Bored Tonight...Post a Diorama, LOL (3 Viewers)

Wow Fubar,

Now how big is that table? It all looks great and massive. Thank you for that entertainment moment and keep up the good work.

I think the only collection I have not shared a pic or 2 of is my Late Roman/Arthurian Vs. Saxons/Goths. Those have not been out in a long time.

The Table is 6 x 12'. It's x 3 tabes, each 4'x 6' that are C clamped together underneathe on some runners and the legs are threaded steel pipethat screw into 4 female sockets on the corners of the tables. I've had to adjust those to get everything level when I first put it all together probably 10 years ago.
Lots of room underneath for playset boxes and big clear rubbermaid tubbs that most of my figures are in .I can stack 5 of those tubbs on top of each other and beleive me, theres lots of tubbs under there.

I just clean off the table of all troops and terrain, decide where I want hills and lay out those , cover it with one of my felt terrain cloths, add in more terrain, fields , woods, trees , walls buildings, whatever.

Nice stuff Fubar. Where do you get the felt cloths to cover table? Make them? How long does it take to assemble a table of figures like that? I still look at pics of the 15mm Napoleonic set up you had. Amazing stuff. John
John, I found them at Fabric stores. I wandered around until i found some that looked right to me. You can also imbellish with spray paint, spray adhesive and woodland scenics .

I had some Afrika Yellow and sprayed it right on here and there around some hills and what not.

Materials usually unfold into 2 yards x however many yards you want to buy to cover your table, so i would buy 4 yards to cover a 6x12' table.Cost, under $25.00.

Setting up Huge Ancient armies doenst take long.They're based 2-3 cav per base, 4-8 foot depending on what troops they represent.
My army of Imperial Romans { 1,000 strong} can be deployed and arrayed for battle in about 1/2 hour.

Deployment is everything.I usually draw a map on grid paper of the battlefield, and write down deployment of my army. Then when guests arrive I just allow them to deploy thier troops on their side of the table any way they want.Once they're done, I deploy according to my map.That way everyones commited to theyr'e deployment and have to use tactics accordingly.

Okay gang, My own little trivia question, and it should be easy.
I just attatched an image. Famous leader at a famous battle. Who is it supposed to represent and what battle?
Thats right, William is mtd. in the middle of the 1st image, pushing back his nasal helemt to show that he was still alive and kicking.
We did Hastings once, Have 100 or so mtd and 300 foot Normans and a huge army of Saxons.Very tough fight but ended about the same.

I have posted pix before of some of the LOTR 25mm stuf.Can't recall exactly which ones, but heres a couple anyway.



Oh! How I love that Lord of the Rings stuff! Want to come to my house and build a diorama? :) Your work is truly outstanding!

Warmest personal regards,


Words dont sum it up! Holy Bat **** Bat Man! I love the Normans and the Roman stuff but I have never been able to find the time to get into the really tiny ones. As it is the 54mm stuff is a lot of fun to paint. I hate getting old and having squinty eyes!

Keep the great stuff coming Fubar!

Well, I did only 15mm and 25mm figures for 20 years as there was always just about any period and troop type available.All the huge 15mm Armies sold off .
I've been painting and converting 54mm troops for about the last 3 years as well as collecting metal sets.Few 25mm troops done in that time save the LOTR figures.I went off the deep end for sure, but the Orcs were simply fun{ and easy} to paint and of course there are tons of different figures to choose from.

Theres 3 Wraiths on flying fellbeasts, 12 Assorted trolls{ including the armored ones and some cool Trolls pounding drums} 30 wargriders, 1 Mamuk war elephant, 10 assorted warmachines, ballista and catapults with crews and probably 500 Orc and UrakHai warriors.
The good forces are much weaker.I used A lot of Dark ages/Late Roman troops for quite a while. Finally have a force done of 50 Riders of Rohan, 60 foot Rohan, about 100 Minus Tirith defenders along with a dozen mtd knights .

I made all the ruins.Castle is part of a Castle works castle, GW Fortress parts, More walls I made etc. It's 3 levels High, 6' across and about 4' deep.

It all gets set up maybe once a year.It's quite an effort to set it up but My kids like it.

Of course I didnt do it all at once.It took a few years working on and off when the mood struck.

My close ups are too big to load.

Heres another attempt.


Another attempt.
Thats my boy in the image above.I think he was 10 at the time. He behaved like a goblin , snarling and scrambling around for about a year.
I bought him a 20lb compound bow and drew a lifesize orc on some heavy poster material and we hung it up in the stack of hay in the barn. 3 miss's and the orc got you!

