Thanks Panzer, I uploaded this one directly
US Paras are my favorite subject matter, since my Aunt Tillie ( Yes Tillie

She was a classic WWII woman, she always maintained that WWII hair style and served all of the Vets at my Uncle Petes corner store in Newark NJ, when they were home on leave. She never married, as she dedicated her life to taking care of her other brother Pat who was badly injured in WWII. He served in the 2 Armored Div. ) Anyway...
Well she took me to see the Longest Day at the RKO Theater in downtown Newark when I was 8. It was an profound experience for me. Alex
I remember Genie a friend of Uncle Pa'st who used to visit, among many other Vets. My Father recently told me he was in the 82nd Airborne. I didn't know that at the time. He was another of those classic WWII men with the pencil mustashe and a rugged appearence. I wish I would have talked to him.
I have become friends with Wild Bill from Band Of Brothers, along with Tipper, Malarkey and Comptom who I correspond with.