Castings I have painted (2 Viewers)

Glad we're back on the FFL theme. You asked for some pictures, so here goes.

A bit of an explanantion: Some years ago - I mean in the 80s - there was a guy in CA who made knock off castings of virtually every Britains figure you could imagine. He also sold them in component parts - so you could make your own: mix and match heads, equipment, etc. whatever way you like. Copyrightwise, Britains at the time did not seem to mind this guy - though they eventually drove him out of business. It was a different time, and you could not - and should not - try to get away with this today. OTOH, I think Britains made a huge mistake in not working our some royalty arrangement with this guy. His business served collectors in a unique way. And no - you cold not pass these off as "original" Britains - they are solid-cast. Pick one up, and immediately you know it's not real.

I got many castings of sets I could not otherwise afford that were long out of production - and going for hundreds. I also made figures I thought Britains should have made - some of which you will see here. Anyhow, thirty years later, I still love looking at these figures - almost all of them assembled and painted by yours truly. The M.G. set is Mignot. Also shown are the Spahis - one of the most beautiful figures Britains ever made!







"Alors! Mon ami - c'est magnifique." :D

Of all the gin joints - in all the World - and you have to walk into mine!;)

What an excellent display - dude! Well worth the wait. Even trooper showing me his girl-friend's gee-gaws in the previous picture didn't upset me after that display. ;)

Now you would go and spoil it all with the details on how to join up though. I think I'm ever so slightly over the age-limits specified. What they don't know is that inside the breast of every toy-soldier guy - there beats the heart of a 17 year old potential recruit!:D

Surely they need someone to fill out all of the leave passes. To order all of the Hotchkiss ammo, sandbags, sandpaper, champagne and frogs-legs - and all the other stuff needed to keep our heroes in the field! You know, the stores guy that says "You can't have anything" - they're sure to need some of those!:eek:

Yes PJ - all we need is another chum - and all three of us can sign up together! You can be Gary Cooper - and I'll be the other one with a mustache (can't remember his name) - hey trooper - are you game? - you can be the third one that no-one can remember either!:p

The three amigos - all with the white kepi at a slightly rakish angle. It's a deal, see you in Tangiers next tuesday! johnnybach:):cool:

PS Do you know where the bus stop is for Tangiers?:eek:

PPS thanks for posting - I will look at them for hours.:D
Can't remember if I posted this one before, but this is the King's Troop RHA made by **silier Miniatures.



  • RHA81.jpg
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  • RHA76.jpg
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To be honest Jeff - we have both posted so much stuff - I can't remember if we have seen this particular set either! Whatever, it's a beauty. Well done with the painting on this one chum.:)

Cheers and thanks also to PJ - whose pics cheered up my day - after Bath RFU exited the Cup yesterday.:(

I have my eye on another one from "**silier", which sells a casting version of these guys in WW1 dress - in steel helmets ( a bit like the very rare Britains version), though I want it to remember my Grandad - who used to ride the lead horse during that War.

On to the final lap of this marathon today though. I have save until last - not necessarily the best, though it is yet another favourite of mine - but one of the more unusual. Nothing to new with this set - as most painters know the Prince August Napoleonics range. This is my effort with them below:


What is unusual about this set - is it's producer. He's a very nice chap named John Parslow. Input "whitemetalmail" into the magic machine to find his website. There you will find a limited range of probably the cheapest castings that I have found. John is a hobbyist metal worker, that just does castings for a hobby. He is not in it for profit - just loves casting toy soldiers from moulds he buys in. He uses any small profit he makes ro invest in more moulds. So - the more you buy - the more options castings painters will have! As an example for price - look at the Officer figure in the front rank - who is priced at £1.25 (plus postage, of course). Another view below


This set is a work in progress, as I have several more in my "pending" drawer. I intend to fill a shelf with around 100 eventually - parading past their "Emperor", seen mounted on the left. Another view below.


