Bored Tonight...Post a Diorama, LOL (5 Viewers)

How about something a little larger:


My Sideshow Toys Federal 6 pounder w/Confederate crew.
Must have been at War and Peace at the same time!!


  • Tiger.jpg
    35.7 KB · Views: 320
Very cool stuf, I like the 1/6 scale and the full scale stuf too!For a second or so I thought that cannon and crew were real, from a reenactment.
We have a semi basket case Chec 251 I let the WW2 group store at the farm.Fun to drive out around the pasture sometimes!Needs the fenders and rear troop compartment armor redone.At the rate the owner comes out to work on it { we have a complete metal shop at the farm} it will be done in about 2049.



  • legion.gif
    16.1 KB · Views: 301
Those are cool pictures. So life like, oh wait a minute they are real!

Cool pictures guys, from th3 1/6 scale to re-enactments.

I assumed these last few photos were real. Are you saying these are 1/6th?

Is that the Tiger I built on a T34/85 chassis, which was used in Saving Private Ryan?
The 2 WWII pics are 1/1 scale reenactors playing Army. The Civil War shot of the cannon & crew is 1/6 scale.
Theres plenty of t34/85 tanks available around the USA to convert into whatever you want.An importer in Florida has them available. Many ww2 reenactor groups are saving their nickles and dimes for one including some nuts here in Oregon.
As I recall they run between $15,000 to $20,000 for a runnning tanks. No Mgs, or breech for main gun.ATF frowns on cannons.
Personally, I like the Stug 3 and Jagdpanther conversions from Band Of Brothers.
Can't seem to convince the boss here that a tank is really needed.It's not, I just want to fire up the cutting torch and convert one.A bit more involved than 1/32 but what a challenge!:D

image of some of my scenic items



  • 3ft.jpg
    68 KB · Views: 255
:) I am a little short on space, so I need to keep things compact.



  • treefrog post.jpg
    treefrog post.jpg
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Nice display Hoot.I display things around the house and my wife puts them back out on my wargames table for me to PUT AWAY.

The Secnic Items are Formtech,Hobby Bunker and Conte .All come unpainted.I bought the formtech WW1 trench system from Matt at Hobby bunker at OTSN 2003.
Heres a pic of some ONWTC GI's fighting their way through one of the trench sections.



    54.1 KB · Views: 1,163
Just finished a batch of Russian Cavalry 1812.Did 16 Dragoons over the last couple weeks, averaged 2 each evening. All my back can stand is about an hour max at a time so I paint in short relays a couple times in the evening..
Helmet plastic kits on Imex and Italeri mounts lead the way, with Timpo French slightly modified on the same style of horses bring up the rear.Horse furniture is wrong so I grind it off with a dremel tool and replace with the timpo and Helmet provided gear.Helmet kits are a bit fiddely, a fair amount of flash and all the belts/slings and harness's have to be made from thin plastic just like the Airfix kits.Troopers look splendid enmasse. Don't look too close though, there are flaws on every one but pretty well hidden.Hands shake a bit these days!


  • russcav1812.jpg
    71.5 KB · Views: 380
Fubar, I like your finish on the houres and riders. Do you use oil or acrylic? What do you spray with for protection? Thanks - Toot :confused:
Toot, I use cheapo acrylics like Ceramacoat + some Polly S, Tamiya { for ww2}Vallejo, ect. Not much else available around here. I used Humbrol and Pactra for years, switched to acrylics about 10 years ago and never regretted it.
Usually I spray troops with several coats of Matte finish, like Krylon clear and then hit them with a couple shots of Testors dullcote to flatten them out some more. i think the Krylon is a better protective finish but it does give them a semi gloss matte finish which I do not care for. Dullcote takes care of that.

Theres also ink available from Windsor Newton called NUT BROWN. I use it on ww2 figs, Orcs, terrain pcs , whatever. Not Napoleonics though! Anyway if you thin it out just a bit in a wash it runs along the seams, into folds ect{ faces too} and once you let it dry you can go back and highlight the high spots. Great 3 d effect.
Always paint dark to light in coats. Gives great depth.It's easy for me as I prime EVERYTHING black.


  • 1815wat7.jpg
    87.5 KB · Views: 370
Thanks Fubar. I have only achieved that look so far with oil but I like and am trying to switch to acrylics. So thanks for the info.

Have you tried the tester’s flat acrylic in a bottle? Tester’s flat acrylic, no color, in a bottle so far I have only used a brush. I don’t know if it will spray. It really gives a mat finish if that is what you want, but I think I like the slight shine you get with krylon and dulcoat.

Fubar your work is not to be believed. Your collections belong in a museum.

They are really terrific!


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