Baseball 2011 (1 Viewer)

Got to hand it to the Cards, regardless of how the current series turns out, they are within one win of the WS. Not much more than a month or so ago the Cards weren't even in the wildcard race. Then the turn around, passed the Braves, took out Phillie, and now all that is needed is one more win. As Noah said, the relief pitching has been stellar and the right moves have been made. It's almost like the Cards are this season's team of destiny. Now to see if the Brewers pitchers can step up at home and catch the Cards. This has been and will remain a good example of playoff baseball. -- Al
Looks like Texas is headed towards the WS. They have hung a 9 spot on the Tigers in the bottom of the 3rd. The string has apparently run out on the Tigers. 9-2 after 3. Tigers still have 18 more outs to come back if their pitching can hold on. They have already gone through 4 pitchers and it is a lot to ask of the bullpen to shut down Texas the rest of the way. Looks over to me, though. -- Al
Looks like Texas is headed towards the WS. They have hung a 9 spot on the Tigers in the bottom of the 3rd. The string has apparently run out on the Tigers. 9-2 after 3. Tigers still have 18 more outs to come back if their pitching can hold on. They have already gone through 4 pitchers and it is a lot to ask of the bullpen to shut down Texas the rest of the way. Looks over to me, though. -- Al
If it wasn't over earlier, it is now. The Tigers conceded when they put Penny in the game. Now 12-4 after 6. Say goodnight. -- Al
If it wasn't over earlier, it is now. The Tigers conceded when they put Penny in the game. Now 12-4 after 6. Say goodnight. -- Al

It is over now, a 15-5 final. An impressive win to end the series for the Rangers. Now, who will they face....

I hate to see my Tigs lose but clearly the better team won. As much as I tried to convince myself that the Tigs could pull it out I knew deep down that Texas had Detroits number this year. Congrats to Ranger fans and good luck on the main stage. Oh yeah I won't make any silly excuses like some made in the NY/DET series. It is what it is. The better team won.
I hate to see my Tigs lose but clearly the better team won. As much as I tried to convince myself that the Tigs could pull it out I knew deep down that Texas had Detroits number this year. Congrats to Ranger fans and good luck on the main stage. Oh yeah I won't make any silly excuses like some made in the NY/DET series. It is what it is. The better team won.

Joe do you really care, you still got the Wings. I don,t think they have lost yet this year!
I'm not a huge baseball fan...not even a Ranger's fan really...actually I'm an Astro's supporter at best...and our season was dismal...

but I went to visit my sister this weekend in Dallas...and they took me to Game 6 of the Rangers/Tigers ACL game...

I had a blast and here's some pics...I'm definitely not rubbing this in the face of Detroit fans...just showing some pics of the venue and my family mostly...

it was a high energy affair...this is my sister, brother in law and nephew...he's 15 and 6'5" tall...he is an athelete...he lives and breathes baseball and basketball...

my other nephew (Godson) is also 6'5"s tall and weighs 290...he plays football...

my sis is 6 foot tall...her husband is 6'2"s tall and I'm 6'3"s tall...

my nephews make me feel small...


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here's a couple more pics...


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and finally...Godzilla....he's 16...hehehe....

I had a great time with them and going to the game...


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The Brewers are pitching like they can't wait to get to the off season.

I have the Vikes getting pounded on the other channel...not a good night in my house!
The Brewers are pitching like they can't wait to get to the off season.

I have the Vikes getting pounded on the other channel...not a good night in my house!
It's raining runs in Milwaukee. I'm guessing that the pitching for both teams might be a little short.:rolleyes2: The game is 2.5 hours old and it's just the top of the 6th. Sure not the pitching duel I would have preferred to watch. Still, it is a five run lead and the game is still within reach for the Brewers, IF the Brewers pitching can get some three up, three down innings like the 6th. The Cards have been slamin' tonight. -- Al
Congratulations to the Cardinals, the 2011 National League Champions! It's on to the World Series and the Rangers!
Good win to wrap up the series for St. Louis. Now I can't wait for the World Series to start! Should be a good one with the Rangers, as they have lots of power and a solid defense. Hope the Cards starters can go a little farther in each game than in the NLCS, but with guys like Cruz in the Texas lineup, it might be tough.

As for Milwaukee, they played a great all year. Setting the franchise record for wins and reaching a league championship series were all great aspects of this season. Despite the possible departure of Fielder, I think the Brewers will still be contenders for the next few years. They have a solid team, but it just wasn't their time.

Hats off to you Brew Crew, you made it fun all year. Now Cards, let's keep it going for four more wins!

Got to hand it to the Cards, regardless of how the current series turns out, they are within one win of the WS. Not much more than a month or so ago the Cards weren't even in the wildcard race. Then the turn around, passed the Braves, took out Phillie, and now all that is needed is one more win. As Noah said, the relief pitching has been stellar and the right moves have been made. It's almost like the Cards are this season's team of destiny. Now to see if the Brewers pitchers can step up at home and catch the Cards. This has been and will remain a good example of playoff baseball. -- Al
Got to add congratulations to the Cards. The Cards got hot at the right time and the reward is being in the WS against the Rangers, who deserve congratulations for taking the AL again. It has been a great season and now we will get a great WS between two deserving teams. Although I do not follow either team on a regular basis, I do like the Cards and I have always been a fan of Nolan. Do not have a real favorite, so I will be happy to see either win. Would just like to see an even series with good baseball played. I do not expect there to be a blow-out. I think it will go 6-7 games and as a result I can't pick an obvious winner. Should be a great WS between two well matched teams. -- Al
Congrats to the Cardinals, came from 10 and 1/2 back to make the playoffs on the last day of the season, now it's on to the World Series.

If LaRussa isn't one of the greatest managers of all time, I don't know who is, he's worked wonders in Oakland and St Louis, 6 trips to the World Series, including three in a row in the 80's, the man is just a great manager.

Two great hitting teams, there will be plenty of offense to go around, let's play some ball..........
Read in the paper this AM that TV ratings were way down from last year's levels for the two championship series. Viewership for the AL was down some 40% while the NL was down 20%. Going to be real interesting to see what kind of ratings the WS drags in. A lot of fans must not be watching and thus have missed some very entertaining baseball. The WS should be real good, too. Hope the fans tune in. -- Al
Read in the paper this AM that TV ratings were way down from last year's levels for the two championship series. Viewership for the AL was down some 40% while the NL was down 20%. Going to be real interesting to see what kind of ratings the WS drags in. A lot of fans must not be watching and thus have missed some very entertaining baseball. The WS should be real good, too. Hope the fans tune in. -- Al

Yes, many people it seems, have missed some great baseball. How unfortunate that unless the 'big market' teams are in, a lot of people don't watch. I don't know, maybe it is due to the length of the playoffs. I think most people like the single decisive game, like the Super Bowl or BCS championship game. I know my wife is confused by the difference between baseball's division and league championship series!


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