Castings I have painted (5 Viewers)

Hi Scott - yup - that seems more appropriate now - thanks, as I'm still learning how things work. johnnybach:) Also just found the smiley things:cool:
Nah Jeff- that's not odd at all. Last thing you want around you is what you were doing all day for others. Would be a bit like being in work all of the time.

I'm a Humbrol gloss mean too - and so is my inspirational hero - Obee. If I ever get stuck on some point - he's the first I go to and have a look on his web-site.

Regards, johnnybach
Hi again Scott. I did have alook at ATS site for 1st Life Guards and found Officer, Guidon Bearer, Trumpeter and trooper in two versions. Are these the set you meant? If so - nice - but I still prefer my little darlings in the band!

Sorry 'bout that - johnnybach
Hi again Scott. I did have alook at ATS site for 1st Life Guards and found Officer, Guidon Bearer, Trumpeter and trooper in two versions. Are these the set you meant? If so - nice - but I still prefer my little darlings in the band!

Sorry 'bout that - johnnybach

Those are the ones. :)

I thought for some reason they had a band........guess not.......carry on soldier !!
I have had a peek at ATS - but can't find a band for 1st Life Guards. If they did do one - I'd have one like a shot! :p

I am still working on Colin and Anne Randall (at Asset) for a present day version though. I am doing Asset photos tomorrow - so I will put them out - and then explain my idea for converting one of their number to a band figure. It would only take appropriate arms & instruments to do it. Asset also do a marching H.Cav. foot band - so I am pretty sure the arms from the footies could be made to fit the horseback boys. They say they won't.:mad:

One day - I might have a go - we'll see. johnnybach ;)
The Irish Escort to the State Coach "The Blue Hussars". These are made from Dorset Soldiers castings and the saddlecloths were added with “Milliput”. A commission from fellow forum member Bernard (Cardigan600) and featured as a how-to painting thread.



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They're lovely - you get that "reach out and touch 'em" feeling - just like you do with Britains - don't you. I don't know what it is - but with all of these matt heavily detailed models - I just don't get THAT feeling.

Maybe it's something way back in childhood - I don't know. I guess it's like trying to analyse a joke! By the time you have worked out what made it funny - it isn't anymore! Maybe it's just best to just accept it for what it is - if it reaches out to you - grab it back - whilst you can.

Bit too philosophical for this time at night!

Nos da bach! - johnnybach
I have had a peek at ATS - but can't find a band for 1st Life Guards. If they did do one - I'd have one like a shot! :p

I am still working on Colin and Anne Randall (at Asset) for a present day version though. I am doing Asset photos tomorrow - so I will put them out - and then explain my idea for converting one of their number to a band figure. It would only take appropriate arms & instruments to do it. Asset also do a marching H.Cav. foot band - so I am pretty sure the arms from the footies could be made to fit the horseback boys. They say they won't.:mad:

One day - I might have a go - we'll see. johnnybach ;)

The only one I know of that makes a present day band is the site I mentioned RP World models, in review order. I think I need a set to paint as B&R for my Coronation display.
I have had a peek at ATS - but can't find a band for 1st Life Guards. If they did do one - I'd have one like a shot! :p

I am still working on Colin and Anne Randall (at Asset) for a present day version though. I am doing Asset photos tomorrow - so I will put them out - and then explain my idea for converting one of their number to a band figure. It would only take appropriate arms & instruments to do it. Asset also do a marching H.Cav. foot band - so I am pretty sure the arms from the footies could be made to fit the horseback boys. They say they won't.:mad:

One day - I might have a go - we'll see. johnnybach ;)

Did you see the film of the First Life Guards? I posted the link in General chat under great horsemanship.

Did you see the film of the First Life Guards? I posted the link in General chat under great horsemanship.


Loved the sideways movement. Wonder what the word of command was for such a movement? Trooper
Re: Argyle & Sutherland Highlanders from Castings

Now you're talking Jeff - that';s a bit more up my street - I do have a weakness for guns! I DO like that - lots. I will have to choose the right one however, ' cos I don't think my cabinet could support more than one of those,


Bore da Johnny, :)

There are plenty to choose from. This set is from Mountford Metal Miniatures and was painted for forum member Michel (Mardasson) as he has a bit of a thing for Elephants. Superb castings available from this company.



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Hi Scott - thanks for the advice about the Household Cavalry Band - I have just had a look - and they do look good. I am strongly tempted - and might go for them IF I can't persuade Asset to do some.

I would really prefer the latter option - because the series would then match my existing sets perfectly. It's a bit like starting off with a Britains collection - and then trying to find others to match them. Can sometimes be done - but always tricky.

Thanks for thinking about me anyway - I will keep my eye on them! johnnybach;) (looks like the right eye)
Hi Martin - No never seen that film - is it on DVD? P.S I like horses - to feed carrots to - but you wouldn't get me on one again! (long boring story - nuff said). :eek: johnnybach
Nawr te Jeff, Now THAT might be the model for me. Only one of those fat horsey things with a long nose - and a superb example of an artillery piece. I have had a look at this firm before - as I am also after a 25 pounder - with crew set in the Western desert in WWII. They do a lovely gun - but I am still looking for a crew - preferably in shirtsleeve order - or maybe even just shorts, socks and boots.
That one is a beauty! Nice job!

I often used to work in "skin order" as we called it, when working as a lineman in hot climates. All the boys loved it too - as we used to get a nice tan! Had to keep a sharp lookout for any prowling Ruperts though - and whip the shirt back on smartly - or else!!
Hi trooper - Martin will have to tell you that - BUT............

I remember being on parade at Scarborough Barracks, quite a while ago. We had an RSM named Wally, who was a really funny guy. As we were lining up for inspection in open order.... out of the corner of his eye, Wally spotted a large black crow, walking around the parade ground close by.

Wally did a sharp right turn, and marched ten paces towards it and came to attention. The crow stopped walking and faced Wally. In best RSM fashion he gave the order - quite loudly.

"Little Bird"....(pause) "Little Bird....Go Away!"

And.... the little bird took off and flew away!:D

It took several minutes for the whole squadron to regain composure. I have been laughing quietly to myself for the rest of my life about that particular command.

There always is one - somewhere.

P.S Last I heard, the Ruperts decided to promote Wally to a Training Major post. I was pleased about that - as the Army would have been a poorer place without him. johnnybach:)
Hi Johnny,

Love your work and the idea of creating a list of companies where we can get castings. I have a few in the works that I must finish and this is really a good motivator for me.

Also love the story of your RSM telling the little bird to go away! Those types of stories and Soldiers like him are priceless. I have know a few like him over the years as well and am always glad when the powers that be put men like this into positions where they can keep soldiers squared away.

Looking forward to your next batch of postings

Loved the sideways movement. Wonder what the word of command was for such a movement? Trooper

"Ride will step to the left and right"... "ride"..."step" If they were moving at a diagonal by going forward and sideways that would be "Half pass"
Standing on parade as a woman passes by, when a Jock Guard "breaks wind". Wooden top Drill Sgt. says "how dare you fart in front of a lady" to which the Guardsman says" I'm sorry sir, I didn't know it was her turn".:D

I've corrected the post (my memory is going) And Jonny you don't see me on a horse much anymore. They don't like the extra weight!


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