a dreaded scale question (1 Viewer)

What is needed is a revolutionary new material to use in making AFVs. A material that when air pressure is adjusted, The AFV can be adjusted for size including 1:35 to match kits, 1:32, 1:30 and even 1:28. Now you can blow up your AFVs to be the same size as your figures, if you chose :wink2: Or make all your AFVs the same size by blowing them all up :wink2:{sm4}{sm4}

What is needed is a revolutionary new material to use in making AFVs. A material that when air pressure is adjusted, The AFV can be adjusted for size including 1:35 to match kits, 1:32, 1:30 and even 1:28. Now you can blow up your AFVs to be the same size as your figures, if you chose :wink2: Or make all your AFVs the same size by blowing them all up :wink2:{sm4}{sm4}


Excellent Idea !

Whoever mentioned that the MG34 on the Hetzer looked too small certainly is right. It is shorter than the M1's carried by the new US Airborne figures and should be longer, 48in. to 43.5in. according to wikipedia. I think I am falling into the camp with HUNTER ROSE, FIREBAT and others who think the figures and vehicles should match. The aforementioned figures are about 2.6-2.65 in. A true 1/30 would be 2.4in. GUY did the numbers for the Hetzer, it is 1/30, the figures are oversized. It is a shame, they are great figures. The number differences do not seem that significant but the human eye can tell. Even my wife said "those guys can't fit in that tank".

Arnchair Warrior

I think I am falling into the camp with HUNTER ROSE, FIREBAT and others who think the figures and vehicles should match.

Arnchair Warrior

Eeeeexcellent...the movement grows stronger...

In all seriousness, I can't really fault TG. Starting out they did nothing but follow the King and Country formula that has proven very successful. Hopefully in the years to come their AFVs will grow in size as they become more established, as TG figures are some of my favorites.
I told Tom in a conversation this movement would emerge. I said strike out on your own, you have excellent figures leave the old K&C mentality to the pure collectors who love that stuff and the old oversized mentality behind ( And they have all of the right in the world to love it ). Time marches on things change, be at the lead dont follow old technology.

I also told Rick ( Figarti ) .....they look at you like you have two heads. I have always been a out of the box thinker especially in my profession as a Professional Firefighter. All of the operations I brought to the department in my time as a Chief are in place and effectively working now after I have retired. The majority of Firefighters on the job said it will NEVER work.

Dont forget First Legion has already gone there with much success.......

The oversized mentality in my opinion is insane, it has no logic and needs to STOP !......

The way things are going here many are afraid to speak up.....What is the worse that can happen...You get suspended for a few days......Been there done that.....One company or mentality does not dominate this hobby any more, there are the glossy guys, there are the gritty and scale guys and there are the status quo main stream collectors, there is room for all of us. Alex
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well, I hope that any changes to scale (personally, I don't think will happen) will focus on the problem... the figures. This hobby states its 1/30th so, 1/30th it should be. changing AFV's as has been seen is not really acceptable. The only way to solve this problem which, the manufacturers themselves have caused is to reduce the figure size to the stated hobby scale 1/30th
well, I hope that any changes to scale (personally, I don't think will happen) will focus on the problem... the figures. This hobby states its 1/30th so, 1/30th it should be. changing AFV's as has been seen is not really acceptable. The only way to solve this problem which, the manufacturers themselves have caused is to reduce the figure size to the stated hobby scale 1/30th

PERFECT !................Simply put that is what I am saying. Alex
Well I'm happy how figarti works together and only problem I had with kc is the size of the new Dingo look more 1/32 than 1/30 it a shame as it a great item but on the small side
Well I'm happy how figarti works together and only problem I had with kc is the size of the new Dingo look more 1/32 than 1/30 it a shame as it a great item but on the small side

Are you saying your Dingo is dinky

It may be simple and, it is to get size compatability but, its just not going to happen in reality.

PERFECT !................Simply put that is what I am saying. Alex

It may be simple and, it is to get size compatability but, its just not going to happen in reality.

Keep the faith Mitch...Keep the faith. If we keep talikin it up, maybe it will be realized that it does not make sense to have oversized figures. Alex
What's with the recent claims that King and Country figures are all to big for their vehicles ^&confuse

When I collected WWII tanks etc I had several King & Country Tank Rider sets such as German A/Korps, Bulge, Waffen SS and some American and Brit sets and they fitted in well with their tanks etc, and still do no doubt.

