All things Conte (6 Viewers)

Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

On the main page of Conte's website he is announcing what shows he will be at.
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

Yes, and one of them doesn't appear to be OTSN.

Now why would that be? Hmmmm! isn't it the biggest show in the US? And wouldn't it be the perfect venue to introduce new products? Maybe not many e-bayers attend Chicago ;)

Curiouser and curiouser said Alice :confused:

Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

Why would a "Main Player" in the toy soldier business not attend the biggest toy soldier show in the world, but opt to set up at a "toy" show in N. Carolina?
Makes a person say MMMM!
Could it be too many questions and not enough answers?
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

Why don't you write him and ask him Gary? There have been times in the past that he's not attended the show with effecting his sales of new items and I've a hunch that some will agree and I'm sure some will not that when the new products arrive they'll move quite nicely out of his warehouse and why can't he not pass on attending the show in Chicago and select what venues he wishes to attend to with out being question on them. Just asking.......The Lt.
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

Why would a "Main Player" in the toy soldier business not attend the biggest toy soldier show in the world, but opt to set up at a "toy" show in N. Carolina?
Makes a person say MMMM!
Could it be too many questions and not enough answers?

If I'd just stuck it to most of the toy soldier dealers in the free world, OTSN is probably the last place I would want to be this year. But then, that's just me.:rolleyes:
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

For a major manufacturer not to attend the the show of the year, which is attended by practically every other manufacturer just strikes me as peculiar. It would be not like attending one of the main automobile shows, as an example.
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

Why don't you write him and ask him Gary? There have been times in the past that he's not attended the show with effecting his sales of new items and I've a hunch that some will agree and I'm sure some will not that when the new products arrive they'll move quite nicely out of his warehouse and why can't he not pass on attending the show in Chicago and select what venues he wishes to attend to with out being question on them. Just asking.......The Lt.

Lt., you are right when you say that he has the will to choose which shows he wants to put his time, energy, and money to attend. And someone should consider asking him why he is not, it could be as simple as an issue with money it costs to do the show...and not that he is just skipping so he does not have to answer question...imo

If I'd just stuck it to most of the toy soldier dealers in the free world, OTSN is probably the last place I would want to be this year. But then, that's just me.:rolleyes:

This however raises a fair point, as when I saw he would not attend OSTN, I found my mind slip to this...IMO

Best wishes to All,

Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

Lt., you are right when you say that he has the will to choose which shows he wants to put his time, energy, and money to attend. And someone should consider asking him why he is not, it could be as simple as an issue with money it costs to do the show...and not that he is just skipping so he does not have to answer question...imo

This however raises a fair point, as when I saw he would not attend OSTN, I found my mind slip to this...IMO

Best wishes to All,


But if you'll note Vick that he's planning on attending the Hackesack Toy Soldier Show in New Jersey on the 1st of November and if I'm not mistaken it's the premier Show on the East Coast which is well attended by a number of dealers so why isn't it also one of the places he wouldn't want to be seen at. Again just asking....Regards the Lt.
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

But if you'll note Vick that he's planning on attending the Hackesack Toy Soldier Show in New Jersey on the 1st of November and if I'm not mistaken it's the premier Show on the East Coast which is well attended by a number of dealers so why isn't it also one of the places he wouldn't want to be seen at. Again just asking....Regards the Lt.

Good point!:) I do not live on the East Coast so I know nothing of shows up there...

Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

Attending the Hackensack Show is not the same as OTSN because of the presence of the manufacturers and the international audience at OTSN. OTSN is an event while Hackensack is just a show.
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

Attending the Hackensack Show is not the same as OTSN because of the presence of the manufacturers and the international audience at OTSN. OTSN is an event while Hackensack is just a show.

I agree Brad that it's not the same as OTSN but like the West Coast Show it is one of the premier show that's held in the States and that the apprearance of other leading manufactures are in attendance and I'm sure if I'm not mistaken they're two of the top three show held in the country with OTSN being on top......The Lt.
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

Now why would that be? Hmmmm! isn't it the biggest show in the US? And wouldn't it be the perfect venue to introduce new products? Maybe not many e-bayers attend Chicago ;)

Curiouser and curiouser said Alice :confused:

Gee, I can't even imagine why, save on travel expense?
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

Lt. my friend, I have spoken to RC many times in the past and what comes out of his mouth is pure BS. And I see from various post on his website and so called information received from other collectors that nothing has changed.
If it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside believing all that, good for you.
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

Easy, guys. This has been a good natured and calm conversation. Let's keep it that way please.
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

Easy, guys. This has been a good natured and calm conversation. Let's keep it that way please.

Not to worry Brad he's more than welcomed to post his comments and opinions....Joe
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

IMO, Conte produces some of the best plastic, Spartans, G.I.'s and Mexicans all kicked @$$!:eek::D However by not attending OSTN, he gives the feeling he is giving the majority of collectors a certain gesture common in road rage IMO!:eek: Now I'm for one sick of him blaming employees for everything that happens!:mad: Also, I get the feeling that he is only attending small unknown shows, really what seems to be reenactments, where he can sell to people who have never heard of the company and do not know the past history! All my opinion, everyone's entitled to theirs!:)

Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

You know - if I was still re-organizing my business, working to get things under control, streamlining my operations, establish my NEW Management System and pushing to have my production back on schedule - I certainly would skip Chicago - than to listen to all the little ninnies and whinney jerks take potshots at me.

I would get everything in order and come back strong - when you are 100% and ready to go to play for the big game ! ;)
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

It seems to me RC runs his company as he wants, the petty little complaints never change. If you don't like the way he runs his company, start your own. I just hope he keeps making the BEST toy soldiers on the planet. Yes we are all entitled to our opinions. I check in time to time to read these Conte Threads, and they all seems to start and end the same. Everyone and anyone who ever had a mishap, points it out. I guess I was one of the lucky ones who never got bad service. You can't please everyone, and I guess RC knows that. I say good luck to all the companies, but I will stick with Conte TSSD, and Beau and his new company. :)
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

Guys, sorry if I got a little testy.
Let me put this in perspective.
I was in on day one with Conte. It all started way back in 1998 when he first started advertiseing in the magazine PFPC. The pictures of his figures where unbelievable. Then at OTSN of 1999 when he first showed them he actually set the toy soldier world on it's ear, he was KING of the hobby and well deserved I might add, with me being an avid Conte worshipper. He could do no wrong. Lt. the way I admired him makes you look like just a casual friend.
I won't rehash all the goings on from then until now, but what it boils down to, I believe he let me and all the others down.
I think I see myself in some of your postings Lt., as that,s the way I felt.
To be honest, I feel kinda like a fool for falling for all his BS.
I will say it again, as a person, RC has more enthusiasm for this hobby as anybody I know and his plastic figures are the best EVER made.

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