All things Conte (4 Viewers)

Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

Gary I go back as far as you do with set 25 of his first Zulu War Sets and to this date I can and will thank him for introducing me to the world of Toy Soldiers and on the road to building by collection of toy soldiers of the period. I'm now like many waiting for the arrival of the new Zulu War sets which I have no doubt will become availabe. Enough said from me on the subject. Take care.........Joe
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

I think we all want Conte back at the top as he his very innovative and it hurts not see new products come out.At his best he could be #1again.
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

He has been and continues to be a gentleman to me. Is he a dreamer? Yes! Does he have great ideas? YES!!! Does he make great plastics?YES!!! Does it take awhile?....... Yes:( How about metal figures? BIG YES!!! What is that 5 out of 6? :D Plus being a gentleman? What a guy! Hope to meet him in person.;)
I mean really! Were the plastic Spartans everything he said they would be???????? "Nuff said for my part
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

He has been and continues to be a gentleman to me. Is he a dreamer? Yes! Does he have great ideas? YES!!! Does he make great plastics?YES!!! Does it take awhile?....... Yes:( How about metal figures? BIG YES!!! What is that 5 out of 6? :D Plus being a gentleman? What a guy! Hope to meet him in person.;)
I mean really! Were the plastic Spartans everything he said they would be???????? "Nuff said for my part
I think we would all like to see some of his dreams become a reality. Let's see when was his last Alamo set, 2003? I think it's time he finishes what he started. When you build a house you don't finish 85% and wait 6 years before you put in the doors and windows do you?
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

Maybe all of the 29 pages of questions about when he will be back in business, when he'll produce some new sets and why he's not going to the biggest toy soldier show in the world will be answered in the next episode of "An afternoon with Richard"........
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

Maybe all of the 29 pages of questions about when he will be back in business, when he'll produce some new sets and why he's not going to the biggest toy soldier show in the world will be answered in the next episode of "An afternoon with Richard"........
You think so? It sounds more like the title of a soap opera, as the Richard turns.
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

You think so? It sounds more like the title of a soap opera, as the Richard turns.
Here's some essential reading for those jilted conte collector's

Dear TS collector

Do not carry on reading if you’re NOT sure you want to end your relationship. If you sometimes think that maybe that TS manufacturer IS for you, then you MUST give that relationship a chance.

However, if you’re absolutely sure, we will be able to show you iron clad ways to slip away with minimum fuss and hurt.

We’re going to help you ONLY if you are prepared 100% to make the big step in ending your tireless, loveless and emotionless relationship.

If you ARE prepared to leave this TS manufacturer you’ve been so attached to for the last however many months/years, then read on...

The biggest mistake people make when they decide to leave a TS manufacturer is to make a huge fuss.

WE DON’T want to cause them any pain.

WE WANT to do it with minimum fuss.

But what happens when the whole thing gets out of hand because it’s not been thought out properly beforehand.

You've been in your relationship for more time than you care to remembe
You know everything about each other.

You’ve always thought of your relationship as ‘special’, but now you’re starting to panic.

You’ve realised this TS manufacturer is no longer the TS manufacturer for you.

You’re starting to feel he/she is holding you back, bringing you down.

You may have met someother TS manufacturer who brightens up your life, makes your stomach turn over when you see them.

You know it’s time to end this pointless charade but don’t know how.

Deal with it.

Being in a loveless relationship with a TS manufacturer makes you feel like you’re just treading water, going nowhere, feeling there is nothing to look forward to.

That’s probably just how you’re feeling now, but you don’t know what to do about it, or maybe you’ve never thought about it deeply enough to realise this is where your relationship is at, but now you know, this situation needs to be dealt with.

The sad thing is:

It’s making you unhappy with you life

You have nothing to look forward to

It makes everything seem pointless

You feel stressed and irritable
You take your anxieties out on your friends and colleagues which is wrong

This is why you need to end this relationship now. Feel like a new person again, back to your old self. You’ve probably forgotten who you really are.

There is only one thing to do, get out, quickly as possible, put an end to all this pretence, get on track with the life you know you deserve.

Discover the new you and end the charade TODAY!

You may even find that your relationship is better AFTER the break than it was BEFORE!

If you want to ‘make a go of your relationship’ then there are ways to give it your best shot, but if you’re sick of living a lie, pretending everything is ‘hunky dory’ when actually it’s not, then waste no more thinking time.

We’re going to show you ways to get rid of the ‘beast of burden’ in record time, you will have
No more guilty feelings about how your TS manufacturer will survive without you

No more feelings about time you’ve already wasted, because there’s no point wasting any more time.

