Yep! - I have long had a fancy for one - but not at the made-up TS prices for them! As mentioned previously in this thread, there were several varieties of Steamer used in the various phases of the campaign in Egypt. The type that has "grabbed" me most - is the earliest Stern Paddle-wheel type (others were side-paddlers and later - the rear screw types).
I saw a light wooden model yesterday at Dorset Soldiers (next time I go - I will photograph it) of a rear-paddler. It's really just a platform made-up to showcase Giles' Soldiers, Sailors and weapons (Gatling, Maxims and various pea-shooters) that adorn it. Giles sells various bits and bobs - including castings which will enable a modeller to make up a very realistic rear paddle. The rest of the boat is made from a light and pliable type of plywood material - which he has painted white - to show off his figures better. It will just take some time to design one to fit the space I have in mind - and then make it! I reckon that I have at least a year's worth of painting (from my stash), to go before then, however.
Incidentally - there are a number of interesting articles about the various types of Nile Gunboat to be found online - put there by the Melik Society - which was formed to "save" one of the last of these gunboats from vanishing (They took their name from the boat). She currentl still exists as a partial wreck - and they are trying to save what's left - and eventually restore her. Well worth a read - to those interested.
Start here - to acess several very interesting articles - and pictures. All the best - johnnybach