Hi Mike
Where did you get the rail fencing? And the scene looks awesome!
Excellent! Thanks for posting. The AWI range is my favorite, and I hope to pick up some of these latest releases after I finish completing the first releases.
Hello Mike,
Many thanks for these great pics :salute::
Looking forward the fight between 1st Delaware Continental troops and the British 22nd Foot.
Mike, thank you for starting to post your pictures again. This looks great.
Mike, thank you for starting to post your pictures again. This looks great.
The rail fence and the wooded area with hand painted backdrop was made for me by Ken & Ericka Osen (Hudson & Allen). In reality the scenics are two dio bases butted up against each other. You can't see the detail in these photos, but the dio base with the snake rail fence has a lane/small road running parallel to it.
:smile2: Mike
Nice to see you at play Mike it's been awhile but I know you've been away from home wth the Mrs. an enjoyed your get away. Looking forward to seeing what you have next headed our way.............Joe:salute:::salute:::salute::
Great stuff Mike. I always like to see this dio from H & A, no matter what period you display in it! Based on your post, I assume this mean you are getting the 22nd Foot after all.....^&grin