Baseball 2013 (3 Viewers)

My concern for the Red Sox is they've been sitting around for four days, hope they don't come out rusty tomorrow night.................

Well, I was right...........for three innings as the Rays were up 2-0, been outscored since 8-0, 8-2 sox..........
No quick fix and a tough loss for the Mets after all, it looks like Harvey will have the surgery and will miss all of 2014.
It is unfortunate, but predictable. Rehabing those type of arm injuries is rarely successful. Better to get the surgery ASAP and recover ASAP rather than wasting time on rehab that will likely fail. He'll be back better than ever if the Mets stay patient and don't push for an early return. -- Al
Well, I was right...........for three innings as the Rays were up 2-0, been outscored since 8-0, 8-2 sox..........
The 4th inning was a textbook example of home field advantage. Not because of the crowd but a matter of the home team knowing it's park and, in this case in particular, the visitors NOT knowing the park. Tampa played that inning like Amateur Hour and the Sox made them pay. -- Al
Verrrrrrrry nice 12-2 first game win for the Sox, the only negative was having to listen to that horse's rearend Keith Oberman doing the TBS Gamebreaks.:rolleyes2:^&grin

With Price on the mound, I fear tomorrow's game won't be quite so easy.

This is why I love this time of year, two games in the books and two more to go! What a great day to be a baseball fan!
Well, a couple of blowouts and a couple of 1-run games yesterday. Pretty entertaining. As none of my teams got into the playoffs, I now have the ability to watch with a dispassionate eye.:rolleyes2: I enjoy watching the games as just a fan of the game, but it is more fun to have the emotional tie to a particular team in the fight. I'm leaning towards the NL here, but no pick yet. Don't really hate anyone or love anyone but I guess I would kinda of like to see the ol' Pirates in the WS, or maybe St.Loo. Goes against my upbringing as a Giants fan to root for LA but I do like Donny Ballgame. Al is a toss-up for me. Don't care for any of them but I will wish George's team of bearded backwoodsmen 'good luck' because it's good for baseball to have an east coast power in the series and because no one expected them to be even close this year. Pirates vs Sox wouldn't hurt my feelings any.:wink2:^&grin -- Al
The A's/Tigers game was over in the first inning when the Tigers put up 3 on fatso, although the A's did make it close.

Today's Red Sox/Rays game is huge as if the Sox can beat Price and go up 2-0, they're in good shape, 1-1 heading back to Tampa could get interesting, we'll see how it shakes out........
The A's/Tigers game was over in the first inning when the Tigers put up 3 on fatso, although the A's did make it close.

Today's Red Sox/Rays game is huge as if the Sox can beat Price and go up 2-0, they're in good shape, 1-1 heading back to Tampa could get interesting, we'll see how it shakes out........

The Tigers look really good, but I can't shake the memories of how poorly they played against my Giants in last year's Series. I got a kick out of the graphic on Sportscenter that said they snapped a four game playoff losing streak, in other words the last time they played in the playoffs they got swept.
Sox win.

Two down.

Nine to go.

And to think sports talk radio was buzzing today about how Farell is an idiot and should have pitched Buckholz today and not Lackey, Price will shut us down and we'll be screwed.

A crooked number later, now our REAL #1 starter goes on Monday.

People who call sports talk radio for the most part are dead from the neck up.
Sox win.

Two down.

Nine to go.

And to think sports talk radio was buzzing today about how Farell is an idiot and should have pitched Buckholz today and not Lackey, Price will shut us down and we'll be screwed.

A crooked number later, now our REAL #1 starter goes on Monday.

People who call sports talk radio for the most part are dead from the neck up.