I have made several conversions with this set - one of which is doubtless "not correct". The large Bass Drum seen amongst the drummers probably never existed in reality. If you have a look at the post by Mignon (close by), you can see that any Time-beater would have been in with the musicians and NOT wearing the Imperial Guard bearskin. I just couldn't resist seeing what he might look like - and at these prices - you can play around to your hearts content. So I did!!:eek:


This last photo concentrates on the musicians that I have made up so far. All of my figures owe a lot to Obee (John O'brien) - and his website - which I regularly visit to seek inspiration and advice. like John, I have made conversions from the basic musician figure, using Dorset Soldier arms and instruments. Note the Duck head trombones in the rear rank, Jingling Johnny triangle and flute players - all of which are conversions (rather like Obee's).
So "thanks mate - fair dinkum" - as I believe they say in them parts!:D

That's about it, for now. Back later to show a couple of pics of things I have "currently on the go" - and then I intend to summarise just what we painters of castings have available in the UK. This list can be tracked back to pics posted by all contributers - so anyone interested in a particular supplier will have an example or two to have a look at.

See - there is method in my particular form of this madness!:rolleyes:

See ya'll later with that.......johnnybach.
So - What am I up to at the moment?

First, a pic of my current project in progress. A RCMP Mounties Foot Band, that I have dated as "1930's. (because I wanted Sousaphones in my collection)


This group is nowhere near finished - I have gathered the ones closest to being finished and grouped them just for this pic. The band will eventually be 36 strong, marching in fives like the above pic.

I go along with James Opie's assertion, that toy soldiers look best when in large groups. They are not meant to be highly detailed - as this is the preserve of the military modeller - and the so-called connoisseur collector (never really understood that term?), as this obsession with detail can sometimes detract from their appeal. So, as a "toy boy" at heart, this is how they'll look.

Next, I am also making up a smaller British WW1 Drum & Fife band by **silier Miniatures - which I found as a result of finding and joining this forum (thanks Brad). It will eventually look like this


I have my first figure almost completed - and looks like this at present - but a bit more detail to finish yet.


So, on to our list of UK Maufacturers who sell castings. All prices shown for illustrative purposes only are latest known - and are for unpainted castings or kits.

This is not an exhaustive one by any means, and is as correct as I have been able to find over the past week or so. It is made up from my own findings - and as a result of information given by fellow forum members - details of whom can be found by going back through this thread. I have put them in alphabetical order - apologies in advance for any errors or ommissions.

Alma Figures. I found them on www.forelornhope
Owned by fellow forum owner michael - Looks an impressive range of figures from the posts I have seen - and will definitely be having some of these myself at some stage. Guide prices (Only know them in Euros at present I'm afraid) . Foot figure €8, Flags €12.

Asset Miniatures. Owned and run by Colin and Anne Randall. UK based - with a small catalogue with very few pictures online. I have bought lots of these figures, so feature a lot in this post. More towards the model end of the market - but make up well as glossy toys. Standard basic foot figure price £4.25 , more for figures with more metal content.

ATS (Alexanders Toy Soldiers). Lovely online catalogue that I have just found (thanks trooper and others for this one). Prices of their lovely looking products are around half the listed painted prices shown. So, casting of a good foot figure is about £6.50. I will be a customer for at least one of the bands shown at this price.

BMSS - Have included these as catalogue is still online. More towards model end of the marjket, when available. Our own trooper informs that they are no longer selling products - but worth a look - in case they ever start up again. Therefore, no price guide given.

Dorset Soldiers. Extensive online catalogue available - more towards the toy end of the market. Lots of spare parts for repair and conversion. Very friendly and adaptable owner _Giles Brown. A favourite of mine for many purchases. Standard foot figures from £2.80.

John Eden Studios. Amnother Treefrog forum member - and home of Rose miniatures, amongst many others. Nice online catalogue features many old favourites. At the top model end of the market. To get prices you need to e-mail John (details of products and how to do this from online catalogue).