No more thinking about how your life could be. How you could be invigorated, full of energy and life.

The pain of living each day with the cloud of an unsuccessful relationship with a TS manufacturer hanging over you is unnecessary and avoidable! Lift the cloud and see how calm and happy your days become: no more questions, no more arguments and only yourself to answer to.

It’s time you sat up and decided what’s best for you. Start thinking about yourself instead of how it’s going to make your TS manufacturer feel.

It’s time for you to start living again, you’ll now be free to look for the ‘real’ TS manufacturer in your life.

The '20 ways to leave your TS manufacturer guide' gives you all the information you need to know you’re making the right decision.

This is the guide that will help you start to re-live your life by breaking away from the repression that your dour relationship is giving you.

Our ebook is in PDF format so you can simply download it in minutes. Within a short time you will be in a position to deal with that pointless relationship head on. Using the techniques we show you, it will be made plain and simple.

No more worries about wasted time, no more pretence, at last you will be able to move on.

In fact, we’re so confident you can do this with our help we will offer you 100% guarantee or your money back...

You cannot put a price on happiness, but you can take responsibility for your future happiness right now by getting your own copy of 20 ways to leave your TS manufacturer

Make that break...don't leave reminders around Contact REDHUGH with your early conte viking or spartan realeases ag01 thru to ag10 for a copy of this book :D
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

There's only something to leave if he is indeed still in business, otherwise the decision has already been made for us.
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

You think so? It sounds more like the title of a soap opera, as the Richard turns.

For some the title should be "The Bitter Few" - now thats real drama in the Conte World :rolleyes:
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

I'm not bitter just perplexed.

You like every collector on the planet have every right to wonder what the status is of a company within this hobby.

It's a free country and we all have the right to express our opinion without being called out for it.

This entire thread is utter nonsense; 30 pages long regarding a company that none of us have seen new product from since Christ was in a crib.

Bottom line is there are far more questions than answers at this point; there are many collectors who are huge fans of the mans work and are hungry for more and are frustrated with the lack of new releases.

Last time I checked, that is not a crime.
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

You like every collector on the planet have every right to wonder what the status is of a company within this hobby.

It's a free country and we all have the right to express our opinion without being called out for it.

This entire thread is utter nonsense; 30 pages long regarding a company that none of us have seen new product from since Christ was in a crib.

Bottom line is there are far more questions than answers at this point; there are many collectors who are huge fans of the mans work and are hungry for more and are frustrated with the lack of new releases.

Last time I checked, that is not a crime.


Dittos!:) And I would like to add that we are not "Bitter", and are numbers are not few!;) Right on George with the last point, he hasn't had any personal message on the website since May if I may add. Also, when I see all these very nice looking upcoming products, I have to think to myself if we will ever see these products, just as we never saw the Norman Castle from OSTN 2007, Bloody Omaha: Playset 3, the Bangalore Team, Ranger rope team, Dead Jerries, Wounded Wermacht, A Monumental Defense, G.I.'s landing, G.I.'s taking cover, "What to do first", etc. IMO

"Many of the figure sets include exciting 'terrain pieces'. We are also in the process of releasing our extensive range of WW2 buildings, hedges, bunkers, etc. FOR THE FIRST TIME FOR OUR METAL COLLECTORS!!! In other words, the extensive range of 'buildings/terrain' formerly only available in 'plastic playsets' are being produced in improved formats for the metal collector."- 2006 or 2005, I can't recall when the letter was written...

Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

You like every collector on the planet have every right to wonder what the status is of a company within this hobby.

It's a free country and we all have the right to express our opinion without being called out for it.

This entire thread is utter nonsense; 30 pages long regarding a company that none of us have seen new product from since Christ was in a crib.

Bottom line is there are far more questions than answers at this point; there are many collectors who are huge fans of the mans work and are hungry for more and are frustrated with the lack of new releases.

Last time I checked, that is not a crime.

Oh nevermind Eborris, you're not one of the bitter guys as it turns out............
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?


