Age of Collectors (1 Viewer)

What is your age?

  • Under 20

    Votes: 7 4.8%
  • 21-29

    Votes: 9 6.2%
  • 30-39

    Votes: 30 20.7%
  • 40-49

    Votes: 44 30.3%
  • 50-59

    Votes: 32 22.1%
  • 60-69

    Votes: 20 13.8%
  • 70-79

    Votes: 3 2.1%
  • Over 80

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Shannon Reuss

Forum Administrator
Staff member
Apr 22, 2005
How old are you? That's the question inquiring minds want to know. There is a perception that this hobby is one for gray haired men. I suspect there are more young folk out there than people expect.
You might want to change the question to "how young are you?",since most women I come in contact with laugh at the thought of a man still collecting toy soldiers.The comment I hear the most is "will you ever grow up?"Ugh,NO!!Not in the sense of collecting anyway.A hobby like this brings me the enjoyment to stay young and reflect on the past.Like others(when I do display my stuff)I find myself looking at my collection everyday,intrigued and reminded of both the toy aspect of the soldiers and the history behind what they represent.Independance and freedom!So Happy July 4th to my fellow collectors.Be safe this holiday weekend.....

PS. Shannon and the rest of the wives of this board.No offence was meant with the comments mentioned above.Just my observation and past experience.I'm still trying to find an understanding wife.... :)
Mine is a pre-mature grey so I combine grey with youth.


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Top Ten Reasons "Old Dudes " Collect:
10. Tired of yardwork.
9. Too old to run around bases.
8. Already caught all the walleye and bass.
7. No energy to hunt or retrieve deer from woods.
6. Recover childhood figures lost to BB guns.
5. Build heirloom collection for grandchildren-- Yeh Right!
4. Keep me out of Senior Centers
3. Impress family with "Knowledge of WWll and figures. They call it
"Babbling" again.
2. Lost at Casino again-- could have bought a K&C tank.
1. Enjoyment> Relaxation in any kind of weather.
Sounds about right leadmen.
I'm right behind yuz!

About family heirlooms. My daughter thinks my troops are "dumb" , shes 13, what does she know. My boy is 11. He's spoiled on toy soldiers. Dads got soo Many COOOOOOL collections he's seen since he can remember, he's just not impressed with anything anymore, much.
Again, he doesnt know how good he's got it with Dads immense collections of Military toys.
Hell my Dad gave me toys too. Called, hayhooks, chainsaw, john Deere ,spade, ect ect.
I like your top ten.I see myself there too!
Can't wait for OTSN, I'll buy you a drink or 12. Maybe someone we know and love will holler at us both for that!
As for wives understanding, very rare. Theres far worse things one could collect or spend their $$$ on.Also, say if you are into 60's muscle cars, does that make you more grown up than a guy that paints troops? Just big kid stuf. Nothing wrong with it.Happy 4th of July!!!!!!!!!!
FUBAR :eek: :rolleyes: :eek:
From the looks of it, approximately 70% of the participants in the poll are under 50 although I'm over 50 and do have a few gray hairs. Maybe I should color it in time for Chicago? :rolleyes:
Age 52. Collecting soldiers, because I still enjoy slowly getting down on my hands and knees and playing with them ( darn, there goes my cartilage again! )Michael that can't be right seems like last weekend I was surfing at

Long Beach Island. Hmmm can that really have been 39 years ago?

No it can't be.


PS Wonder where my Greg Knoll, and Dewer Weber Performer are now?

I still have a Ron John Special in my den.....doubt it could hold me up now!
16 now, turning 17 next month... Try beating that!:)
bricoleur said:
:) 49; still the same child...

If we weren't children, what would be the fun?

It reminds of what someone said about being a professional baseball player: "you have to be a man to play this game but you have to have a lot of little boy in you."
Joey said:
16 now, turning 17 next month... Try beating that!:)
Good for you Joey, I have a preteen and a teenager that need repeated beating.Just kidding. I just turned 46 but I feel 16-17 in my head. The rest of the tired broken down carcass I drag along is definatley feeling it's age and then some.
I am always so glad to see younger folks that have such a love of history.Good for you.

The low 21 to 29 score reminds us there are more things in life than collecting toy soldiers. I seem to recall girls, motorbikes and cars were the main attraction for me around that time. Now I've been married for so long it's great to have my soldiers to retreat to :)
Started building 1/35th scale at 6 Years old, and now it is 47 years later. What does that add up to? I was never good at math.....Alex
OzDigger said:
The low 21 to 29 score reminds us there are more things in life than collecting toy soldiers. I seem to recall girls, motorbikes and cars were the main attraction for me around that time. Now I've been married for so long it's great to have my soldiers to retreat to :)

Hope your wife is not reading this for you'll have earned your avatar: you'll be in the doghouse.
jazzeum said:
Hope your wife is not reading this for you'll have earned your avatar: you'll be in the doghouse.

She's happy for me to play with them as it gives her a break from me :)

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