Best and Worst of 2006 (so far) (1 Viewer)


Brigadier General
Jun 10, 2005
There is some discussion of a more formal intercompany contest on the NMA thread, but in the meantime just curious about opinions on the best and worst vehicles and sets from KC this year. I would nominate the WS 71 King Tiger (repaint) although it did not get much buzz on the board. Also, the new 8th Army sets are my favorites and among those probably "Advance under Fire" is the best.

On the disappointing side, I would list the Greif and Panther. The Greif has a smallish appearance, Rommel is not well done (including scale) and a tough fit, the machine gun appears to be too large and cumbersome, and track detail is - well you know. The Panther is not bad - particularly the figures - but disappointing that not much progress has been made in light of the advancements demonstrated by HB.
Combat said:
There is some discussion of a more formal intercompany contest on the NMA thread, but in the meantime just curious about opinions on the best and worst vehicles and sets from KC this year. I would nominate the WS 71 King Tiger (repaint) although it did not get much buzz on the board. Also, the new 8th Army sets are my favorites and among those probably "Advance under Fire" is the best.

On the disappointing side, I would list the Greif and Panther. The Greif has a smallish appearance, Rommel is not well done (including scale) and a tough fit, the machine gun appears to be too large and cumbersome, and track detail is - well you know. The Panther is not bad - particularly the figures - but disappointing that not much progress has been made in light of the advancements demonstrated by HB.

I have both KC Greif and the HJB's 250. They are exactly the same in scale 1/32
i have both the rommell halftrack and the king tiger with the new ambush paintjob iam in the process of selling both,and i will be buying the meyer halftrack when it comes out and possibly the panther.
I think it's better to accent the positive. With respect to the K & C Panther, that was made well before the Honour Bound Panther so I don't think it's fair to make a comparison.

On a positive note, besides the 8th Army, I'd nominate the Honey, a real excellent tank and beautifully made.
I would beg to differ on the comparison between the Greif and the HJB, the HJB has a noticably higher profile and the Antenna also stands much higher.
Oops, I just noticed this is supposed to be about K & C so I can't include the Honey. In a similar vein, the Stuart should be a big hit and it's quite nice.
If this is only K&C, Best of 2006 IMO is the repainted King Tiger.
If it was best K&C vehicle of the last 12 months it would be the Winter Tiger (which is the best piece in my collection bar none).
I would say that K&C is making, in 2005 and 2006, much better detailed product than in the past. WWII stuff is great, but I personally believe that the Napoleonic sets are the best painted and best detailed if I had to choose between two K&C series of releases. And, in the Napoleonics my choice is the Grays. Heads and tails above the remainder. And yes the pun was intended. The horses coloration is above average for dappled and we've lost what OzDigger I believe has called the "camel headed horse". But the men and their uniforms are spectacular.

My vote for best of 2006 goes for the Grays. :)

I don't have a worst. I kinda like to think of toy soldiers collecting like sex, the worst sex I have ever had was above average.:rolleyes: :D
I love the poses of the 42th Highlanders. (Black Watch) The drummer and sergeant, fighting with his pike are very original. The worst figure? IMO the Eisenhower figure of the DD-line is a little bit overposed. If you compare this firgure with the magnificent Sepp Dietrich of the BOB line ....
I also have the feeling that the quality of the figures is increasing by every year. Where will this end?
I'd say the Scots Greys is the best so far this year. There's a few I could put in the worse category but most obvious in recent times is the Japanese mortar crew with their overly chubby weapon.
My favourite recent set was 'tommy patrol' but this was a close shave ahead of lots of others sets:confused: . The closest perhaps were the winter german tank riders:cool: and the new kiwi desert dingo. Agree though that most of the recent stuff is still getting better.

My least favourite set in the sense of my RELATIVE disappointment was - I can't wait for the replies - the winter tiger. It is an excellent model and I do like it a lot (I could be just easy to please or is most of it just fantastic gear by K&C?) but I think the winter tiger could have been more realistic/accurate (is it supposed to be winter 42/43 or 43/44 when the undercoat would have been yellow brown)! :confused:

The trouble is the quality is getting even better in the sets I don't collect - and still won't!!!!!! The napoleonics were superb........musn't weaken:eek:
panda1gen said:
The trouble is the quality is getting even better in the sets I don't collect - and still won't!!!!!! The napoleonics were superb........musn't weaken:eek:

Same here; while beautiful and all the accolades you can give to Napoleonics, Revolutionary War, Barbarians and probably Alamo, just have to draw the line somewhere.
:( I was Dissapointed on the EA09 and EA015, New 8th Army Sets! The Figure's again are SMALL, and PUNY in Body Statue! Also, the SCOTTISH, IRISH, COMBATANT Pose's wasn't included in the the
Army Infantry Sets? I was COMPARING with the Earlier 8th Army Sets such as the EA01, EA03,and EAO6! They were Beefier, and Excellent in Body Statue, and NOT Puny Sculpturing! Also, was Dissapointed about the D-Day COMMANDOS also!
I am going to say my favorite for 2006 so far is King & Country #EA14 - Indian Army Machine Gun Set. Very well done, unique subject. Perfect.
In my opinion , I was mildy disapointed in the Horse back paratrooper. The horse looks HUGE and the Paratrooper on the small side.
The Best:

King & Country #AK27 - 10.5cm Field Gun
Hands down! KC Artillery was very much welcomed and well overdue but the wait was worth it. The figures were outstanding and the 10.5 Gun was beyond description in it's realism. I bought three of them (yes, I got carried away).

The Worst:

King & Country #WS72 - Normandy Panther
Hard to compare the tank itself to HB for obvious reasons but the figures themselves are GREAT and some of the best ever made, so this is a qualified "worst" rating because no one has yet made the best 1/30 figures in the industry to consistently compete against KC.

Now to be fair (and you guys are all about being fair right?), let's compare the best and worst of the rest of the pack (Britains, Conte, NMA, HB, etc.)and there's plenty to talk about here isn't there?

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desk11desk12 said:
The Best:

Now to be fair (and you guys are all about being fair right?), let's compare the best and worst of the rest of the pack (Britains, Conte, NMA, HB, etc.)and there's plenty to talk about here isn't there?


HB and NMA have only limited releases at this point. The HB Winter Panther is my favorite. On NMA I like the summer Sturmtiger, but not the 232 - the figure in particular looks horrible.
In my opinion, hands down the worst set was Britains Stalingrad. I get mad every time I think what I paid for it that the money could have been better spent.
As for my favorite, all King & Country sets, depending on the day, that particular set is my favorite.
Showman said:
I am going to say my favorite for 2006 so far is King & Country #EA14 - Indian Army Machine Gun Set. Very well done, unique subject. Perfect.
In my opinion , I was mildy disapointed in the Horse back paratrooper. The horse looks HUGE and the Paratrooper on the small side.

The horses used in Europe for most part were a much larger breed than we used in the US. Thats one reason the horse seems large to some.
Chuck Harris said:
The horses used in Europe for most part were a much larger breed than we used in the US. Thats one reason the horse seems large to some.

Good point, plus many horses in Normandy weren't from Kavalrie formations, but were draft horses. Despite its formidable reputation, the German Army remained very much horse-drawn through WW2. The bulk of infantry division artillery, most regimental supplies and kitchens were moved by horses.
Chuck Harris said:
The horses used in Europe for most part were a much larger breed than we used in the US. Thats one reason the horse seems large to some.

You know CHuck you are right , I was watching Band of Brothers the other night and a Para rode up to Winters on a HUGE I recall..

Thanks Greg

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