Great showing by Ortiz, who is still hitting them out! He is my favorite Sox player ever.
A classic pitching duel last night between the Tiger's Verlander and the A's Gray. 0-0 into the bottom of the 9th when the A's finally scored the winning run against the bullpen. A 1-0 classic and a lot of fun to watch. Playoff baseball at it's best, although for a 1-0 game it was rather long at 3:23. Also noticed that attendance was at 137.7% of capacity. Now that's a sellout!^&grin -- Al
I think this media frenzy about the Rays in the last few days leading up to the Red Sox series was a bit overstated. Let's not forget that they had been relatively secure in the first WC spot and then almost found themselves outside looking in by losing two out if three to the Blue Jays on the final weekend.
Huge game for the Dodgers tonight. I don't see them coming back if they go down 2-1 even with Kershaw on the mound in game 5. It's been a long, long time since LA had a realistic chance.
Huge game for the Dodgers tonight. I don't see them coming back if they go down 2-1 even with Kershaw on the mound in game 5. It's been a long, long time since LA had a realistic chance.

As a Giants fan I hate to say it, but the Dodgers looked great tonight. Huge win, literally and figuratively.
So I guess this Puig guy is pretty good; if you didn't know that, just tune into a Dodgers game and listen to the broadcasters babble about him; "What a catch by Puig on that routine fly ball!!".........."What a throw back into the infield after the catch of the routine fly ball, you don't want to test HIS arm, he's literally got a cannon out there!!"..........."What a swing by Puig even though he missed the ball by a foot, still was a GREAT swing!!!".............."WOW, did you see the way he ran out that ground ball to second base, he was out, but did you see the way he RAN!!!!"

Good God are they annoying with this guy; yeah, ok, he's talented but take it down a couple of notches.
Time for the kill shot today, finish off Captain Smarmy and his plucky band of underachievers.

Had to laugh at Maddon whining about the "quirks of Fenway" the other night; this from a guy whos team plays in an abandoned missile silo and has a catwalk overhead that balls bounce off of and are still in play.

Seriously, what a joke of a ballpark.
Time for the kill shot today, finish off Captain Smarmy and his plucky band of underachievers.

Had to laugh at Maddon whining about the "quirks of Fenway" the other night; this from a guy whos team plays in an abandoned missile silo and has a catwalk overhead that balls bounce off of and are still in play.

Seriously, what a joke of a ballpark.

I don't want to jinx it George but do who do you want next? Oakland or Detrot?
I don't want to jinx it George but do who do you want next? Oakland or Detrot?

I want Detroit for one reason.

As a kid, my first real baseball memory was the 1972 season, Sox had a great team that year. Due to a strike that year, several games were never made up and each team played a different number of games (yet another brilliant stroke by baseball, not everyone played the same amount of games that year) and as a result, going into the last weekend of the season, the Sox were up 1/2 game on the Tigers.

They lost the first game, won the second, lost the third and finished 1/2 game out of first.

Yes, one half game out.

One of the key moments in the first loss was Luis Aparicio, the ex White Sox shortstop who the Sox had grabbed at the trade deadline, slipped and fell while rounding third, the run did not score, the Sox lost the game as a result.

Revenge is a dish best served cold.

Plus, not sure I could stomach watching the A's, they've got four ex Red Sox players on their team and I am sure they'd all find a different and unique way to torture me during the series, so no to that noise.
I want Detroit for one reason.

As a kid, my first real baseball memory was the 1972 season, Sox had a great team that year. Due to a strike that year, several games were never made up and each team played a different number of games (yet another brilliant stroke by baseball, not everyone played the same amount of games that year) and as a result, going into the last weekend of the season, the Sox were up 1/2 game on the Tigers.

They lost the first game, won the second, lost the third and finished 1/2 game out of first.

Yes, one half game out.

One of the key moments in the first loss was Luis Aparicio, the ex White Sox shortstop who the Sox had grabbed at the trade deadline, slipped and fell while rounding third, the run did not score, the Sox lost the game as a result.

Revenge is a dish best served cold.

Plus, not sure I could stomach watching the A's, they've got four ex Red Sox players on their team and I am sure they'd all find a different and unique way to torture me during the series, so no to that noise.

I would say that is a good reason!

I only want the A's in it because the minute they are gone baseball here in the Bay Area will cease to exist, the newspapers etc. will put it on the back page right after the winners of the local underwater basket weaving tournament.

Then again, on local sports talk radio if you mention the A's most people think you have started the alphabet, as opposed to a discussion about baseball.

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