To be perfectly honest guys, the "live, in person" game just ain't what it use to be, in the last few years I've been to a few NFL, MLB, and even a professional Hockey game!! (sorry Sharks, you suck) but to me it's just not the same as my memories of days gone by at old Memorial stadium, the game back then was about the what you have is a Carnival side show, with a game in the middle somewhere...being that between the Kiss Cam, the live Cam, the NEVER ending promoting of everything under the Sun, it's gone politically correct crazy where you text a member of security if you feel threatened in any way!! but the odd thing is if you are a visiting fan with team colors of the visiting team, you can bet your arse you will be taunted, screamed at and possibly get a beat down by night's end by the home town local drunks, seen it all happen. Now the best part, the cost from the get go...ticket(s) parking, souveniers, beer, drinks, food, =a ****t ton of money with a Carnival like atmosphere.....the game itself is chasing away fans for many reasons and a few listed above, fact is I'm sure I'll attend a game here or there, but for the most part, I have become pretty comfy on the couch screaming, cussing, eating at my leisure, not having to fight my way to my car,traffic..or maybe I'm just that old white guy now..."get off my Lawn"..^&grin