Chicago show 2017 (1 Viewer)


Oct 30, 2007
I can't believe I'm even typing this {eek3} but after 5 long months of kicking my self for getting sick on the Eve of the show last year, I picked up the phone and made my reservations for Sept 22-25 for this years show. let's try it for the 6th time in a row shall we?? sooner or later my odds have got to come up in my favor to make this journey to the Windy City for all things toy soldiers right??? right??? 7 months almost to the day..we'll see...Sammy
I'm planning on it. Would love to meet you in person.
I can't believe I'm even typing this {eek3} but after 5 long months of kicking my self for getting sick on the Eve of the show last year, I picked up the phone and made my reservations for Sept 22-25 for this years show. let's try it for the 6th time in a row shall we?? sooner or later my odds have got to come up in my favor to make this journey to the Windy City for all things toy soldiers right??? right??? 7 months almost to the day..we'll see...Sammy

Good onya Sam! If I wasn't going to the Texas gig I would join ya but hey, hopefully i'll make the Chicago show next year!!!! {sm3}

Sammy, somehow the show has gone on with out you don't see the need for another grand entrance. Simply show up!
I can't believe I'm even typing this {eek3} but after 5 long months of kicking my self for getting sick on the Eve of the show last year, I picked up the phone and made my reservations for Sept 22-25 for this years show. let's try it for the 6th time in a row shall we?? sooner or later my odds have got to come up in my favor to make this journey to the Windy City for all things toy soldiers right??? right??? 7 months almost to the day..we'll see...Sammy

This year it will work, Sammy :wink2:
I see you in Chicago.
It gonna be fun :wink2:

This year it will work, Sammy :wink2:
I see you in Chicago.
It gonna be fun :wink2:


I hope so Konrad, be great to meet face to face with the guys behind the little screen after so many years.
I will be there, looking forward to it, made my plane reservations this morning! Arriving Wednesday the 20th leaving Monday the 25th! You will find me "hard at work" in the Treefrog Room. I have found that by working the show, it seriously curtailed my spending. The only problem is what I buy before and after..................................if I could only cure that habit.......................

Do you want to place your lunch order now? ��

Yes sir, you are going to bring me Italian Combo from Portillos correct?????? I expect you and Julie to have our dinner plans all in alignment by the time I get there.................................... Hopefully Hans will make it this year, you two will have a blast.

Yes sir, you are going to bring me Italian Combo from Portillos correct?????? I expect you and Julie to have our dinner plans all in alignment by the time I get there.................................... Hopefully Hans will make it this year, you two will have a blast.


The force feeding begins already?!?!?! Tom you will beat me there -- I think I will safely stick myself between you and Zach and go wherever the 3 of us are invited :eek:
Portillos, I think that is the only reason I still go to OTSN. There chocolate-cake shake is the best. Tried making their hot dogs and italian beef at home, no way.
After missing the 2015 show (attending funeral) and the 2016 show (poor house) I am planning on attending the show this year . . . . Looking forward to it . . . .
:smile2: Mike

Looking to come to Chicago this year with the Wife. We will probably stay for 3-5 days in the centre of Chicago as she very much wants to look at the art shops and some of the museums. Given that I will probably have two full days at the show when are the best days to turn up to.

Camera is already quaking with excitement.


The room trading gets into full swing on Thursday and the actual show is Sunday so it depends on what you want to do. Also, the show takes place in Schaumberg at the Hyatt Regency which is outside of Chicago.

Anyway, great that you can make it.

Thank you Brad.

How far is the show from the centre of Chicago and any idea on how much that would be in a taxi.

My thinking here is that Tracy (Wife) will want to stay in the centre of the city going to various Malls whilst I can travel to the show (and partake in some ales) on a couple of days. Probably the Thursday and Sunday

Brad, the first one is on me. It will be good to meet you in the flesh if your coming. After 12 years on this forum it will be good to put faces to names.

I'll see if I can drag some other members of the empire to come.


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