**silier Miniatures. Also home of Hussar and Tommy Atkins. Nice online catalogue and friendly people. Just bought my first set from them - and will be back for more. Model quality from my first purchase - see above. Price of my figure above £5. Good solid value - in my opinion.

Irregular Miniatures. Another solid provider of castings to paint yourself. Impressive range of sizes. Typical price of 54mm Napoleonic toy soldier £3.75
I have used these before - and will again. Some good stuff.

Langley Miniature Models. Excellent Toy Soldier range - started off this thread with my version of a band from these. Sold in sets - Standard set of 7 marching figures from £28.35, equates to just over £4 each. Very good value stuff.

Sarum Soldiers. Just re-entered the toy soldier market, owner Patrick Willis has a small range of toy soldier sets on tne market again. Online cataloge - typical price for set of 6 figures, £23.95 - so around £4 per figure. Nice toys.

Steadfast (R P World of Models). A new one on me this, but their catalogue of toy soldiers looks excellent online. Only painted prices shown - but am led to believe castings are half painted price. Average foot figure is painted £9, so £4.50 as a casting.

Tradition of London. Well known company that has been around a long time - and a favourite of many - including me. Often not the cheapest option - but a huge range available from their online catalogue. Typical prices for Toy range foot figure £6.95: Model foot figure £8.85. Some of their ranges are top model category figures with fine detailing and paint up extremely well.

Mountford Miniature. I find these best by typing in Derbyshire Metal Miniatures. A bit of a specialist nowadays, as they sold off much of their figures. Sme really nice castings available of artillery (with figures) so no guide price given but highly recommended for a look. I have my eye on one or two set here! Cheap and cheerful low priced toy soldiers - see above, from £1.25 plus postage. Have a look - difficult to believe prices.

trooper has given me two more names to look out for.


Country Scenes

Both are apparently soon to come on line - and worth a look for castings. Given trooper's knowledge on the subject - keep an eye out for these two in **ture.

Well, that's about it from me at this point folks. Hope you have enjoyed the thread as much as I have. Thanks to all who contributed - and had a look. I have certainly learned a lot along the way - and enjoyed showing you some of my painted work. No - delete work - **N

See ya johnnybach - oh yes this one's for my Fellow French Foreign Forces Fan across the pond - PJ.

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"Alors! Mon ami - c'est magnifique." :D

Of all the gin joints - in all the World - and you have to walk into mine!;)

What an excellent display - dude! Well worth the wait. Even trooper showing me his girl-friend's gee-gaws in the previous picture didn't upset me after that display. ;)

Now you would go and spoil it all with the details on how to join up though. I think I'm ever so slightly over the age-limits specified. What they don't know is that inside the breast of every toy-soldier guy - there beats the heart of a 17 year old potential recruit!:D

Surely they need someone to fill out all of the leave passes. To order all of the Hotchkiss ammo, sandbags, sandpaper, champagne and frogs-legs - and all the other stuff needed to keep our heroes in the field! You know, the stores guy that says "You can't have anything" - they're sure to need some of those!:eek:

Yes PJ - all we need is another chum - and all three of us can sign up together! You can be Gary Cooper - and I'll be the other one with a mustache (can't remember his name) - hey trooper - are you game? - you can be the third one that no-one can remember either!:p

The three amigos - all with the white kepi at a slightly rakish angle. It's a deal, see you in Tangiers next tuesday! johnnybach:):cool:

PS Do you know where the bus stop is for Tangiers?:eek:

PPS thanks for posting - I will look at them for hours.:D

LMAO!!! Anyone who let's me be Gary Cooper is a friend for life!!

Looking for that Tangiers bus stop! Do we have other recruits??? See you at Rick's!

@ Jeff and Johnnybach - Fantastic figures! Very nice detail on the horse artillery - one of my favorite sets. Johnny, thanks for that Arab on the Camel. I never get tired of 'em!! Your bands are magnificent - Love the RCMP - DO you have a Dudley Do-Right?
Hey PJ - I don't even have a Bo Diddley - let alone a Cuddly Duddly!

