Bored Tonight...Post a Diorama, LOL (2 Viewers)

I sure do wish that I had saved all my toy soldiers from my childhood. Christmas was a time for Marx of all kinds. My brother and I always got at least two playsets a piece. Our birthdays were the same. We must have had over 30 of the darn things and I don't have a clue as to what happened to them. I guess it was my overly clean mother and grandmother needing to make everything neat and tidy. Too bad, so sad. :( Michael
Those Marx sets were really fun. Wish I still had some. I get Playset magazine and enjoy the stories and articles. Real hoot but those sets are expensive to acquire now. Battleground and Fort Apache were some of my favorites. John
Panda 1 gen, Those KC troops sure are nice. I wish I would have bought a few more of the ww2 SS a few years ago.They seemed a bit smaller than the newer ones. Look good.

Leadmen, No wargame but I just took these shots.Hadn't seen this friend of mine in at least 2 years and we just never got around to gaming .Drinking, yes, gaming , no. Should have stuck with gaming.4 drinks and I was on my lips.

No old playsets here. Long gone.Have most of the Conte sets , the ones I wanted anyway.



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Here is the first of some Western Town photos I took today... John


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Those playsets sure do look like toys and they look like a lot of fun to paint and setup. Great job Leadman.

Hay Fubar, how many layouts do you have? They all really look good. The AR stuff looks especially great.:cool:

I gotta get a digital camera and start taking some pictures to post. I feel like it's soon going to be my turn at posting on this great thread.

Louis, are you going to post pictures of your gathering? I would love to see some more of your collections. :) Michael
Hey Leadmen I remember some of those wild west figures!!!

I wish I still had all the deetail and timpo stuf I was collecting years ago. All got folded into some other miniature insanity.

Sceic, in 54mm I have ACW 700 + metal and painted plastics, Napoleonics 1,500 metal and painted plastics, AWI 240 all metals, Zulu 260 all plastics painted,WW2 Normandy 300 metal and painted plastics, 60 AFV's or more + all the terrain pcs, WW2 Pacific 300 Marines, Japanese and Commonwealth all painted plastics, 1066 all the Conte sets and about 120 metal and painted plastics.
25/28mm Armies, Republican Romans400, Imperial Romans 800+, Late Roman /Arthurian Legend 400+, Carthaginians 400+,Selucids 400+, British Celts 1,000,Goths ,Franks 300+, Normans 100 cav 300 foot, Saxons 400 foot, Vikings 450 foot,Mexican American war 560 Inf, 200 mtd. 16 guns and crews { those are going on the block!}, Lord of the Rings 1,000+ all manner of trolls and evil buggers plus a skeleton army of about 400 just for fun.

I think thats all thats still here. I have bought sold , traded wheeled and dealed over the years as well as uncounted hours of painting.Many collections have been sold off.All for the next fix of metal and plastic.
For example I had two huge painted 25mm collections of Colonials.FFL and Arabs and Sudan British And Dervish. I got tired of them , sold off and went to OTSN and Bought metal factory sets. Same with all my 15mm Napoleonics {Leadmen, remember those!} 15mm ACW , 15mm WW2 plus a magnificent collection of swoppets and vintage plastics.All gone.Turned into other things.

The madness continues!



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Remember this one.

Pandagen, Alex- The SS figures and diorama is neat. I did not know they made some K&C background scenery. Were they seperate accessories or came with some sets? Leadmen

Great dioramas. :D Here is a picture of two of the sp sets - the knocked out stug, hanomag sdkfz251 and kubelwagen are the three vehicle sets. I think I have some others on my pics in the photo album. :confused:

Alexdar, do I understand that you paint and model your own? ;)

Keep these coming guys, this is the best thread....the first I come to now. Especially seeing the other periods :cool:


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Yes, I made the diorama with pink foam and repainted the Lemax cobblestone and brick wall. The crates are Build-a-rama.
It's excellent - is that your own Greif on Bill Sager's website? Thats really good too. (Do you do commissions...)
I liked the conversions Ray and Alex did so much on the HJB halftrack that I'm going to have Susan Leicht do one for me.
panda1gen said:
It's excellent - is that your own Greif on Bill Sager's website? Thats really good too. (Do you do commissions...)

Yes, that's mine but I didn't make it into the Greif after hearing the rumors of a new Greif back then. So far I've done request for figures but I like vehicles more.
I just took my K&C out of the glass cabinet for a few pictures. They are to cramped up in the cabinet for any good pictures, so i took them out. dropped two of them and they got damaged. I guess thats the reason why i leave them in there and don,t take them out.:p


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