Nice additions to your collection and great pictures.
A little previous playtime..........The Lt.
Thanks Michael and Chris here's a little playtime featuring photos from my new camera...............PapaZ
It's the begining of a new month an hope it's a great one for all....The Lt.
Looks like the first gun set has been pushed back to July. No bother for me as it actually helps my budget. This month sees the arrival of the ox wagons though![]()
Should I buy (to connect the two buildings) one of each for my Drift dio or two of the wagons with the mealie bags?
Thanks guys for your help.
Good question Scott
I will get one of each, I will use the single mealie bags from the Redoubt set to reinforce the wagon without mealie bags attached. The wagon without mealie bags can be used in many different dios that don't call for mealie bags
Just my opinion
Hi Martyn,
The mealie bags are separate (at least they are listed as a 2 piece set on the website) I think I will buy 2 of the wagons with mealie bags as I would have to buy additional mealie bags anyway which would end up costing more.
Also will purchase a few non-melaie bagged wagons for my Isandlwana dio.