All things Conte (7 Viewers)

Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

Conte showing tubfulls of unassembled 24th Foot for Zulu range on his website.
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

Sorry to get off topic but has anyone else had trouble sending an email to Mr. Conte's personal email (the einar one) i seem to have trouble sending an email to that address any trick to it? My email works it just wont send to the email he lists as his.

No, I just emailed him the other day and had a nice response within a couple days.

Gary B.
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

Another set making an apprearance of things to come.


  • fritz1bl.jpg
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Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

Looks a lot like good night Fritz.
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

If half the models on his site over the years were actually made it would be something indeed.
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

But I'm sure that you'll agree Jay that the one's he did make over the years were very well received.
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

But I'm sure that you'll agree Jay that the one's he did make over the years were very well received.

There's no question about that. It's all the things that were promised and never came out that is the concern.
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

Conte's announce this AM on his website the WWII Plastic Set 004 of his German SS is back in stock.


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Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

As ever there is a "dealer" listing with no dealers listed,,better then a list of those who no longer carry the items
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

Mr.Conte must reply only to certain people as I emailed him a week ago and haven't got no reply.It's very frustrating when dealing with this company.We seem to want him to succeed more than he does.Oh well there are a lot of high quality new companies out there who do respond to their customers (actual or potential).
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

Well Mr Conte did reply to me today.Since he has done movie based ranges I asked him what the chances are about doing a Last of the Mohicans range and he said that as he would love to do it he is going to be tied up doing his Zulu,Zouave,FFL,Medieval Highlanders and new Roman sets for quite a while.At least he was honest and didn't promise anything.As expensive as it is to get rights to movie based themes it doesn't look good for for the Mohicans.
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

Conte's announce this AM on his website the WWII Plastic Set 004 of his German SS is back in stock.

Are the first sets of Germans available?
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

Looks like the Conte Roman Legioneers will be in the thick of it once again sometime in the near future and there's no doubt he's back.

Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

I like your Conte updates as i hardly check in on his site nowdays.
anyway thats a very nice piece and Romans in winter gear.
These new sets are going to be very interesting to se how far Conte will go with this :)
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

I like your Conte updates as i hardly check in on his site nowdays.
anyway thats a very nice piece and Romans in winter gear.
These new sets are going to be very interesting to se how far Conte will go with this :)

Yes, this is an example for what Conte was been: a shocking new Company with movie-realistic elements in his figures. I bought a lot of Conte stuff that for years ago, also all his romans.
Let us see what will be in the next month, when Conte will have a come-back (in different new toy soldier markets nowadays).
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

Looks like the Conte Roman Legioneers will be in the thick of it once again sometime in the near future and there's no doubt he's back.

I sure hope so.
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

Rich Conte will be working with Battle Scene Productions in 2010. He is still in business and will be coming out with some of the best sculptured figures around. Since his move across the USA he has gotten a NEW Sculptor and can this person sculpt! :)


Rich is difficult to reach even for BSP personnel. Why? Rich stated that he is extremely busy.
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

Rich Conte will be working with Battle Scene Productions in 2010. He is still in business and will be coming out with some of the best sculptured figures around. Since his move across the USA he has gotten a NEW Sculptor and can this person sculpt! :)
Great news and if that last posted photo is any example, he certainly CAN sculpt.;):D
Re: Seriously - Is CONTE Still in Business ?

That's great news,especially hearing that he will be working with BSP.

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