Battle Scene Productions (1 Viewer)

I am glad everyone is enjoying the change of pace. Nick and I are having a blast. There are some more surprises coming in the next few weeks. Check in on the Web Site, we reorganized it a bit.

I apologize again for not chatting as much as we used to, but the Web Site and upcoming projects have taken much of our time. But we promise to keep the entertainment coming, with projects of interest to all.

There will be more pics of the Civil War and Valley Forge on our Site in about a week. Alex
I am glad everyone is enjoying the change of pace. Nick and I are having a blast. There are some more surprises coming in the next few weeks. Check in on the Web Site, we reorganized it a bit.

I apologize again for not chatting as much as we used to, but the Web Site and upcoming projects have taken much of our time. But we promise to keep the entertainment coming, with projects of interest to all.

There will be more pics of the Civil War and Valley Forge on our Site in about a week. Alex

What a lame excuse we know your hiding from the Zulu along with your partner in creativity. Looking forward to your surpises .....The Lt.
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You never know.............We might be raising a ZULU army of our own;) Alex
You never know.............We might be raising a ZULU army of our own;) Alex

You'll note that you will achiive a great amount of prestige when you do so and there's not doubt in my mind that it's currently being raised...The Lt.
Well guys her is the ultimate lesson in getting too carried away with Toy Soldiers. With the time I have been spending on the Web Site and doing Battle Scenes. My wife has found it necessary to file for divorce after 20 years. There were a few other minor problems, but the time spent with the hobby was the bulk of it. Unbelievable. The State Troopers were just here after a big argument. This could jeopardies BSP, but I will try my best to keep it running.:( Alex

I'm very, very sorry to hear about your troubles. Perhaps it's not too late to work things out. This is obviously more important than anything. You have my best wishes and hopes for better times.

I have been trying to work things out, but I think the change of life syndrome is guiding her irrational behavior. It is more difficult than you can imagine, and it is gut wrenching seeing my daughter have to go trough this. But there seems to still be a chance to work things out. Lets see what happens

Thanks for your concern

I have been trying to work things out, but I think the change of life syndrome is guiding her irrational behavior. It is more difficult than you can imagine, and it is gut wrenching seeing my daughter have to go trough this. But there seems to still be a chance to work things out. Lets see what happens

Thanks for your concern

Alex, As one who's gone thru this, KNOW YOUR PRIORITIES, I know you love toy soldiers and your projects, but is it worth your marriage? Comprimise, your Daughters future is definately worth that.
Sorry for your troubles, God bless and guide you,
Hey Alex, put Toy Soldiers and BSP on hold, this is a Hobby, thats your wife of 20 years, we all wish you the best. We will still be here, don't worry about pleasing us right now, please your wife and daughter, Good Luck, Mike.:)
I would echo the sentiments of my two friends. A suggestion if you will. Her irrationalities may seem that way to you and I but I hope you don't say that to her. Sometimes it is a good thing to "let the Wookie win", if you know what I mean.

Remember, this is just a hobby. Family matters come first.

Your great works will always be remembered and will remain in the digital "Hall of Fame," just like the old masters of yore.

I will be praying for the unity of your family

My wife is a very nice person, but she is a woman, and I don' know if I have ever gained an understanding of them. She insists that I continue with BSP. Although a week ago she said it was a part of our problems. She will not prevent me from using the basement to do my work. As a matter of fact I am remaining in the house.

She wants some space, so I am going out a lot. No divorce paperers have actually been filed. She said why don't we remain in the house while it is being sold, and then buy condos next to each other:confused:. Like I said, I never understood them. Inside I am confused and pissed, But I am going to keep on a smile, go along with everything, including BSP, and see where it all goes. We were selling the house anyway due to my impending retirement.

Thank you all for your encouragement, it means a lot to me. It has really helped lift my spirit, which I need in general, and to continue with my creative process. Nick has also provided me tremendous support. Alex
Hi Alex, I'm sorry to hear of your marrital problems. Women are difficult to understand at times as I've often said to my wife. She usually replies that women don't expect to be understood, just loved ;)
My wife is a very nice person, but she is a woman, and I don' know if I have ever gained an understanding of them. She insists that I continue with BSP. Although a week ago she said it was a part of our problems. She will not prevent me from using the basement to do my work. As a matter of fact I am remaining in the house.

She wants some space, so I am going out a lot. No divorce paperers have actually been filed. She said why don't we remain in the house while it is being sold, and then buy condos next to each other:confused:. Like I said, I never understood them. Inside I am confused and pissed, But I am going to keep on a smile, go along with everything, including BSP, and see where it all goes. We were selling the house anyway due to my impending retirement.

Thank you all for your encouragement, it means a lot to me. It has really helped lift my spirit, which I need in general, and to continue with my creative process. Nick has also provided me tremendous support. Alex

You know we do not always get to understand them. We do have to live with them. It sounds like there is hope still if that is what you are looking for. Listening is a great tool for couples. Especialy us guys. Sometimes we want to fix what is wrong. They may not want that. Women sometimes just like talking things out to figure out their own issues. We can ask what can we do to support them.

Being pissed is normal but fighting is not the way to get your needs met. You both are frustrated. Time could be used to reflect, not fix just yet.

Sorry bud,I just remember the pain from the past. Ever read any John Grey books?
Hi Alex, I'm sorry to hear of your marrital problems. Women are difficult to understand at times as I've often said to my wife. She usually replies that women don't expect to be understood, just loved ;)

That sounds like excellent advice.:)
Hang in there Alex. I've been there, done that. Not going to give advice, my life is a series of failures and my ability to have meaningful relationships with women is just of them one.

Hi Alex, I'm sorry to hear of your marrital problems. Women are difficult to understand at times as I've often said to my wife. She usually replies that women don't expect to be understood, just loved ;)

And how exactly do you do THAT??????????????

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