Baseball 2012 (1 Viewer)

3 games in and the O's are playing like champions, but then again, they started last year 6-1.:rolleyes2: Ugly starts for the NYY's and the Red Sox. NYY got 1 good start out of 3 but went winless to Tampa. Sox were even worse. Got a good start in the opener but lost, and then gave up 23 runs in the next 2 games. Both teams now 0-3, 3 games back of the O's.{eek3}:wink2: I declare the season officially done. O's win! O's win!:tongue: -- Al

Fine with me Al, let's start the playoffs now!:) I'm very happy with our O's (even wore my new Orioles Jersey today) but I have sang this song once to many times to get to excited over 1 series at the start of the season, but still I'd rather be 3-0 then 0-3!!! so bring on dem stink'n Yanks!!! were gonna kill em!!!! or at least win 2 out of 3 :)...Sammy
The O's didn't fare so well against the Yanks. Got swept, in fact, twice in extra innings. The games were close, with the O's losing by 4,2, and 1 run. Maybe they can do better next time. NYY starting pitching has been iffy so far, but it is only April. The Nats, on the other hand, have done pretty well, especially the pitching. They can't hit a lick with runners in scoring position, but I think that will change as Zimm, Werth, and Laroche heat up and especially when Morse gets off the DL. It's opening day in DC today, against the Reds. It's a beautiful day. Play ball! -- Al
Fine with me Al, let's start the playoffs now!:) I'm very happy with our O's (even wore my new Orioles Jersey today) but I have sang this song once to many times to get to excited over 1 series at the start of the season, but still I'd rather be 3-0 then 0-3!!! so bring on dem stink'n Yanks!!! were gonna kill em!!!! or at least win 2 out of 3 :)...Sammy

Back to life back to reality:(:mad:...Sammy
Got a dog fight in the AL East. Four way tie for first place with only 155 games to go. Although the teams may change a little by August, I expect that the AL East will remain a close run thing for the rest of the season. Meanwhile, over in the NL East, the Nats had better figure out a way to score some runs to support their pitching. The Nats are 8 games into the season and have already been involved in 5 1-run games, in which they are 3-2. They have only scored 30 runs in the 8 games, while giving up 18. Good pitching, but someone needs to hit with runners in scoring position. The Nats have left an average of 8.5 men on base this season and have won 2 games without benefit of a game winning hit. Some timely hitting needs to develope or it will catch up to them. All that said, the Nats are playing really well and pitching even better and their 6-2 record reflects this. Early season euphoria it may be, but it has been fun, so far. :wink2: -- Al
I'm beginning to wonder how long the National's good fortune can last. Although they have only played 12 games, there are some excellent things going on with the pitching. The Nats are now 9-3, with 8 quality starts. Team ERA is under 2.00. The staff has given up only 2 home runs in the 12 games, a rather remarkable stat. Tonight's 1-0 win was their fourth 1-run win and the second time in the last 4 games that the starter went 7+ innings and only gave up 2 hits. The pitching has just been great from top to bottom. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. It's a long season and there are a lot of young pitchers in DC. We shall see, but it is nice to be winning. -- Al
Nationals starting pitcher Jordan Zimmermann must be wondering what he has to do to notch a win. He started his third game last night and for the third time, he went 7 innings. For the third time, he gave up 1 earned run. For the third time, he came away without credit for a win. He has the lowest run support of any pitcher in baseball, (he went through this last year, as well). He has a 1.29 ERA and yet has only an 0-1 record to show for his efforts, even though the Nats won his last 2 starts, after he left the game. Zimm has only given up 13 hits and 2 BB in his 21 innings. What more can he do? Every staff seems to have a hard luck pitcher who pitches well, gets no run support, and ends up with a mediocre record as a result. Zimm was this hard luck hurler last season with 26 starts, an 8-11 record, and all with an ERA of only 3.18. It is beginning to look like this season will be similar.:mad: Hang in there Zimm, things have to improve. As it stands today, the Nats have the best pitching in MLB. True, we are only 13 games in, (10-3 record), but with a team ERA of 1.92, 9 quality starts, and a .191 BAA, I can't help but be optimistic. Go Nats! -- Al
Texas is only 13 games in but it is beginning to look like that they are going to shred the AL. They are scoring at a rate of 6 runs per game and have only given up 2.5 runs per game. Good hitting and good pitching make for a deadly combination on the ol' diamond. Still, it is a little early to award Texas the flag and I know the Angels are better than they have showed so far. The AL East continues to look like a 'last man standing' situation and will probably stay so for the season. I like the way the season is going so far with the NYY's, the O's, and the Nats all doing well. I'm a little surprised that the O's are showing so well to this point, but improved pitching is responsible for that. They can't field their way out of wet tissue paper, but their hitting is doing well enough, along with the pitching, to offset the fielding problems, so far. -- Al
Yankees have just pulled off what has to be one of the most incredible comebacks in baseball history. They were down 9-0 in the sixth inning to the Sox and scored 15 straight runs to win at Fenway. Texeira and Swishalicous each drove in 6 runs. Just amazing. I was listening to in the car. The Yankee announcers were commiserating for Bobby V. Man, I can't even imagine what the Boston press will be saying. It will be brutal.
Just watched a really unusual baseball game in which the NYY's, trailing Boston 9-0 after 5 innings, came back and scored 15 straight runs over the last 4 innings, to win 15-9. The Boston starter completely handled the Yanks for 6 innings. He left after 6, leading 9-1, when his pitch count reached 100. The Boston bullpen then preceded to give up 7 runs in the 7th and 7 runs in the 8th. An impressive effort by the Sox relievers. Boston should fire them all. A perfect example of what the pitch count has done to today's baseball. This was a won game by Boston. Too bad no one will let the starting pitcher go the route, unless there is a no-hitter going. I can't count the number of won games that have been thrown away because a hot starter hit an arbitrary pitch count and was then removed, only to see a bad bullpen lose the game. On a different bent, congratulations to the White Sox pitcher Humber, who threw a perfect game. I guess he's lucky they let him finish that game.:rolleyes2: -- Al
Got another nominee for hard-luck pitcher. Pittsburgh's Eric Bedard. Has had 4 starts and lost them all. His ERA is an outstanding 2.63 in his 24 innings. Problem is the Pirates hitting, which ranks last in MLB in just about every major catagory. Pirates have hit only 8 Hr's and team BA is a mighty .202, yet the team record is a fair 6-9, because the pitching is very good. Just can't score, especially when Bedard pitches. The Pirates have only scored 3 runs, total, in Bedard's 4 games and only 2 runs while he has been in the game. To make things worse, they have not bunched the runs, but spread them out. In the 4 games, they have scored 0,1,1,and 1. This makes it all but impossible for Bedard to win without being perfect. Maybe Bedard should come back to Baltimore.:rolleyes2: -- Al
A screaming good time in the AL East! A four way tie for first place, with Boston in 2nd place. Will change after tonight's games. ^&grin -- Al
The Rangers are the real deal, their lineup 1-9 is a murders row, they've got the pitching to match. They are simply loaded.