Glad you liked it. If there are any more recruits out there - ask them which bus it is - as the Commandante is refusing to give me the bus fare!

If I get to Ricks first - I'll leave a cold one for you on the bar - and I'll be singing along with Humph on the piano!. If you get there first - mine's a large pnk gin, old boy! And if trooper gets there first - it will be a miracle!!

Have **n - johnnybach:D
Hey PJ - I don't even have a Bo Diddley - let alone a Cuddly Duddly!

Glad you liked it. If there are any more recruits out there - ask them which bus it is - as the Commandante is refusing to give me the bus fare!

If I get to Ricks first - I'll leave a cold one for you on the bar - and I'll be singing along with Humph on the piano!. If you get there first - mine's a large pnk gin, old boy! And if trooper gets there first - it will be a miracle!!

Have **n - johnnybach:D

Cheeky little leek basher, I've been in the bar for ages, had me uniform tailored, chatted up the belly dancer and purchased the route map to Zinderneuf.
Anyway, is that it then? End of thread, everybody out, last man out switches off the light? So where do you want all these photos of Highland bands I've been sorting out to be posted? Trooper
Legionaire johnnybach, 8259
Rick's Bar (trrefrog section)
TAN 123
Seriously - thanks for all of the **n - hoped you didn't mind the larks at the end.

Not sure now what happens next. This started with me getting something off my chest to Obee - and sort of developed a life of its own. Jeff helped stoke the flames - and off we went!


At least I have a list outside of my head now.

I am still a bit new to this - so where do you suggest posting the Highlander pics. Here???

I will pick them up - wherever - as I intend to (a) finish the Mounties band (childhood thing of mine this - always loved them and the Legion). (b) finish the WW1 Brits band (c) develop a few more Napoleonics band.

Not that I'm Band Crazy - you understand - though if you have been following the thread, as I think - at least you now know where I'm coming from.

THEN - I will start on the BIG one. Gordons Colour Party - Pipe & Drums - Military Band & Regimental escort - as discussed. Any items you can give me ALWAYS greatfully received chum. I think around March to begin it? I'm aiming for Dewi Sant (St. David's Day). Giles and I are corresponding about it with that in mind.

Loved the lace detail on the last pics - you can see I have picked up a bit on that with my Argyle & Sutherland band that I began this thread with. Note the pipers' wings differ from the drummers.

Anyhow trooper - thanks for ALL of your help so far - it is much appreciated - its just my sense of humour goes off sometimes. A bit like you and "The Brits won" elsewhere!! and Jeff about one of our poets who "makes exceedingly good cakes"

I had to sit in a darkened room for about an hour after those two gems. Then Monsieur Tabony got in on the act with " A bit like what did the Romans do for us?". Another hour for me on the naughty mat holding my sides!!

Yes - okay decision time - post here please - received with many thanks. Will keep in touch ' cos that's what friends R 4.

Anything I can do for you? seems a bit one-way. regards - johnnybach:)
P.S. trooper - do you know what the heck is "A Dudley Doright" jb??

Dudley Doright is a cartoon mountie, very correct and upright, a bit like Fraser in "Due South", which IMO was one of the best programmes on TV in recent years. Trooper
Seriously - thanks for all of the **n - hoped you didn't mind the larks at the end.

Not sure now what happens next. This started with me getting something off my chest to Obee - and sort of developed a life of its own. Jeff helped stoke the flames - and off we went!


At least I have a list outside of my head now.

I am still a bit new to this - so where do you suggest posting the Highlander pics. Here???

I will pick them up - wherever - as I intend to (a) finish the Mounties band (childhood thing of mine this - always loved them and the Legion). (b) finish the WW1 Brits band (c) develop a few more Napoleonics band.

