This isn't good news for the Nats if Gio gets in trouble with this. -- AlArod has been implicated in a clinic that was dispensing hgh. He has denied it and has retained a top attorney. Also named were Gio Gonzalez, Nelson Cruz, Melky and others. Yankees have issued a statement that wasn't supportive of Arod.
MLB is investigating.
Arod may be done for good. Forget HOF. That's gone for good.
This current event in the whole doping/HGH issue for MLB has to be coming out now for some reason, maybe charges against the clinic doing the doping or something. But the way Arod has come out and gotten a top attorney makes me think there may be something to his denials. As for Arod and the Hall I seriously doubt it, the writers have long memories and the players will likely not vote for him since he isn't exactly the best team mate or so its said. But I would surely like to see him gone so the Yankees can find their next 3b player.
I see where former Cy Young winner Brandon Webb has retired at age 33, victim of shoulder problems. Also the Cards Chris Carpenter is expected to miss 2013 because of continued nerve problems and may be finished, as well. Tough losses. Both are/were good pitchers. -- Al
I like it. It is getting closer each day...:wink2: -- Althinking of you Al![]()