Those of you not in the camp that thinks the figures are too big for the vehicles really need to look hard and be realistic. Also remember tank rider sets are all kneeling and crouching, but like almost all of the K&C and TGM sets they are not only too tall but too bulky. Forget height, they can't fit in the hatches of the vehicles. I think this is more pronounced in the smaller vehicles like the Hetzer. I have the K&C Sherman Firefly displayed with some figures and it is pretty close. It also comes out to 1/29 in length according to my calculations. If any of you have K&C DD046 Airborne figure set put them next to the TGM Hetzer. They are not even close. The helmetless figure with the mohawk is the same height as the Hetzer and it is supposed to be 7ft. 1in. Please any of you that have both of those sets set them side by side. Then if you happen to have any FL figures( I have GERSTAL001-005 but have not added any since due to price,but that might be changing soon) put them next to the Hetzer. I used GERSTAL004, A MIRACLE HAPPENS, HE AND THREE OF HIS MATES COULD ACTUALLY GET INSIDE THAT VEHICLE AND CREW IT. A PERFECT MARRAIGE OF A 1/30 FIGURE AND A 1/30 AFV.

I think I am creeping to the edge of the FL cliff. Maybe it is a good thing, more expensive stuff, more room in my curios, less overcrowding.

Armchair Warrior
Not all King & Country tank riders are kneeling and crouching, and I still assert that their riders looked ok displayed with most of the K & C tanks in my collection.

As for the TGM Hetzer, like most of the TGM vehicles so far, it appears to be smaller than 1/30 scale.

As for First Legion figures being a solution. Consider the fact that FL WWII figures are smaller in size than other figures in the FL range which suggests they are not big enough to be 1/30 scale. The smaller size of the First Legion WWII figures is made even more obvious when you see how close they are to Forces of Valor Tanks that are of course 1/32 scale.
Here is an old thread that actually researched WWII figure scales. http://www.treefrogtreasures.com/fo...cale-Reference-Pictures/page9&highlight=scale

We found that the FL figures were 1/30 and the K&C (and TGM) figures are 1/28. Some of the FL series like the Crusades and Renaissance are much larger than the WWII figures - about the size of K&C figures.


Terry, yes I remember that thread. You make out like that was some scientific experiment with reliable results. Sorry but it wasn't. Where is the proof that the Tiger tank used as a reference is actually 1/30 scale?

As for WW2 First Legion being 1/30 scale. Take another look at the photo in post Number 3, I reckon the jury is still out on that one mate.
I think its pretty much established that some of the AFV's including the one in the picture from HB were about 99.99% 1/30th (I think, its 1mm short of being exactly correct and, as these things can be measured from written in stone measurements, its as good a yard stick as we can use.
Any AFVs used were measured against the official dimensions of the AFVs. They were 1/30 - no question. A variety of figures were stood up against the AFV - both K&C and FL. The K&C figures were clearly taller and much bulkier. When compared to 1940s photos of soldiers standing next to their AFVs, they were very similar to how the FL figures looked next to the model AFVs. The K&C figures were clearly larger next to the model AFVs than were the 1940s soldiers next to real AFVs.

There were no tricks and it was a simple experiment to do. There is no question the FL WWII figures are about 1/30 and the K&C and TGM figures are about 1/28.

Any AFVs used were measured against the official dimensions of the AFVs. They were 1/30 - no question. A variety of figures were stood up against the AFV - both K&C and FL. The K&C figures were clearly taller and much bulkier. When compared to 1940s photos of soldiers standing next to their AFVs, they were very similar to how the FL figures looked next to the model AFVs. {bravo}}The K&C figures were clearly larger next to the model AFVs than were the 1940s soldiers next to real AFVs.

There were no tricks and it was a simple experiment to do. There is no question the FL WWII figures are about 1/30 and the K&C and TGM figures are about 1/28.

Well I found the link very helpful {bravo}}
Any AFVs used were measured against the official dimensions of the AFVs. They were 1/30 - no question. A variety of figures were stood up against the AFV - both K&C and FL. The K&C figures were clearly taller and much bulkier. When compared to 1940s photos of soldiers standing next to their AFVs, they were very similar to how the FL figures looked next to the model AFVs. The K&C figures were clearly larger next to the model AFVs than were the 1940s soldiers next to real AFVs.

There were no tricks and it was a simple experiment to do. There is no question the FL WWII figures are about 1/30 and the K&C and TGM figures are about 1/28.


Ok, for arguements sake let's assume you guys did the measurements correctly and the AFV's used were indeed 1/30 scale, and let's also assume that the engine deck height of that model in my recent post on that thread (Number 90) represents about 1.8 m in real life being the standard Toy Soldier height of about 6'.

Those First Legion figures are well below the height of the engine deck even with their helmets on which reinforces my opinion that they are not 1/30 scale. Of course you could argue that not all soldiers were 1.8 m tall, but plenty of them were, and taller. Personally I prefer my figures to represent the standard Toy Soldier height of 1.8 m or 60 mm at 1/30 scale, and I believe I represent the majority of collectors in that regard.

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