Not that I'm Band Crazy - you understand - though if you have been following the thread, as I think - at least you now know where I'm coming from.

THEN - I will start on the BIG one. Gordons Colour Party - Pipe & Drums - Military Band & Regimental escort - as discussed. Any items you can give me ALWAYS greatfully received chum. I think around March to begin it? I'm aiming for Dewi Sant (St. David's Day). Giles and I are corresponding about it with that in mind.

Loved the lace detail on the last pics - you can see I have picked up a bit on that with my Argyle & Sutherland band that I began this thread with. Note the pipers' wings differ from the drummers.

Anyhow trooper - thanks for ALL of your help so far - it is much appreciated - its just my sense of humour goes off sometimes. A bit like you and "The Brits won" elsewhere!! and Jeff about one of our poets who "makes exceedingly good cakes"

I had to sit in a darkened room for about an hour after those two gems. Then Monsieur Tabony got in on the act with " A bit like what did the Romans do for us?". Another hour for me on the naughty mat holding my sides!!

Yes - okay decision time - post here please - received with many thanks. Will keep in touch ' cos that's what friends R 4.

Anything I can do for you? seems a bit one-way. regards - johnnybach:)


Just let the thread run and hopefully additional photos will be added.

So far it's been very enjoyable and a pleasure in seeing your collection.

I will be painting a bit more this week on the Alma paint thread, fingers crossed.

Dudley Doright is a cartoon mountie, very correct and upright, a bit like Fraser in "Due South", which IMO was one of the best programmes on TV in recent years. Trooper

Great programme, Leslie Nielsen was a class act!:D

I once saw a cartoon of Popeye the sailor - and liked Bluto - lots.

Does this count?

Also, I like Nielson - He made a record called "The Point" - which I liked very much.

We led a sheltered life in Wales - where I once read a book - green it was.

So, this Mountie chap was SO popular, that they made a film for $70 mil - and it grossed less than $10mil.


Looks like I am not alone.

Okay Jeff - we'll just let it run - and see where it takes us. Hope it's to the Pointless Forest with Obleo.

Is it your turn to wonder what the heck I'm talking about? Glad you liked my stash! johnnybach:)
OMG! You MUST be kidding!! Glad I have a chance to correct this misapprehension before we enlisted in the FFL!

An encyclopedic knowledge of every episode of "Rocky the Flying Squirrel" is an essential requirement for any gentleman of good breeding - or FFL officer.

Love that show :) So who is in the FFL? Thats what I want to do at some point- I am very interested in any info., or, if this is a joke, then :p:D
But seriously, I am very interested, and PJ is right: "Honneur et Fidélité et Flying Squirrel!"
"Alors! Mon ami - c'est magnifique." :D

Of all the gin joints - in all the World - and you have to walk into mine!;)

What an excellent display - dude! Well worth the wait. Even trooper showing me his girl-friend's gee-gaws in the previous picture didn't upset me after that display. ;)

Now you would go and spoil it all with the details on how to join up though. I think I'm ever so slightly over the age-limits specified. What they don't know is that inside the breast of every toy-soldier guy - there beats the heart of a 17 year old potential recruit!:D

Surely they need someone to fill out all of the leave passes. To order all of the Hotchkiss ammo, sandbags, sandpaper, champagne and frogs-legs - and all the other stuff needed to keep our heroes in the field! You know, the stores guy that says "You can't have anything" - they're sure to need some of those!:eek:

Yes PJ - all we need is another chum - and all three of us can sign up together! You can be Gary Cooper - and I'll be the other one with a mustache (can't remember his name) - hey trooper - are you game? - you can be the third one that no-one can remember either!:p

The three amigos - all with the white kepi at a slightly rakish angle. It's a deal, see you in Tangiers next tuesday! johnnybach:):cool:

PS Do you know where the bus stop is for Tangiers?:eek:

PPS thanks for posting - I will look at them for hours.:D

Oui! Je comprde! Et moi aussi? Vive la france!

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