YES is generally unwatchable, principally due to Michael Kay, who is just plain awful.
You are such a Met's homer, Brad, that you have no objectivity. Michael Kay, Paul O'Neill and David Cone do a terrific broadcast. Its the Yankees Radio voices, John Sterling and Susan Waldman that are embarrassing.
And having listened to the Red Sox and Mets telecasters on MLB network highlights, claims that they the Yankees telecasters are biased by Mets and Red Sox fans sound remarkably like pots calling kettles black . . . :rolleyes2:
Not at all Louis. I actually like Sterling and Suzan but Kay is awful. Cone is ok but overall they can’t even touch the Mets trio. I have DirectTV and have the baseball package, which means I get every team’s games. Throughout the course of the season I watch a lot of games and Kay is just baaad. I like the Cardinals crew, especially when McCarver is on and last night I was listening to the Dodgers for a bit and they’re pretty good.
I bet you’re one of those who listen to Kay on his mediocre radio show, which is generally unlistenable. Thank goodness Francesa is back.
And just so you don’t think I’m biased, I hate listening to the Mets radio team. I love Howie Rose but Josh Lewin — no relation, fortunately — grates on me.
Scouting the Next Vin Scully: All Announcing Teams Ranked.
We may be mediocre at signing on the field talent but at least we have the best team in the booth :wink2:
I do enjoy the O's announcing teams, they are smart and not too verbose. The Nats need to improve. Santangelo drives me nuts, but Carpenter isn't too bad. Santangelo has a couple of catch phrases that he thinks are cute, but he needs to lose. He also has a bad habit of telling the viewer what the ballplayer is thinking. They are both homers. The O's teams are much better. -- AlScouting the Next Vin Scully: All Announcing Teams Ranked.
We may be mediocre at signing on the field talent but at least we have the best team in the booth :wink2:
Scouting the Next Vin Scully: All Announcing Teams Ranked.
We may be mediocre at signing on the field talent but at least we have the best team in the booth :wink2:
The Giants team was ranked number 1, the Yankees Team #2, the Mets #3 and the Red Sox Team that Mr. Lengel loved was ranked #23:
Who in God's name is David Lengel, and why is his opinion in any way important? Is he a hall of fame broadcaster? What team has he called games for? Calling Michael Kay a top level homer is laughable. And he based his opinion on listening to the call of a single White Sox game. Not exactly my idea of a detailed study on the best broadcasting teams.
Here's a ranking based on votes from hundreds of listeners nationwide. The Giants team was ranked number 1, the Yankees Team #2, the Mets #3 and the Red Sox Team that Mr. Lengel loved was ranked #23:
Nats completed the 4 game sweep in Arizona tonight, 6-4, as new Nat Mark Reynolds (former Diamondback) hit 2 Hr's and had 3 RBI's in his first game for DC. Nats pitchers fanned 47 Arizona batters in the 4 games while walking only 4 and giving up only 7 runs. Good job out west. -- AlThe Nats finally seem to have gotten their act together. They started out 11-16 and just looked blah. Since that low point the Nats have gone 12-2 and have closed within a game of 1st place. The SP's are going strong and the bullpen is beginning to sharpen up, the defense is tight, and although the offense still has holes, the return of Rendon will start to help. The Nats are currently in Arizona, about to play the last game of that season series. Earlier in the season, the Nats lost the first 2 games in the series, 4-5 and 3-4, before winning game #3, 2-1. The last 3 in Arizona have all been Nat wins, 2-1, 3-1, 2-1, a real pitchers series. It's been a real nail-biting series of games between these 2 teams, with the Nats scoring 17 runs in the 6 games, and the Diamondbacks scoring 13. I don't know what Arizona did to their stadium, but the ball doesn't carry very well in there anymore. Lots of flies dying on the warning track. -- Al