Dittos!:) And I would like to add that we are not "Bitter", and are numbers are not few!;) Right on George with the last point, he hasn't had any personal message on the website since May if I may add. Also, when I see all these very nice looking upcoming products, I have to think to myself if we will ever see these products, just as we never saw the Norman Castle from OSTN 2007, Bloody Omaha: Playset 3, the Bangalore Team, Ranger rope team, Dead Jerries, Wounded Wermacht, A Monumental Defense, G.I.'s landing, G.I.'s taking cover, "What to do first", etc. IMO

"Many of the figure sets include exciting 'terrain pieces'. We are also in the process of releasing our extensive range of WW2 buildings, hedges, bunkers, etc. FOR THE FIRST TIME FOR OUR METAL COLLECTORS!!! In other words, the extensive range of 'buildings/terrain' formerly only available in 'plastic playsets' are being produced in improved formats for the metal collector."- 2006 or 2005, I can't recall when the letter was written...


See, there you go; all you are saying is you are frustrated. You like the products very much and are a fan, you just want to see some of the items end up seeing the light of day.

The sad thing is I have quite a few WWII collector customers who loved all of his metal sets and used them along with the Britains sets and the FOV and 21st Century vehicles for displays and dioramas.

Since Britains has cut back on the WWII releases (although I hear more are on the way), FOV has cut back on their releases, 21st Century has fallen off the map and Conte hasn't produced WWII sets for awhile, many of those customers have switched over to 1/30th scale K & C, Collectors Showcase and Honor Bound and guess what; they are not switching back to 1/32nd scale anytime soon.

Now granted there are loads of ACW and Zulu collectors who are buying the wonderful 1/32nd scale Britians figures and sets, so that area may be worth getting into by Conte and signs do point in that direction, so we'll see.

For your sake and all of the Conte fans out there, I hope this becomes a reality sooner than later.

All I can say is hang in there, good things come to those who wait..............
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

See, there you go; all you are saying is you are frustrated. You like the products very much and are a fan, you just want to see some of the items end up seeing the light of day.

The sad thing is I have quite a few WWII collector customers who loved all of his metal sets and used them along with the Britains sets and the FOV and 21st Century vehicles for displays and dioramas.

Since Britains has cut back on the WWII releases (although I hear more are on the way), FOV has cut back on their releases, 21st Century has fallen off the map and Conte hasn't produced WWII sets for awhile, many of those customers have switched over to 1/30th scale K & C, Collectors Showcase and Honor Bound and guess what; they are not switching back to 1/32nd scale anytime soon.

Yes, it's sad what has happened to 1/32 WWII,:( but I can't wait to get my hands on the new Britain's releases, and I got an email from Dave at ONTC about 2 weeks ago saying that we'll be seeing the 4-5 new G.I.'s by Christmas!:):D:cool: Plus I still am in the process of hunting down all the first ONTC WWII sets...

Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

Oh nevermind Eborris, you're not one of the bitter guys as it turns out............
I could learn though. MY point, if I indeed had one was, he has to know he has a lot of frustrated ex customers out there. I thought, perhaps erroneoulsy that going to OTSN would be a perfect opportunity to smooth over those sore points and assure the customers that more product was on the way. Although I can understand with no new product to unveil, why go there and take a beating, not physically of course, but perhaps verbally. However, after reading some of the posts on here, he still seems to have many diehard fans, so I doubt that he would even take much of a beating. Anyway, those are my thoughts on the subject.
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

Though I am not sure one could call me a die-hard fan, I can say I have learned to be patient. When did the plastic spartans come out. I think it has been a year now. Think of the move and how long it takes you to move. He is working on getting things squared away which he admits was a cluster*&$@. He has a lot of irons in the fire. I do not think my trust is misplaced here.

Red did go on a bit but I think the point was there are plenty other fish in the sea. So why pee and moan about something so trivial as toy soldiers?

George you have a point but 85% ain't bad score-wise. House-wise not so good.

All good things come to an end. Sometimes goals change. Maybe there is some ADHD involved here. It fits. I know I have it. But as a result I am according to many pretty entertaining.
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

I am reminded of a saying in a 12 step group,"What you resist persists." Think about it.:D
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

Though I am not sure one could call me a die-hard fan, I can say I have learned to be patient. When did the plastic spartans come out. I think it has been a year now. Think of the move and how long it takes you to move. He is working on getting things squared away which he admits was a cluster*&$@. He has a lot of irons in the fire. I do not think my trust is misplaced here.

Red did go on a bit but I think the point was there are plenty other fish in the sea. So why pee and moan about something so trivial as toy soldiers?

George you have a point but 85% ain't bad score-wise. House-wise not so good.

All good things come to an end. Sometimes goals change. Maybe there is some ADHD involved here. It fits. I know I have it. But as a result I am according to many pretty entertaining.

it was all in jest..copied and pasted a blurb from a book and substituted in the word TS manufactuer as a joke.:D

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