George, speaking of the Dodgers moving on, that means that the heartbreakers of playoff baseball, the Braves, once again failed to move on. We speak of the suffering that Cub's fans endure, constant losing, but what about Braves fans whose team is always good enough to get to the post-season, but never good enough to win it all. Since 1991 (the early years of the Maddux-Glavine-Smoltz era), the Braves have gone to the post-season 17 times, an outstanding run of excellence. The frustration for the fans lays in the results once into the playoffs. In all those post-season appearances, the Braves have managed but one (1) World Series Title. The Braves also managed to lose 4 WS. Their record since 2000 has been one of failure at the Division Championship level, having now gone 1-7, and even the year they advanced to the pennant championship (2001), they lost to the Diamondbacks. The history of post-season failure, with the notable exception of the WS title of 1995, has to be as frustrating as any teams legacy of regular season failure. To get so close, so many times, really tests a fans loyalty. As a baseball fan, I have to acknowledge the long-term run of regular season excellence the Braves have achieved, but to fail so often in the post-season must be a special kind of agony. But I guess that, ultimately, the Braves fan can paraphrase what mama once said, "Getting to the playoffs and losing is better than not getting to the playoffs at all.", (apologies to "Hard Times"). -- Al