I agree, Louis. Calling the strike zone badly is the root cause for the rise in the number of pitches thrown, as batters foul off questionable pitches and pitchers have to throw more. None-not one-of the measures that MLB has implemented to resolve the length of games addresses this, not limiting mound visits, not restricting a manager's ability to replace pitchers, not the ghost man rule, not the pitch clock (still being tested in the minors). None of these things has led to a shortening of the game, because in the end, pitchers are still throwing more pitches per inning than they did only a few years ago. Until MLB addresses the inability of the umpires to call the strike zone as defined and consistently, nothing they do will resolve the issue and certainly not improve the game.
Personally, I'd like to see baseball adopt the third strike foul rule that softball has-if a batter has 2 strikes and his a foul ball, it's strike 3 and he's out. That would speed up the game. An at bat would be 6 pitches at the most.