Gary, Heres what I wrote a couple days ago. Find what looks right to YOU.
Also the hills I cut out of 1" dow corning high density foam board with a hotwire cutter you can get at any decent hobby or craft store.
The boards are chaep 2'x8' for about $5.00.
Bevel the edges any way you want, make big hills, stack smaller ones on top etc. make ridges, whatever. Use your imagination.
You can flock them with woodland scenics and put them on top of your terrain cloth, or leave as is " PINK or Grey" and put them underneath the cloth.
John, I found them at Fabric stores. I wandered around until i found some that looked right to me. You can also imbellish with spray paint, spray adhesive and woodland scenics .
I had some Afrika Yellow and sprayed it right on here and there around some hills and what not.
Materials usually unfold into 2 yards x however many yards you want to buy to cover your table, so i would buy 4 yards to cover a 6x12' table.Cost, under $25.00.
You can make a 6 x 12' battlefield for way under $100.00 worth of felt, woodlanmd scenics, foam board, tools ect.
Deployment is everything.I usually draw a map on grid paper of the battlefield, and write down deployment of my army. Then when guests arrive I just allow them to deploy thier troops on their side of the table any way they want.Once they're done, I deploy according to my map.That way everyones commited to theyr'e deployment and have to use tactics accordingly.
Okay gang, My own little trivia question, and it should be easy.
I just attatched an image. Famous leader at a famous battle. Who is it supposed to represent and what battle?
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