Britain's Zulu War (7 Viewers)

Thanks to the fabulous pictures that Joe, Scott, Brian, Martyn, et al have posted here, the great story lines, how impressive I am of my WB Hougoumont figures, and my visit last Saturday to the Old Toy Shoppe where I could see all these figures first hand . . . I believe my OCD is reacting to all these factors and now I am seriously thinking about getting into the Zulu fray myself. Don't be surprised in the near future if I start showing some pics of my WB Zulu collection. Have a few more Defense of Hougoumont sets to pick up and then I will consider the Zulu range. I must warn you, especially those I named above, if I do this my wife will list you all as co-defendants in our divorce - the woman has no sense of humor, lol . . .


Hi Mike

I'm looking forward to any Zulu pictures you may post;)


Thanks to the fabulous pictures that Joe, Scott, Brian, Martyn, et al have posted here, the great story lines, how impressive I am of my WB Hougoumont figures, and my visit last Saturday to the Old Toy Shoppe where I could see all these figures first hand . . . I believe my OCD is reacting to all these factors and now I am seriously thinking about getting into the Zulu fray myself. Don't be surprised in the near future if I start showing some pics of my WB Zulu collection. Have a few more Defense of Hougoumont sets to pick up and then I will consider the Zulu range. I must warn you, especially those I named above, if I do this my wife will list you all as co-defendants in our divorce - the woman has no sense of humor, lol . . .


It'll be well worth hearing how you sweet talk the lady in your life out of it along with seeing the futire photos:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Managed to sneak a half hours playtime in this morning and thought I would feature the hospital, and other members of the 24th foot.






Once again Scott it's great watching you play and providing us with another great batch of photos of your play time. Spent a little time playing with my Zulu Warriors this AM with just a photo or two and here's one of them. Hope you don't mind my joining in........The Lt.

I've enjoyed the pictures you posted today. I am out of town with my wife visiting my mother-in-law. Just the three of us - thankfully my mother-in-law has a computer and internet connection - not bad for someone who's 80. Anyway I have been using the internet most of today to study the battle of Rorke's Drift. Found it to be very interesting - a great read. Its amazing to me that the 24th suffered so few casualties there. I have been studying the geography of the land also to see what would be required for a nice diorama. North of the Hospital just beyond the mealie bag wall there was a 2-foot high rock ledge - certainly nothing of consequence for the Zulus to scale but it had to have slowed then down a bit when assualting the front of the hospital. Anyway, great pics of the hospital and the action inside and out.

I've enjoyed the pictures you posted today. I am out of town with my wife visiting my mother-in-law. Just the three of us - thankfully my mother-in-law has a computer and internet connection - not bad for someone who's 80. Anyway I have been using the internet most of today to study the battle of Rorke's Drift. Found it to be very interesting - a great read. Its amazing to me that the 24th suffered so few casualties there. I have been studying the geography of the land also to see what would be required for a nice diorama. North of the Hospital just beyond the mealie bag wall there was a 2-foot high rock ledge - certainly nothing of consequence for the Zulus to scale but it had to have slowed then down a bit when assualting the front of the hospital. Anyway, great pics of the hospital and the action inside and out.


Thanks Mike for your comments..............I am really not a expert by any means on the Zulu wars. I just like posing them and taking pictures. Currently I don't have any room to set up a permanent display anyways. I have created a Zulu group if you would like to join, feel free.
Thanks Mike for your comments..............I am really not a expert by any means on the Zulu wars. I just like posing them and taking pictures. Currently I don't have any room to set up a permanent display anyways. I have created a Zulu group if you would like to join, feel free.

After studying the battle just for one afternoon I am certainly far from an expert on the subject myself. I am just a new student with lots of enthusiam for the subject. I just joined the Zulu group, thank you for the invite. I have decided that as soon as I get home from visiting my mother-in-law I will be purchasing some Zulu figures and pre-ordering others. From what I have researched today, it appears that this is a very popular WB line and some of the figures are being gobbled up very quickly. Looking very much to collecting this range.

After studying the battle just for one afternoon I am certainly far from an expert on the subject myself. I am just a new student with lots of enthusiam for the subject. I just joined the Zulu group, thank you for the invite. I have decided that as soon as I get home from visiting my mother-in-law I will be purchasing some Zulu figures and pre-ordering others. From what I have researched today, it appears that this is a very popular WB line and some of the figures are being gobbled up very quickly. Looking very much to collecting this range.


Good to have you on board Mike, and looking forward to discussing the AZZW with you and seeing your dios. I am sure that you will be starting with the retired sets first and I trust you know whcih ones they are, give me a shout if you need any help.

Here are some sites that may help
No doubt you will enjoy collecting these Zulu War figures I think they are some of the nicest figures WB has to offer. Looking forward to your pictures and dio in the future. :) You shouldn't have to much trouble finding the retired sets.

When you have time I reccomend you check out the following which will give you a number of additional sources to draw on which Randy Polarbear has put together and did an outstanding job in putting it all together which appears in the RESOURCE section of the web site.

By the way welcome to the Land of The Zulus.....The Lt.
This one's a beaut!! Just don't complain about having to spill all the soup out around 3:30! Bromhead's order's.


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Boy all of this Zulu stuff is getting to me. I really need to get at my, where did they goooooo . Oops now I have to find those extra zulu figures..:rolleyes:
great stuff , being new on here iam realy enjoying looking at all the photo's , zulu , brilliant , the hospital photo's are great
Once again very nicely done Colonel Scott the two Draft Horses appearing in the second photo which my Aide De Camp posted for a second time seems very familiar having been told the white one was a favorite of yours. What's next?.......The Lt.

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