Britain's Zulu War (13 Viewers)

On target Jag and I'm sure you'll find as time goes by they'll even get better not taking anything away from this photo along with Scott the groumd work looks great what did you use and how did you achieve it.......The Lt.
At the Drift..........

The message has just been received that the Zulu's are on there way. Private Hitch climbs up on the roof to act as look out.


sure enough there they were

Members of the 24th manned the front of the hospital


but it was to no avail the Zulus had found their way in.


Great batch of photos Scott I see a familiar figure climbing the hospital roof this time after paying a visit to the storehouse roof a while back. Nice close ups......The Lt.
Great batch of photos Scott I see a familiar figure climbing the hospital roof this time after paying a visit to the storehouse roof a while back. Nice close up......The Lt.

Thank you LT. Yours was so great that I had to copy it. I am slowly getting the hang of this digital camera and enjoying setting up my figures and just having fun. :D :D :D
It is now Feb 2009. Is there any news about the WB 2009 catalogs yet?
Well here is my second try I took a few shots found this was the best I had taken so I cropped the image this time and turned my flash of. So let me no what you guys think.


What do you think about the photo? To me it's perfect. Looks like a foggy morning rright after the mist has risen! The natural light is ,again, perfect, and I don't need to expound on your terrain:)
Well here is my second try I took a few shots found this was the best I had taken so I cropped the image this time and turned my flash of. So let me no what you guys think.


This is excellent and you are moving in the right direction. Everything looks spot on. I had a little deja vu too:)


  • HighNoonZululandLGreduced.jpg
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Well here is my second try I took a few shots found this was the best I had taken so I cropped the image this time and turned my flash of. So let me no what you guys think.


Spot on! and awesome ground work.

Needed some help in getting this pesky Zulu Warrior off of the Hospital Veranda so enlisted the help of MINIMEN'S Colour-Sergeant Bourne to handle the matter....The Lt.

Thanks guys for the kind words. I also think this recent photo I took is really a improvement I had fun doing it. More will follow... About the ground work, I dont wanna disappoint you guys but I didnt make it. Its made out of some sort of filter material I dont no who made it I got it at a Local Toy Soldier Store. It works good for all different things scenes. I will post a picture of it alone. Lt looks like you need some help with that pesky zulu. :D
Thanks guys for the kind words. I also think this recent photo I took is really a improvement I had fun doing it. More will follow... About the ground work, I dont wanna disappoint you guys but I didnt make it. Its made out of some sort of filter material I dont no who made it I got it at a Local Toy Soldier Store. It works good for all different things scenes. I will post a picture of it alone. Lt looks like you need some help with that pesky zulu. :D

And where is this mysterious local toy soldier store? Is it in Warren Co.? I would love to know of a store nearby, all I have is a Hobbytown that excels in R/C vehicles.
1879, Well local maybe wasn't the rite choice of word but actually its a store in Stroudsburg PA, here is a web link I call it local because its the closes to me about 14 miles. A very nice guy that as the shop. How many have a miniature store that close some I guess but not many. It would be more of a distance for you, maybe you no about this shop already. Would be nice if there was a shop here in Warren County I always thought of Blairstown having one. :D
1879, Well local maybe wasn't the rite choice of word but actually its a store in Stroudsburg PA, here is a web link I call it local because its the closes to me about 14 miles. A very nice guy that as the shop. How many have a miniature store that close some I guess but not many. It would be more of a distance for you, maybe you no about this shop already. Would be nice if there was a shop here in Warren County I always thought of Blairstown having one. :D

Thanks for the store info...had not hearb of it! You are right...Blairstown or Hackettstown should have a brick and mortar toy soldier store! You in?
Needed some help in getting this pesky Zulu Warrior off of the Hospital Veranda so enlisted the help of MINIMEN'S Colour-Sergeant Bourne to handle the matter....The Lt.


The Colour Sergeant looks like he is determined from stopping this zulu from entering the hospital

Needed some help in getting this pesky Zulu Warrior off of the Hospital Veranda so enlisted the help of MINIMEN'S Colour-Sergeant Bourne to handle the matter....The Lt.


Hi Lt.,

This is a great figure of Col/Sgt Bourne in matte finish.

I have never seen this one before.

Best, Raymond.
Hi Lt.,

This is a great figure of Col/Sgt Bourne in matte finish.

I have never seen this one before.

Best, Raymond.

Raymod he's Kit number 2 sculpted by John B. Updyke in 1974 of MINIMEN I painted back in the mid 80's other than his base which I got to finish within the past 2 years and to date the best of the Colour-Sergeant figures ever none and one of my prized figures........The Lt.

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