However, I think things have gone too far in terms of shutting down every conversation that has even the potential for controversy. Particularly when they are being conducted in a civil manner.
I love this forum, I belong to several of them, this one is my favorite.
There are a great bunch of people on here, I consider many of you friends although we've never met in person (and Rob, we WILL meet in person as London is calling).
I love toy soldiers and I love talking about them.
That said, we are all adults here and should be given more credit in that we can discuss something without it digressing into nasty name calling and bickering.
The beauty of forums are they give us a place to go to talk about things; talking among friends on a forum about a tragedy like the events in CT is great therapy for me, several of the forums I belong to had very, very lengthy discussions about what happened and none of them, as in NONE, digressed into nasty name calling, I felt better reading and chiming in, it helped me wrap my head around what happened and reading what others wrote helped me get through this mess.
The whole "It's their forum, you play by their rules" makes no sense to me.
Sorry, this is OUR forum, we the members are what drives the bus.
If we all left and discussed things elsewhere like has been suggested, then there IS no forum.
As Brad said, if in fact this is a TOY SOLDIER forum, then fine; get rid of all the other sub forums then and we'll all hold hands and sing songs and talk about little metal men 24/7/365.
And we'll all be bored to death; variety is the spice of life, is it not?
That's my .02 for what it's worth.