All things Conte (3 Viewers)

Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

They could possibly be the enemy for the FFL!


Do yoy really think so?

They don't look like the rest of the Tuaregs Conte released. I thought they looked medieval in some way...


Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

They do look medieval.I don't think the modern ones would have that style shield if any.
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

Well that's a relief we appear to be discussing RC's ebay foray quite calmly now as when I raised it on here I got absolutely blistered for it :eek:

So I'll try again:-

Can someone give me any logical reason why a major TS manufacturer-with some of the best sculpted figures ever to be put on the market and wanting, according to the man himself, to still retain his customer and dealer base- is selling reams of his old stock at non-inflated prices on evil-bay?

Beats the hell out of me :confused:

A very good questions, however I don't think an answer is forthcoming.
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

If someone had backordered something and has been waiting for months they should have first chance at getting it.How would you feel if you had ordered something and they say they are out of stock and then see it being sold on ebay.I know I would really be ticked off to put in mildly.

I understand what you mean, Mark. There's probably not enough toy soldiers to fill all those backorders, however. Should he make some guys happy, the ones who orderd earlier, and others sad? How would he know for sure who still wants what? Wouldn't it be a mess?

Selling through ebay, he gives everyone has a chance of getting what he or she wants, and for a small price as well!

It seems the logical thing to do if you consider his point of view, not only yours.

By the way: I had some backordered sets years ago and I did not get them now... and I am NOT ticked off at all. See? You were wrong about that.


Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

They do look medieval.I don't think the modern ones would have that style shield if any.

I completely agree, Mark. Maybe Conte is planning on making the crusades?


Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

They did have that one Templar collector club figure.
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

They did have that one Templar collector club figure.

Yes, that's true! And what a beautiful figure that was...

Too bad I was never a member of Conte's Collectors Club!

Maybe Conte will make a whole Templar and Saracens range?
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

I had it and it was nice.I have some doubts at times if we will see any new stuff from Conte yet I can't see him having all these masters made and not produce anything.Of course I heard he is very wealthy and all these prototypes could be a cruel joke.
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

I had it and it was nice.I have some doubts at times if we will see any new stuff from Conte yet I can't see him having all these masters made and not produce anything.Of course I heard he is very wealthy and all these prototypes could be a cruel joke.

Well, Mark, I have to agree it would make no sense to make all those great masters only to tease us... he wouldn't be cruel only, he would be a fool to waste his money on them!

New toy soldiers are coming very soon. I'm a believer!


Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

Can anyone identify these? Are they Moors? Is Conte finally planning on giving El Cid some much needed enemies?



These are Saracens I sculpted for Richard some years ago now. There were also some Crusaders that went with these.
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

These are Saracens I sculpted for Richard some years ago now. There were also some Crusaders that went with these.

I hope Conte isn't just putting up sculpts he had done years ago to put us on a merry go round.This guy's scary
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

I smell smoke fellas.This is one kickin thread for someone who hasn't done nothing in a couple of years.Do I complain about him?Hell Yes.Do I love his products?Hell Yes!
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

I smell smoke fellas.This is one kickin thread for someone who hasn't done nothing in a couple of years.Do I complain about him?Hell Yes.Do I love his products?Hell Yes!

That's true. Conte still has a lot of fans (and a lot of bashers as well).


Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?


Let's relax a little bit please.
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?


Let's relax a little bit please.

Brad, I'm cool about it.

He is in my ignore list, he may rant all day long, I can't read it.


Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

WOW thats a lot of deleted post :confused:
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

WOW thats a lot of deleted post :confused:

It was no big deal, Ragnar.

Those Conte future releases are much more important! Did you see there's a new figure of Ragnar (Ernest Borgnine in The Vikings) in the works?


Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

It was no big deal, Ragnar.

Those Conte future releases are much more important! Did you see there's a new figure of Ragnar (Ernest Borgnine in The Vikings) in the works?



Yes Uthred i did se that and by Odin i will claim him.

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