I noticed that too about Aeroart's Sultan Al-Muzaffar figures....the initial releases did not have the paint detail of the subsequent figures. I grabbed one that was more ornate like you did :smile2:, but yours has an even wider color spectrum. It looks like the artist really enjoyed painting it.
The sample 54 Saracen is an early figure from Nevskaya Miniatura. Samples of the piece were sent to Aeroart, but they never actually carried the figure. Nevskaya no longer offers this figure, but kolobob occasionally lists one on ebay. It's a wonderful sculpt and yours is painted beautifully!
I agree about ME31- it's one of the most dynamic poses out there. The Russian Vityaz versions, like yours, are stunning works of art. I've only seen this figure painted in that heraldry two or maybe three times, so you got another rare one for sure! (I'll try to find out more about your specific heraldry.) I like how the Vityaz version has the horse rearing up at its apex on one leg opposed to most of the Aeroart versions which have the two rear horse legs attached to the base, lowering the trajectory of the thrust. I remember when I first started collecting how I targeted a ME31 because of the magnificent sculpt of the knight and horse and the very realistic interplay between them.
I'm really enjoying your photos-thanks!