2019 Baseball season (4 Viewers)

oooooooooh my heart...
that's now 10 men left on base...
I don't feel good...^&grin
I wonder if there has ever been a more worthless pair of stats than launch angle and exit velocity? I mean WGaFF? -- Al
I'm recharging my defibrillator right now...^&grin
LoL. I know what you mean. I took off the leads to mine after we got a 3-run lead, but then the bullpen took over and the Astros hit that Hr and now I have to re-attache them all with tape. :wink2: -- Al
things are going from bad to worse here...
I hooked up the leads to my tongue to get the jolt I need......
then waving my orange towel around the room and scaring my dog off...
I hit myself in the eye with it and now I'm watching the game with only one eye...^&grin
to top it off...
my lucky charm fell in between the cushions and I can't find it...
things are going from bad to worse here...
I hooked up the leads to my tongue to get the jolt I need......
then waving my orange towel around the room and scaring my dog off...
I hit myself in the eye with it and now I'm watching the game with only one eye...^&grin
to top it off...
my lucky charm fell in between the cushions and I can't find it...
You don't need that charm. You have the Nats bullpen. Now the lead is one...and my pepto and Malox has run out. :rolleyes2: -- Al
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great game...
you're off to a fantastic start...
the Astros can't leave 11 men on base...
and not look back at lost opportunities...
your batters spanked Cole but good...
congrats on Game 1...

at least my Cowboys won't lose this week...
they got a bye week....^&grin
Good win for the Nats, and the bullpen, but I know my nerves can't take this kind of close game every night. The Astros made it close and fell just short. This is going to be a tough series. -- Al
great game...
you're off to a fantastic start...
the Astros can't leave 11 men on base...
and not look back at lost opportunities...
your batters spanked Cole but good...
congrats on Game 1...

at least my Cowboys won't lose this week...
they got a bye week....^&grin
Thanks, Mike. Once again it was a matter of our offense outscoring our bullpen. A 'skin of our teeth' win which leaves out pitching somewhat discombobulated. A tough win against a dangerous Astros team. -- Al
Being Captain Obvious, tomorrow is an important game for the Astros -- not a must game because plenty of teams have come back from 2-0 and the 85 Royals and 86 Mets came back after losing both games at home -- but with Strasberg on the mound, I think the Nats have an excellent chance of going home being up 2-0. Verlander has not been great in 2 out of his last 3 starts. Not terrible but not great.
Being Captain Obvious, tomorrow is an important game for the Astros -- not a must game because plenty of teams have come back from 2-0 and the 85 Royals and 86 Mets came back after losing both games at home -- but with Strasberg on the mound, I think the Nats have an excellent chance of going home being up 2-0. Verlander has not been great in 2 out of his last 3 starts. Not terrible but not great.
I surely hope this is the case, but I'm not holding my breath. Scherzer was not sharp tonight, maybe because of the off time, and Strasburg will have to contend with the same thing. He needs to be sharp and go 7 because the Nats bullpen threw a lot of pitches tonight. -- Al
Being Captain Obvious, tomorrow is an important game for the Astros -- not a must game because plenty of teams have come back from 2-0 and the 85 Royals and 86 Mets came back after losing both games at home -- but with Strasberg on the mound, I think the Nats have an excellent chance of going home being up 2-0. Verlander has not been great in 2 out of his last 3 starts. Not terrible but not great.

I heard or read that JV is now 0-6 in WS games...
congrats on Game 2...
your line up exposed our bull pen...
I need to win a game...^&grin
Thanks, Mike. That one surprised me. I congratulate you on Houston's win in Game 3. The Astros pitching buckled down when it counted and kept the Nats from scoring. It was a rather frustrating game to watch from my POV but Houston got it done and now we have a WS dogfight to watch.^&grin -- Al
thanks Al...

the Astros needed to win that game or it was over...
the Nats got plenty of hits...left 12 base runners...just couldn't get hits with men in scoring position...just like the Astros in games 1-2...
Urquiday vs Corbin should be a good match up tonight...

can you explain a few things for me please?

why did James get the win last night instead of Grienke?

Grienke left the game with a 3-0 lead...after 4.2 innings...he left with 2 outs and runners on 2nd & 3rd...

James came in and struck out Zimmerman...he threw only 8 pitches...the inning ended with the score still 3-0...
in the next inning Peacock came in to pitch for the Astros...
James sat down...

how come Grienke didn't get the win?
James threw 8 pitches...got one out...and he got the win...
that doesn't make sense...

one more question...
what is normal for a relief pitcher?
I don't understand their limited role...
why can't these prima donnas throw more than just a few pitches...

James threw 8 and retired one batter...
Harris in the 6th & 7th threw 25 and retired 5...
Smith in the 8th threw 18 and retired 3...

James and Harris and Smith were pitching great...
and they all got pulled one after another...
can relief pitchers only throw 8...25...and 18 pitches...

