more, and I'm not talking the crime rate here. -- Al
Wahoo! Machado just hit his 3rd Hr of the game, a walk-off GS that gave the O's a 9-7 win. Each team hit 5 Hr's and these were responsible for every run scored. What a terrific game and an important win for the O's. -- AlThe Hr derby continues. Machado has hit his 2nd Hr of the night, Trout has gone deep. It's 7-5 Angels in the top of the 5th and there have been 9 Hr's hit, responsible for all the runs. -- Al