Pujols is struggling beyond belief; zero home runs so far, hitting around 230 or so, they are already 7 games out and in trouble already...........looks like Albert should have stayed in St Louis..............
The Rangers are the real deal, their lineup 1-9 is a murders row, they've got the pitching to match. They are simply loaded.

Pujols is struggling beyond belief; zero home runs so far, hitting around 230 or so, they are already 7 games out and in trouble already...........looks like Albert should have stayed in St Louis..............
Texas looking real good. Me thinks Nolan knows alot more about baseball than just how to pitch.:wink2: As to Pujols, well, you know what they say, that the money is always greener...{sm3}Looks like the Cards don't miss Albert. -- Al
Bad news for the NYY, as Pineda has to have season ending surgery. This leaves the Yank rotation in a bit of trouble as Pineda had been counted on to round out a solid starting five. Now he's gone and Hughes is struggling, big time. Hughes has been all but completely ineffective but may have to continue in the rotation because there is no option. Hey, NY, the Nats have a decent junk-balling left-hander, John Lannan, stuck in the minors because of a numbers crunch in their starting rotation. He can be had. :wink2: -- Al
Bad news for the NYY, as Pineda has to have season ending surgery. This leaves the Yank rotation in a bit of trouble as Pineda had been counted on to round out a solid starting five. Now he's gone and Hughes is struggling, big time. Hughes has been all but completely ineffective but may have to continue in the rotation because there is no option. Hey, NY, the Nats have a decent junk-balling left-hander, John Lannan, stuck in the minors because of a numbers crunch in their starting rotation. He can be had. :wink2: -- Al

I expect to see the Yankees take Hughes out of the rotation, replace him with whichever of the "Killer Bees" is most ready and cut Freddie Garcia as soon as Pettite is ready in about 10 days to two weeks. I am not terribly worried about the Yankees rotation. They have a solid core with Sabathia, Kuroda and Nova, all of whom are pitching well (CC has won his last couple of starts, Nova hasn't lost in nearly a year, and Kuroda losing 2-0 to the Texas lineup is no disgrace). If Pettite is still Pettite, they have a fourth quality starter on the way, and I like the idea of giving Betances or Banuelos a chance in the rotation. Hughes belongs in the bullpen, where he has had some success. He has never been the same as a starter after the all star break of his one good season. Garcia is just done.

