At the Drift..........
The message has just been received that the Zulu's are on there way. Private Hitch climbs up on the roof to act as look out.
Great batch of photos Scott I see a familiar figure climbing the hospital roof this time after paying a visit to the storehouse roof a while back. Nice close up......The Lt.
...........and enjoying setting up my figures and just having fun.![]()
Well here is my second try I took a few shots found this was the best I had taken so I cropped the image this time and turned my flash of. So let me no what you guys think.
Well here is my second try I took a few shots found this was the best I had taken so I cropped the image this time and turned my flash of. So let me no what you guys think.
Well here is my second try I took a few shots found this was the best I had taken so I cropped the image this time and turned my flash of. So let me no what you guys think.
Well here is my second try I took a few shots found this was the best I had taken so I cropped the image this time and turned my flash of. So let me no what you guys think.
Thanks guys for the kind words. I also think this recent photo I took is really a improvement I had fun doing it. More will follow... About the ground work, I dont wanna disappoint you guys but I didnt make it. Its made out of some sort of filter material I dont no who made it I got it at a Local Toy Soldier Store. It works good for all different things scenes. I will post a picture of it alone. Lt looks like you need some help with that pesky zulu.![]()
1879, Well local maybe wasn't the rite choice of word but actually its a store in Stroudsburg PA, here is a web link I call it local because its the closes to me about 14 miles. A very nice guy that as the shop. How many have a miniature store that close some I guess but not many. It would be more of a distance for you, maybe you no about this shop already. Would be nice if there was a shop here in Warren County I always thought of Blairstown having one.![]()
Needed some help in getting this pesky Zulu Warrior off of the Hospital Veranda so enlisted the help of MINIMEN'S Colour-Sergeant Bourne to handle the matter....The Lt.
Needed some help in getting this pesky Zulu Warrior off of the Hospital Veranda so enlisted the help of MINIMEN'S Colour-Sergeant Bourne to handle the matter....The Lt.
Hi Lt.,
This is a great figure of Col/Sgt Bourne in matte finish.
I have never seen this one before.
Best, Raymond.