Bsp/tgm (2 Viewers)

Were Back !!!!:):):):):)

I think we are done with the backdrops for a while......... this is ALL BSP

How amazing are those TGM Paras


Wow Alex! I've come to expect impressive scenes from you guys but this one is a real stand out for me. {bravo}}

You nailed the "old color photo" effect on the second picture.

Thank you men......

Another view......

I have mentioned this before, pick up the unpainted inexpensive Hobby Bunker buildings and play with them, the result is excellent.

We used the $1 craft paints and added our own detail. Alex

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Had a problem with this pic on a previous post...Here it is again.

A few pics are disappearing, I think because I put them in new foldiers on Photobucket. Let me make sure first, if that is the problem then I will replace them. Alex
A few pics are disappearing, I think because I put them in new foldiers on Photobucket. Let me make sure first, if that is the problem then I will replace them. Alex

Well it looks like I messed up so here is one that was missing

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Well it looks like I messed up so here is one that was missing


This is getting funny the pictures that were missing are back, but now the pictures I replaced them with are missing. That is because I went back to my original format on Photobucket. So disregard the blanks, everything is where it originally was. :redface2: Alex
Gee a couple of nice blended photos, really enhances TG's product, good for sales, cheers, Robin.
Now that's what im talking about!

Awesome colour puma pic Alex!


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