I only hope Pineda comes back and pitches well for the Yankees next year, as we gave up a lot for him. It makes me wonder if he hurt himself around the all star break last year (when he went from unhittable to pedestrian) and either he hid it from Seattle or Seattle jobbed the Yankees.
I expect to see the Yankees take Hughes out of the rotation, replace him with whichever of the "Killer Bees" is most ready and cut Freddie Garcia as soon as Pettite is ready in about 10 days to two weeks. I am not terribly worried about the Yankees rotation. They have a solid core with Sabathia, Kuroda and Nova, all of whom are pitching well (CC has won his last couple of starts, Nova hasn't lost in nearly a year, and Kuroda losing 2-0 to the Texas lineup is no disgrace). If Pettite is still Pettite, they have a fourth quality starter on the way, and I like the idea of giving Betances or Banuelos a chance in the rotation. Hughes belongs in the bullpen, where he has had some success. He has never been the same as a starter after the all star break of his one good season. Garcia is just done.

I only hope Pineda comes back and pitches well for the Yankees next year, as we gave up a lot for him. It makes me wonder if he hurt himself around the all star break last year (when he went from unhittable to pedestrian) and either he hid it from Seattle or Seattle jobbed the Yankees.
Interesting question about Pineda. It would seem that NY made the wrong decision in taking Garcia over Colon, who seems reborn in Oakland, although it is a long season and Colon could wear down. Would love to see Pettite make a go of his comeback with the Yanks and he certainly could be a short term solution. Hughes needs to go to the bullpen. He is a mess as a starter. I guess the 'B' boys are in line for a shot. -- Al
This is probably much ado about nothing but it makes me cringe when I read the two nitwits who snatched a ball away from a kid want an apology because the TV announcer called them out. I particularly like the part about not realizing the kid sitting right next to them was balling his eyes out. This while they are posing for pictures holding the ball and looking directly at the kid. Hopefully people show up at the wedding and throw baseballs at these lowlifes:

The engaged couple that has been vilified for snatching away a baseball that was intended for a toddler at Wednesday's Rangers-Yankees game say they have been treated unfairly. And they want an apology from the Yankees broadcaster whose comments helped make the video of the episode go viral.

"My fiance Shannon and I were honestly unaware of the situation of the little boy sitting next to us last night since we were so caught up in the excited and moment of being at our first Ranger's baseball game together," Sean Leonard wrote in a statement posted by WFAA.

The child eventually was given another ball, but that didn't stem the wave of online criticisms that came after Yankees broadcaster Michael Kay said on air, "Oh, my God, they can't give it to the kid?"

Leonard was at the game with his fiance, Shannon Moore, whom he will wed on Saturday.
The Nationals are 20 games in, 14-6, and in first place. A pretty good run, so far. Couple of clouds in the sky, though. Mainly injuries. The Nats two big boppers, Morse and Zimmerman are now both on the DL. The Nats number 1 and number 2 closers, Storen and Lidge, are now both on the DL. The hitters injuries have been influential in the failure of the Nats to put runs on the board and have neccesitated the early call-up of 19 year old phenom, Bryce Harper, from AAA to play left field. Doubt that he's ready, but thats the way it is. The pitchers injuries have not had an effect yet, as the starting pitching has been outstanding, and the #3 close, Rodriguez, has stepped in and been lights out. Still, these injuries will tell more and more as the season wears on. Already the Nats have played 10 one-run games and have gone 6-4. This plague of close games looks to be SOP for the foreseeable future, as long as the bats stay quiet. Basically, the Nats need Zimmerman and Storen back in the line-up. -- Al
Hi Louis. It appears that Garcia, as you said, is done. He got pounded again today, lasting 1.2 innings, 5 hits, 6 ER. His ERA on the season is now 12.51! NY can't afford another fiasco like that. Hughes and Garcia have pitched their way out of the rotation. The Yanks, who had 6 legitimate starting pitchers in spring training, now have 3. Time to find someone new and give them a shot. -- Al
The Nationals are 20 games in, 14-6, and in first place. A pretty good run, so far. Couple of clouds in the sky, though. Mainly injuries. The Nats two big boppers, Morse and Zimmerman are now both on the DL. The Nats number 1 and number 2 closers, Storen and Lidge, are now both on the DL. The hitters injuries have been influential in the failure of the Nats to put runs on the board and have neccesitated the early call-up of 19 year old phenom, Bryce Harper, from AAA to play left field. Doubt that he's ready, but thats the way it is. The pitchers injuries have not had an effect yet, as the starting pitching has been outstanding, and the #3 close, Rodriguez, has stepped in and been lights out. Still, these injuries will tell more and more as the season wears on. Already the Nats have played 10 one-run games and have gone 6-4. This plague of close games looks to be SOP for the foreseeable future, as long as the bats stay quiet. Basically, the Nats need Zimmerman and Storen back in the line-up. -- Al
Thanks to the above mentioned injury problems with the hitters, the Nats have lost 4 in a row. They have scored only 6 runs in those 4 games. The losses were 2-1, 3-2, 4-3, and yesterday's 2-0. Werth was out sick in yesterday's loss, leaving the Nats with no offensive punch what so ever. The pitching continues to be outstanding so the Nats stay competitive, but the hitting needs help, BIG TIME. -- Al

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