I don't get it...
are relief pitchers only good for a few outs/innings and then they rest?
why can't these guys at least pitch 40-50 pitches?
thanks Al...

the Astros needed to win that game or it was over...
the Nats got plenty of hits...left 12 base runners...just couldn't get hits with men in scoring position...just like the Astros in games 1-2...
Urquiday vs Corbin should be a good match up tonight...

can you explain a few things for me please?

why did James get the win last night instead of Grienke?

Grienke left the game with a 3-0 lead...after 4.2 innings...he left with 2 outs and runners on 2nd & 3rd...

James came in and struck out Zimmerman...he threw only 8 pitches...the inning ended with the score still 3-0...
in the next inning Peacock came in to pitch for the Astros...
James sat down...

how come Grienke didn't get the win?
James threw 8 pitches...got one out...and he got the win...
that doesn't make sense...

one more question...
what is normal for a relief pitcher?
I don't understand their limited role...
why can't these prima donnas throw more than just a few pitches...

James threw 8 and retired one batter...
Harris in the 6th & 7th threw 25 and retired 5...
Smith in the 8th threw 18 and retired 3...

James and Harris and Smith were pitching great...
and they all got pulled one after another...
can relief pitchers only throw 8...25...and 18 pitches...

I don't get it...
are relief pitchers only good for a few outs/innings and then they rest?
why can't these guys at least pitch 40-50 pitches?

A starting pitcher needs to go a full five innings to qualify for a win, he came up one out short.

Close, but no cigar.

As far as relief pitchers, welcome to the age of specialization in baseball, guys come for one inning, sometimes one batter.

You hear about how "So and so is their 7th inning guy, so and so is their 8th inning guy" and so on, plus often times, a lefty specialist is on the staff, his job out of the bullpen is get one batter, a lefty, then out he goes.

As a lefty growing up, I wish I had honed my craft as pitcher; I could throw the ball hard, no problem, just for the most part I had no clue where it was going...……………:rolleyes2:
thanks Al...

the Astros needed to win that game or it was over...
the Nats got plenty of hits...left 12 base runners...just couldn't get hits with men in scoring position...just like the Astros in games 1-2...
Urquiday vs Corbin should be a good match up tonight...

can you explain a few things for me please?

why did James get the win last night instead of Grienke?

Grienke left the game with a 3-0 lead...after 4.2 innings...he left with 2 outs and runners on 2nd & 3rd...

James came in and struck out Zimmerman...he threw only 8 pitches...the inning ended with the score still 3-0...
in the next inning Peacock came in to pitch for the Astros...
James sat down...

how come Grienke didn't get the win?
James threw 8 pitches...got one out...and he got the win...
that doesn't make sense...

one more question...
what is normal for a relief pitcher?
I don't understand their limited role...
why can't these prima donnas throw more than just a few pitches...

James threw 8 and retired one batter...
Harris in the 6th & 7th threw 25 and retired 5...
Smith in the 8th threw 18 and retired 3...

James and Harris and Smith were pitching great...
and they all got pulled one after another...
can relief pitchers only throw 8...25...and 18 pitches...

I don't get it...
are relief pitchers only good for a few outs/innings and then they rest?
why can't these guys at least pitch 40-50 pitches?
Mike, according to MLB rules, a starting pitcher must go a minimum of 5 full innings to qualify for the win. In the case of James getting the win while recording just the one out, it is the official scorer's option to award the win to James because he worked out of the jam, ie., he did his job efficiently. Had James given up a hit or so and a run or so scored, the official scorer has the choice of who he can award the win to in terms of later relief pitchers, as long as the lead has been maintained, meaning the scorer can award the win to whatever relief pitcher he feels was most effective or important to the win.
Your other question is one of baseball's most debated and most often asked. No easy or real correct answer, as all pitchers and situations are different. Match-ups, numbers, tendencies, gut feelings, is a pitcher hot or cold, all sorts of stuff figures into the use of relief pitchers. The nature of relief pitching, possible multiple use over short stretches in multiple games, dictates that most only throw a few pitches in short stints as longer stints (the long relief man) can require longer rest between appearances. Even short men can't be used day after day after day, they must have rest for their arms to recover. The management of the bullpen is one of the toughest jobs a manager faces and one many managers never really are good at. A starting pitcher, who anticipates going 7 or so innings, must pace himself to get his arm to last that long, whereas a relief pitcher who comes in knowing he only needs to go one inning, or even just one out, can throw everything he has into every pitch. Starting and relieving are two very different types of pitching even though the goal is the same. -- Al

thank you...of course...


I knew the 5 inning rule on qualifying...I just forgot...it just seemed weird to me when I looked at the box score and saw it awarded to James who only threw 8 pitches....but I guess he was the most eligible as he saved the inning...

on the relief pitchers...it just bugs me when I see a guy do fantastic for a quick 1 1/2 innings...
then they pull him and put in a guy who struggles and blows the lead...

Al...good luck tonight...

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