So do the O's.:tongue: Good Harvey is a lot more fun to watch than Bad Harvey, and miles more effective. -- AlFor whatever reason I cheer for Harvey.
I hope he continues to put up those numbers.
So do the O's.:tongue: Good Harvey is a lot more fun to watch than Bad Harvey, and miles more effective. -- AlFor whatever reason I cheer for Harvey.
I hope he continues to put up those numbers.
Jason, it's the non-believers because it's an odd numbered year. I've watched a lot of baseball this season and I haven't seen anyone any better than the Giants. -- AlThe Giants continue to win yet even the Mets have better odds to win the World Series.
The Giants continue to win yet even the Mets have better odds to win the World Series.
Think the loss of DeGrom about guarantees this division battle goes to the wire. If the Mets can keep ahead until he returns, DeGrom gives them the edge down the stretch, but he's got to come back healthy and give the Mets some innings in September. No one in the NL East seems able to separate, or step up and take control, so DeGrom would be the difference, IMO. I know that it might be obvious, but that one arm will make or break the race. -- AlAt the rate the Mets are going, no one will have to worry about the odds.
Think the loss of DeGrom about guarantees this division battle goes to the wire. If the Mets can keep ahead until he returns, DeGrom gives them the edge down the stretch, but he's got to come back healthy and give the Mets some innings in September. No one in the NL East seems able to separate, or step up and take control, so DeGrom would be the difference, IMO. I know that it might be obvious, but that one arm will make or break the race. -- Al
It’s not the pitching, which isn’t that great either, but they can’t hit for you-know-what. The biggest culprit is Conforto, hitting .196 with 6 HRs. They’ve benched or given him a break at times but it hasn’t helped. They’re a terrible offensive team.
Interesting stat, which once again proves numbers in baseball can be deceiving. Nats have been near the top in team batting all season, yet are bad at scoring, having scored 3 or fewer runs in half their games (13-39 in those games). Go figure. -- AlThe Mets team batting average is .235 which ranks 19th in MLB.
Interestingly the Nats are batting .258 which ranks 3rd.
Interesting stat, which once again proves numbers in baseball can be deceiving. Nats have been near the top in team batting all season, yet are bad at scoring, having scored 3 or fewer runs in half their games (13-39 in those games). Go figure. -- Al
Nice dream, certainly, but they haven't got much of a team left, and no real starting rotation or bullpen. Good possibility of a 90 loss season at this point. The rest of this season is going to be a test for the up and coming youngsters and a real test for Martinez. -- AlNats are only 6 back in the loss column. Wouldn’t it be a hoot if they came back and won.
Nice dream, certainly, but they haven't got much of a team left, and no real starting rotation or bullpen. Good possibility of a 90 loss season at this point. The rest of this season is going to be a test for the up and coming youngsters and a real test for Martinez. -- Al
Yep, a classic case of the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Long term contracts rarely work out. The exception being the Scherzer signing, which many consider the best FA signing ever (especially the DC fans:wink2The Nats did a great job in dodging Rendon as he is done in LA for the rest of the season. 2 years into his $245 contract he has played in 110 games while hitting .263 with 15 home runs. He will be 33 years old before he plays another game.
Then again there is the Strasburg contract that is also for $245 mil……
Yep, a classic case of the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Long term contracts rarely work out. The exception being the Scherzer signing, which many consider the best FA signing ever (especially the DC fans:wink2. I was sorry to see Rendon being done for 2021, but the truth is he wasn't going to resign in DC as he wanted the west coast for personal reasons, so, adios and thank you for the WS title. Nats have been 'lucky' concerning the re-signing of FAs. We lost out on Jordan Zimmermann and Harper, as well as Rendon. Harper is a good solid player but Zimm fell off a cliff when he left DC for Detroit. He wasn't going to resign in DC either, wanting to be closer to his home in Wisconsin. He left DC with a 70-50 record and an ERA of 3.32 after 7 years of great pitching. He went 25-41, with a 5.63 ERA in 5 seasons with Detroit. His years in Detroit were injury plagued and just a terrible signing for Detroit. He retired after the 2021 season, another long term contract (5 years, $110 million) that went bad. Hopefully Rendon can come back and LA can get some value out of his contract. I like him and would like to see him do well. As for the Strasburg signing, that was an extension, and would seem to be another mistake, but he is not done yet, hopefully, so the Nats are holding their breath for 2022. -- Al
Got to hand it to the Angels, missing such super stars as Trout, Walsh, and Rendon, and with little in the way of SP, they are actually 2 games over .500. May not sound impressive, but I think it is. -- Al