Forgot to mention that I added the kit of GROND the mighty siege ram this last winter .It's in the images.
Also the Orc siege towers are from some playsets by Play along toys .The Towers are too small for the 65mm figures but about perfect for 25mm.Target had the playsets closed out at $20.00 so I bought 3 , saved the towers for this insanity.
You can see a Home made Tower in some of the pix. It's huge, very detailed, but I never painted it.Pretty cool though!


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Shannon kindly posted a couple of pics in the photo album - still haven't worked out the shrink trick - does anyone else use the pz1 with the blitzkrieg? I really like them.:cool:
FUBAR, your son must be the kid to get to know. With a dad as cool as you are and to have all those toy soldiers I'll bet he has lots of friends wanting to play or sleep over so that they can play late into the night. Man, what I would have given to have a father who had a hobby and a talent like yours. Those LOR set-ups are fantastic. It almost looks as if I were seeing the movie again and I'll bet you did it for a lot less and you get to keep yours. :)

Alex, Yes I have seen that and would love to build one. Only problem is where to keep it once it's done!
That's why I went with the modular stuf.

Michael and everyone else , thank you for the kind words .
Nope, Not any kids including my own that care too much for this stuf.I guess he's grown out of it.
I think so many of the kids are so into video games and have been for so long they don't know how to PLAY and use their imaginations much.
Ryan set up some WW2 54mm last winter but seemed bored with it pretty fast.
I can't get him to even look at Romans, ACW or anything else.
Geez, My Dad let me { made me} play with his toys. Shovels, Pitchforks,Lawnmowers,Tractors, Bailers ect.!!!

FuBaRRRRRRRRRR:D lotrwestfold.jpg
Fubar Question

I believe you said you have a table in your garage that you do those set ups, my question is how often do you take an old one down and set up a new one.
I have a 8' X 8' board in my basement that I do set ups, but putting it up is fine but takeing it down and restoreing everything is a pain.
Gary, It depends on how extensive the terrain is. This last Winter the LOTR Minus Tirith was up for about a month, maybe 6 weeks until I got sick of looking at it.Yes, Setting stuf up is fun and putting it away is a real pain for sure, especially that one.

Right now the Punic wars stuf has been out for about a week.I had 54mm ACW up before and I used the same terrain cloth and hills for the Ancients.Just took out all the trees and fencing . I think I stuck another contoured hill or 2 under the cloth but thats it.

Selucid army facing the Republican Romans this weekend.Putting away the Carthaginians, redeploy the Romans and bring on the six Pike Phalanx's and armored hefelumps, Thracian and Greek allies.

Another image of part of one of my Early Imperial Roman Legions.



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Fubar, another question

You mentioned a terrain cloth, what do you use? And how do you do the hills?
Thanks, Gary
Fubar said:
Gary, Heres what I wrote a couple days ago. Find what looks right to YOU.

Also the hills I cut out of 1" dow corning high density foam board with a hotwire cutter you can get at any decent hobby or craft store.
The boards are chaep 2'x8' for about $5.00.
Bevel the edges any way you want, make big hills, stack smaller ones on top etc. make ridges, whatever. Use your imagination.
You can flock them with woodland scenics and put them on top of your terrain cloth, or leave as is " PINK or Grey" and put them underneath the cloth.

John, I found them at Fabric stores. I wandered around until i found some that looked right to me. You can also imbellish with spray paint, spray adhesive and woodland scenics .

I had some Afrika Yellow and sprayed it right on here and there around some hills and what not.

Materials usually unfold into 2 yards x however many yards you want to buy to cover your table, so i would buy 4 yards to cover a 6x12' table.Cost, under $25.00.

You can make a 6 x 12' battlefield for way under $100.00 worth of felt, woodlanmd scenics, foam board, tools ect.

Deployment is everything.I usually draw a map on grid paper of the battlefield, and write down deployment of my army. Then when guests arrive I just allow them to deploy thier troops on their side of the table any way they want.Once they're done, I deploy according to my map.That way everyones commited to theyr'e deployment and have to use tactics accordingly.

Okay gang, My own little trivia question, and it should be easy.
I just attatched an image. Famous leader at a famous battle. Who is it supposed to represent and what battle?
FUBARRRRRRRRRRRRView attachment 1160

I made and flocked several 2x 4 foot terrain boards and many 2 x 2 ' boards, bunches opf assorted hills, most of which I now just cover up with one of 3 different 6 x 12 foot terrain cloths. No lines between boards to see anymore and I also stack them underneath for massives hills, rideges etc.
I sometimes put the flocked hills on top of the cloth just for different colors.


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